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About the Poem

I wrote this poem as I reflected upon my faith. I believe that instances like these do occur and that our Angels can be someone so unexpected. God Bless!

God Sent Me An Angel

I was walking along a country road one calm and cloudy day
Feeling down about the problems that had seemed to come my way
My pain was very great and my tears I could not hide
And was calling God to help me as I was hurting deep inside

I then thought about what I've believed and how I've rarely called
For sometimes I have wondered if God were there at all
As I lifted up my head and looked down that road a spell
I spotted someone coming - from the distance hard to tell

As he got a little closer I could then see all the signs
Of someone who'd been down that road quite a number of times
His clothes were old and dusty and his shoes were pretty worn
But there seemed a glow about him - at least I could have sworn

His face appeared real friendly as he peered up in the sky
He said, the weather is pretty calm today, hope the rain will pass us by
He first talked about the weather, but there seemed to be much more
That we both had in common, except for what we wore

He started talking about his life and the places he had been
And he spoke as if he knew me, like we were next-of-kin
From the problems that he had, to the happy times he found
Our likeness was uncanny and was becoming more profound

We had so much in common - I couldn't believe how much alike,
That I decided to tag along, we continued on our hike
He said he's from all over and his name was just like mine,
And hoped one day that we would meet as he had a real short time

I was feeling sort of baffled, as we went on with our walk
But he had held my interest, so I listened as he talked
He said, I know you're hurting - as your life has been so hard
But it seems today that you found God, where once you'd disregard

From the point that I was calling and was asking for God's hand,
Is the point where he had first appeared, as this was in God’s plan
He said to take more time for prayer - that I could bend God's ear
That He is always listening, and He is always near

God knows about my struggles but better times will be ahead,
As long as I keep believing and will no longer be mislead.
We then turned onto a sidewalk and now very close to home,
And it was then it struck me that I was suddenly now alone.

This stopped me in my tracks and I began to call his name
And it was then I understood, why to me that day he came.
I then realized God had heard me, as my Angel He then sent
To relieve me of my worries, and all my discontent.

Today I pray more often and feel blessed with my God's Love
As He was there and listening - and sent an Angel from above
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© 1999 Tommy Q Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

