Poems by }X{Angel}X{
The following index of poems includes all of those submitted by the author and
subsequently published on the main site. The date the poem was submitted (not necessary published) is also included
with each entry. If the author has published poems under more than one category, their poems are grouped by category.
Love Poems
This a delightfully vivid poem of longing, and waiting, and patience.
Can a Love poem make you cry and still be a Love poem? Normally, I'd say no. But this beautiful poem is both an exception and exceptional.
Love excites all of a person's senses, and when you can't see or touch the one you desire, there are other alternatives.
The ocean has a lot in common with Love, and this talented poet evokes haunting imagery to show us why.
Love Poems - Erotic Poems
Sad Poems
Poetry Buffet - Poems on Nature and Beauty
We see Beauty through the miracle of light. And, too, through its absence.
Though out history, mankind has been in love with the horse. Is that because this regal animal, for much of civilization, has represented freedom? Or is it, perhaps, because for a brief moment we can become one with something foreign - and beautiful - to us?
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