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Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?
by Sir John Suckling

English cavalier poet and playwright best known for his lyrics. He wrote four plays including Aglaura which had two fifth acts, one tragic and one with a happy outcome and a comedy, The Goblins (1638), much influenced by Shakespeare's Tempest and generally thought to be his best. His chief works are included in Fragmenta Aurea (1646, enlarged 1658) including his best known lyrics 'A Ballad Upon a Wedding' and 'Why so Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?'. He also wrote a satire A Session of the Poets (1637), a send-up of contemporary poets.

Other cavalier poets include Carew and Lovelace.

Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?
by Sir John Suckling

Why so pale and wan, fond lover?
Prithee, why so pale?
Will, when looking well can't move her,
Looking ill prevail?
Prithee, why so pale?

Why so dull and mute, young sinner?
Prithee, why so mute?
Will, when speaking well can't win her,
Saying nothing do't?
Prithee, why so mute?

Quit, quit for shame! This will not move;
This cannot take her.
If of herself she will not love,
Nothing can make her:
The devil take her!

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