67 Visitor Comments

Excellent. Even though I thought I knew how it would end, it held my attention. Sometimes it is uncanny, how the Lord uses someone else's words to encourage each of us differently. Keep writing.
I really loved your poem. It was really touching. You helped me understand that God is always there for me. He is everywhere and watches me every moment of my life. Now I know that in trouble times, God sends down my very own angel to help me. Thanks a lot. God Bless!
A lovely poem. So many of us have walked this road. God Bless
Beautiful poem Tommy Q.
Thank You and God bless you. This poem is just what a I needed. I am going through a difficult time right now. And needed a reminder that Jesus loves you and cares.
your poems are very good,and touching.
Very uplifting. Thank You! I just typed God Send me an Angel and saw this poem. Very Nice.
The poem God Sent Me an Angel, was very touching for me and my family at a time that was very hard in our life. My children and I had just lost their father and also my husband to Lung Cancer. I was searching the internet for Christian Poems and that one really inspired us alot at a time when we were really feeling down. Thank You and continue writing and touching lives!
I loved this poem. As I was reading it, it sent chills throught my body. What this poem says is true. God works in misterious ways. he sends us signs but sometimes we dont see them and maybe that's why we have doubts. Always remeber God loves you and is always by your side, he hasn't left you and never will. Just have faith and believe. He does things for a reason. Remember he is the only one that will pick you up when you are down, he will do things for you no one else will al you have to do is have a little faith and pray. God bless
Talks of our true christian walk and identifies with not only our struggles as christians but the victory we have in God truly inspirational
I really enjoyed reading this poem. You're awsome! God Bless.
This was very encouraging and wonderful.
This is a wonderful poem, I had no idea about this site and was having a rotten day. I was looking for some encouragement and I FOUND IT! Thank You!
That was a really great poem, wow. Got some talent there. Keep using this talent for the Glory of God! Praise be To JESUS!
Very Beautiful Poem.
This was an awesome poem! Always keep faith, love, and hope. God is always there for you! Pray, and belive. Ne ways, great poem. Jordan
Hi! My name is Alexandrina. I'm 16 years old. I really was touched with this poem. God does work in mysterious ways. He has always been there for me and my family. I go to church every other sunday but I know that I should go every sunday to listen to god's word. God has been there for me through thick and thin and he has been there for all of you! God is an awsome God. May the good lord bless you all. Alexandrina
i voted for this poem cause it reflects to me and it really touched me i love it
I love the poam keep it up. God Bless,
I love this poem, it really hit home for me.
i love the pome it brought me to ties and it may me tought my ant she die four years ago because i felt her
WOW! I really felt like that was me not so long ago!
hey that is one of the most touching poems i have EVER read! GOOD LUCK
Lately I've been feeling all alone because of a lot of personal problems I've been having but after this most beautiful poem, I realize I'm not alone. "A beautiful and inspiring piece of work"
This poem touched my heart and made me cry. This peom was me years ago and God did send me an angel of rescue thank you for writing this poem, it is wonderful
This poem touched my heart so deeply, that I cannot express them. It tells the story of not just one person in this world, but that of many who once was lost. Lost not only to God, but to themselves as well. I would like to thank the author for writing this poem, as well as God for giving him this special gift. Bless You All!
Tihs poem is great
aww its so cute! lol!
that was beautiful
this poem really touched me! it's really good, it's not good it's GREAT! great job and keep up the good work! i think u r a wonderful writer!
I liked this poem very much. I think that there is a lot of realness to it and I also think it let's the reader understand and realize that God may not come when you want him, but he is always on time. (Your time may not be God's time)
I love the poem. I am a believer myself and this poem puts in words how sometimes our walk with GOD can be frustrating sometimes.
i wish . a lovely poem
This poem really hit home. God also sent me an angel.
thank you, i had found it so hard to pray to a god i could not see, so i asked for an angle and he sent me one, now i feel safe and loved no matter what! GOD BLESS YOU!
Awsome wow you should go into publication!
Hi I really loved your poem it brought me to tears but it was very touching for it helped me understand that God is always there evenn whne we are going thru our toughest times
I loved this poem. It was very touching.
this poem touched me, because i was in a similiar situation.
I give it a 4 out of 5! Very touching and inspiring.
This is a very wonderful poem that uplifts a lot of sould who have hard times. Thanks God author for the poems like yours!
WOW! You are shining qith the glory of God!You are a true believer. God has given you a gift and a way to reach out to people through poetry. GOD BLESS YOU!
Youve touched my heart so bad and i love god and he is a great person I know cause when i get to meet him the love will come!
This poem was absolutely beautiful! I had to cry. I couldn't stop the tears. It was wonderful!
This poem was great!
This is a beautiful and touching poem. It truelly touched me.
Great Poem! Awesome!
this was an excellent peom keep up the good wqork
This poem was so inspirational. I was trying to select a poem to read at our church youth service and I'm choosing this one because I know that it will minister to a lot of people.
Poem brought tears to my eyes. Reminds me of what I went through before I found Christ. Beautifully written. God bless
this poem reminds me that even during the toughest times. there is always an angle there for me to look for.
I thank God for people like you! People he can use in such a wonderful way!
This is a wonderful poem. I write poems also and this poem caught my intrest. It was well written, good job and keep up the good work!
i thought that this was a cool poem. i thought it was a cool poem
I was looking for a poem to send a friend who was going through a very hard time.I know this poem will help her through her time of pain and confusion! Very Good! I loved it!
This is such a beautiful Poem that I had to share with all my online family and friends.
This is not fiction. This can happen to all who believed what they prayed for, according to the words of Jesus ." if you remain in me. and my words remain in you.. ask whatever you want and it will be given you!
This is a wonderful Poem,,
This poem hits close to home. Apon reading it, it made me cry. I would recommend that everyone read this wonderful poem.
This poem TOUCHED me so VERY VERY much. It was exactly how i have been feeling and the same thing happend to me a few days ago. It was really wierd. I LOVE your poem so very much. THANK YOU
At this point in my life, I am walking that road and calling out to God.
I enjoyed the poem very much and I have been down that road also and still today am facing somewhat of the unknown. I do know prayer chages thing and praise will move mountains. I have known this"MAN" many years but so many times have to ask others to pray for me. Your poem is very inspirational, uplifting , faith building, and encouraging. Keep on writing!

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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