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Passions in Poetry News

Change is a good thing. Mostly.

Posted on March 2, 1999 by Ron

March 2, 1999: It really seems strange to call 85 new poems a "partial update" of the web site, but that's exactly what it is. I have hundreds more to add, and hope to have most of them ready to post by this coming weekend.

But the new poems, while certainly the most important thing, are only part of the story. You're going to notice a few differences in the web site today, and while they're very minor differences, they are also harbingers of things to come in the next few weeks.

Notice, first, that the sort order of the poems has changed. Instead of going from the oldest to the news within each category, we now go from the newest to the oldest. That's because some of our category pages were getting so long that it took our regular visitors forever to scroll to the new stuff. Now they'll find it right at the top. And while that seems like a pretty minor thing, it turned out to be a can of worms once opened. Remember that little button that allows you to easily navigate to the Next poem? Yep. All the logic behind that had to be changed when I changed the order of the poems. Seems like nothing is ever easy, uh?

The change that will make the most difference in coming weeks, though, is the menu. Notice anything different?

There is no longer a category off the main menu for Poems on Beauty. Don't worry, it's not gone. It just moved. The Poems on Beauty category has now become a subcategory off the Poetry Buffet page. It was never one of our most popular areas (which surprised me), and by removing one of the graphical buttons it makes all of the pages on the site load a teeny tiny bit faster.

No big deal. Except - if this works it means we can soon have subcategories under all of our main categories. For example, I have been dying to put together a section specifically on Cyber Romance. And, thanks to the ground-breaking of our lovely PoetDeVine, we really need a section devoted to Erotic Love poems. In the next few weeks, with your help and feedback, it should be much easier to find exactly the poem you're seeking at Passions.

'Course, that only touches the proverbial surface of the changes that will soon be coming your way. Don't go away, folks - things are just starting to get exciting!

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