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About the Poem

At a time when I wanted to shout to the world, "STOP!" ... At a time when life was spinning about me far too quickly at a terrifying rate ... At a time when I needed a little "help" to carry on ... I managed to stop it all long enough ... to ask for a little "help".

No Time

'Tis times like this, I do reflect
As time goes swiftly by;
For never is there time enough
To sit and wonder why.

Seems yesterday, my biggest fear
Was "what to wear today",
Or fret about my volleyball,
Or friends and how we'd play.

But that was many years ago ...
So many bridges crossed;
Too many years have passed since then;
My adolescence lost.

With childhood just a memory
Of the happy times gone by;
I sit and ponder what "is now";
My future ... as it flies

Past by me at the speed of light,
It flies beyond control;
And all the while, I watch it,
As it swallows me up whole.

And yet I try to place the brakes
Upon these treads of life ...
To have it slow enough for me
To lessen all this strife.

I try the tricks to fool myself ...
I play the "45's",
From way back when I used to feel
So youthful and alive.

They take me back to simple times,
A warm and soothing feel;
And yet, I blink, and here I am,
Amidst this hectic toil.

Patiently, yet cowardice,
I ponder this alone ...
Always wanting still to please
The many ... save the one.

The more I try ... the less that I
Can understand the way,
That life's complexities betray
The simple life I crave.

What happened to the days of 'yore?
The simple days gone by;
That seemed so complex long ago,
And yet, I wonder why ...

Did God reserve his judgement
For the way I next approach
The task I have at hand before me
How I handle it or broach

The subject ... each time waiting ...
Watching every move ...
Waiting as I "drop the ball"
For then He'll disapprove?

Or is He waiting for the time
I ask Him for His help;
For when He puts me to the test ...
He pushes beyond doubt.

And in this doubt, there's time I fear
I can't continue on ...
Yet soon I'll see a shred of "light"
To tease me from beyond.

My senses leave me whirling
As I try to comprehend,
The many tests I'm given ...
The answers I can't find.

For somewhere in this hectic life,
I have to find my way;
And knowing that it's just a test
Is easier to say,

That given time enough to pass
These lessons that I learn;
Means hopefully tomorrow,
I may possibly confirm

That we are just a small part
Of this world of doubt and fear;
And each of us has moments
When we lose our hope and yet ...

There's brighter times beyond the clouds,
There's better times ahead;
Just hold on for an instant,
And the future's straight ahead.

It's waiting for me if I can
Just see beyond the clouds;
Just get beyond today and try to
Find myself again.

For now ... with all this chaos,
I am still "that little girl";
Who still believes in rainbows,
In this cold and heartless world.

So help me Lord, to pass this test
And weather out the storm;
For never have I needed
Quite the help I'm asking now.

You've been there for me, time again,
When I prayed for someone else ...
Yet now I feel so selfish,
For I'm asking for "myself".

Just help me see beyond today,
And offer me your strength;
For I am not too proud to ask ...
And know I have the faith.

For in the worst of times; You're there,
The best of times as well ...
And some day, if You hold my hand,
And get me through "this hell" ...

I'll make it to a point in life
When I look back and know ...
That though these were quite frightening times ...
We weathered out the storm.
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© 1999 Kit McCallum Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

9 Visitor Comments

this poem is the best iv'e ever read in a lfetime!
While reading it brought tears to my eyes, thats when it hits close to home. IT's a poem I would keep as a favorite.
Wow, great poems.
I really loved this poem! It's so true with God's help alone, we will be able to look back thru all of the storms and realize that if it weren't for God's grace and love we would never get the chance to fully reflect on all of the storms.
Right to the heart. Needed this and so did my husband. God really used her to talk to us today. Thanks for listening to God through your pen!
I am headed to my 30th birthday and was really taking a look at my life and actions--did I act 30 do I feel 30-do I need to stay in some of my past or move on. Your poem was an insprations. I as fine were I am as long as I stick with God he is there to help if only we ask. I can still feel young and grow in him at the same time. Thank You and God Bless
thank-you for your poem, how beautiful.
I LoVe this poem!I am only 14 but I feel these guestions run through my head at times.Good Job.
I really enjoyed this poem! I am only nineteen and this poem is so touching and so true about this day and age on no time. Thanks author for the poem very pretty and true

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