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About the Poem

This poem is about the night, Jan. 23, 1999, around two or three in the morning, that I found Jesus Christ, and is a way to say thanks to my now ex-girlfriend Amy who helped me. It is my favorite poem to date and I read it everyday and smile when I do.


On a lake of brittle glass
In a driving blizzard
I stood frozen
Lacking, wanting, needing,
The warmth of love.

Then a light appeared
A hand touched my heart
And the blizzard was gone
I was no longer frozen
I had found the warmth of love.

I had found God.

Thank you Amy.
Thank you.
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© 1999 Michael Howland Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

1 Visitor Comments

God is good! I have had the most encouraging and uplifting week, and would just like to share with you what has gone on. Last Friday just as I was leaving to go to the ark, I saw an ambulance across the road. So I decided to just pop a card over saying 'saw an ambulance, hope everything is ok - pop over for a coffee next week, heres my number' The lady across the road was on my mind all weekend. I didn't know her, I'd only sent her a xmas card. All weekend I have had an old song we used to sing at primary school clearly in my head, it goes like this:- Would you walk by on the otherside if someone called for aid? would you walk by on the otherside? or would you be afraid? Cross over the road my friend, ask the Lord is strength to lend, his compassion has no end, cross over the road. Monday came and heard nothing. Tuesday came and I felt completely moved by the holy spirit to go over there. My heart was racing and I was shaking, just knowing I was prompted. I decided to go and knock on her door. Kathy answered and invited me in. She admitted to me that she was an alcoholic, and she was in a very bad way. It was 10. 45am and she was still in her night clothes. She feels very alone, and very desperate. She told me the last 3 nights she has been down on her knees just praying to God to help her. I was able to share Jesus with her, pray with her, and offer her the support of the prayer network. - Which she was very happy to accept. Physically she can't seem to hold anything down, not even water. She was violently sick 3 times, in the hour I was with her. She was sat shaking, desparately in need of a drink. Through her alcoholism she has lost her 7 year old daughter, her job - which in turn means she will be homeless coz the house comes with the job, her husband, and her driving licence. Praise God for the difference in Kathy since Tuesday! Jenny (a lady from our church) and I have come alongside her, to help and support her through this, and Kathy recognises and has faith that God can help her. She has gone home to be with her parents for 2 weeks. Having not been gifted in the poetic side of things, I was just browsing the internet for words of encouragement to send her. Came across your poem, which really spoke to me personally. It was almost as though she had written it. God didn't want to lose this precious child, had she carried on drinking she would have been dead by xmas! It is such a huge blessing that God worked through me to reach out to her, and save her. Praise the Lord! Thank you for your poem. Blessings Amyx

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