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About the Poem

A year ago I came into the Internet world. I have met many friends, laughed, smiled, and even cried. One particular person, has touched me deeply... I just wanted him to know.

What You Mean To Me

I never came here looking for a single soul.
But now that I found you I want you to know

I had forgotten how to smile, how to laugh, how to be me
I had forgotten the sweet pleasure of a heart filled with glee.

I was intoxicated with life... work and family
Never stopping for fun... it just wasn't there you see.

Since I have found you... it's been a complete turn around
I smile and laugh again... not much gets me down.

I get excited when I see you on ICQ
Wondering what it is today we will do...

Chatting, laughing and the games we play
You make my every day.

It seems so silly on just a machine
How someone can reach you... become your everything.
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© 1999 Baby Bad Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

65 Visitor Comments

Omg! It soo reminded me of how I felt when I met my internet friend. kudos big time!
nice poem
this poem is real good i like it alot keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for sharing your poem My Husband is a Sgt In the Army AND IS deployed right now and Im in groups at msn and have my own group and this poem has touched my heart so much I know what is like to have friends on the net thank you so much Hugs Debbie
Hi baby bad your poem was like music to me, i exspress myself through words or songs nd your poem was like a lilttle harmony in the middle of my song-u really captured wat i was feelings thanx
What a wonderful poem. Great job!
This poem is true, well for me. Life for me wasn't all that great until I found that special person. He was for me just a nobody, cuz I didn't know him but once i got to know him I found in him a true friend one that makes me smile and laugh whenever Im sad. Now I can't stop thinking of. But this poem really touched me and it rocks!
Wow this poem is very deep and touching. There are no words to describe how anybody can feel when they meet a person like a really good friend off the net.
that was a really good poem i really enjoyed reading it very much
hey grul that was a nice poem damn im really touched i tol ma bf about yo poem he liked it and thank you you gave an idea to write a poem to ma bf thanx holla gurl laters
This poem to me is so true! it reminds me of all the good and bad times me and my 'special' net friend had it wasnt just over the internet but through txting as well! all this seemed to good to be true. i found someone special to me that i could trust and tell all to. wel as i thought it was all to good and he stopped talking till one day i worked up enough courage to ask him what went wrong and all he did was shut me down. this has left me feeling sad and dumb all i say is its nice to find someone who cares but just make sure they really do. i thought what i found was real guess i was wrong dont be stupid and put your heart on the line.
I thought it was a good poem. I just met a good man on the internet that I think is going to be someone special. Thank you for the poem.
i find this poem really nice and sweet
Nice :-D
I like this poem very much it was very good!
I sent this to my internet friend he means so much to me, and this poem reminds me of all he has done to me. keep up the great work! it really hit my heart reading it cus its soo true!
This poem really touched me, because I have experienced the same as the poet has, only not at ICQ but on MSN. My schoolfriends think I'm weird, because I chat with people I do not know in real life, but the friends I met on the internet mean alot to me, and we also have contact now via telephone and letters. Thank you for this poem, and keep on writing:)
I really feel this poem can be true if you take the inner meaning of it. I myself met someone over the internet through a friend. We talked for hours and Eventually fell in love. We went 7-8 months before we finally met, I know hwta it can be like, loving and really caring about someone that you've not met. I just want to say to not give up on things, you can find love in the most unusual ways and you neevr knbow it could be ment to be. It happened to me, it can happen to you. To my current fiancee I love you and if it wernt for teh internet I wouldnt have you. This is an excelent poem!
wow really marvellours it seems this poem is written for me really marvellous
it's good!
Thank you for sharing your amazing ability to put words together to form such a meaningful, moving poem. may u be richly blessed for your talent, and willingness to share this artform of poetry to all. Gratefully, Lana
This was great, so much like an internet friendship, i sent it to my internet friend, and it strengthened out friendship so much
this is so cute, i really like it. great job.
this poem was good an i liked it alot
Very lovely, short and sweet. I liked it alot and sent it to my internet friend.
I sent What You Mean To Me to a man that I met on the internet. He responded to me within seconds of reading it. This really put my thoughts about him into words.
it's great!
I can relate with this poem and I was very depressed and sad before I found my special online friend. I love the way that what I feel. and what the author and many others feel is expressed.
this is really sweet. i have a few online friends and i truly love them deeply. i understand what the poem says.
This poem is amazing, It started a whole new chapter in my life when a friend of mine sent it to me to show me how he felt. Literally It changed the course of everything. Thanks.
Dear Poet, I found this poem truly touching. It reminded me about one of my net friends. He always changedmy world around for the better. Your a wonderful poet, keep it up.
Hey I was just visiting this website when I came across to your poem I just wanted to let you know that it was really nice and I meet alot of people online and while others might think its a little crazy I don't agree with them. Nice Poem!
i luv ur prob! its good to know that theres someone out there who feels how i feel
it is a very nice poem it suits some one dear to me i love this poem
This was an amazing poem I definetly vote for this one. God Bless
The whole poem sends out a message. I felt very touched because I've gotten to know someone very special through the internet and I'm very happy that I've met him. He puts a smile on my face everytime we meet and brings pleasure everytime we speak. You did a wonderful job with this poem and keep up the good work. Take care +
Most excellent poem . you have put into words so eloquently the exact feelings I have encountered online. Looking forward to more of your work.
a very nice n touchy poem ever heard
very nice and cute poem..welldone
I love the poem. Somehow I never knew that the computer can bring together two different people and create a relationship.
This poem was very good! It made me cry and I don't even know why. Makes me think of all the really great friends I have made online. Good work! ;0)
I think your poem is really great because i met two great people that makes laugh and also have a great time chating with them.
Very nicely written..covers alot of true feelings !
Wow, That is so true you capture the feelings so well. I really love it !
Exactly the sentiments i didn't know i wanted to say! Thank you
couldn't even dream about better way to express my feelings towards my internet friend... thank you very, very much!
I am sure so many others have felt the exact sentiments but could not express them as well as you have done with this one poem, I know I could never come as close as you have. You have done an excellent job, and thank you for letting me use it to send to some of my wonderful online friends too.
Very nice!!
I think this is the best poem i have read in conveys all i wanted to say but didn't know how.....keep up the good work :)
It tugged at the heart strings and it was so very very true.
What you mean to me, this is one of THE VERY BEST I have come across.
its cute!
I love this poem..I have met a great guy on the internet..he is perfect for me and i'm perfect for him..Thank you!
i like it very well
oh what a GREAT poem!! its so simple an yet so true..
Very heartwarming, it goes beneath the skin.
Your poem says all that I have within my heart which I just cant put on papers. Thanks for saying it out for me!
I loved your poem. It says everything that I could want to convey to a special friend that I have made on ICQ. Thank you for the great words.
LOVE this poem. Really one of the greatest cyberfrens poem.
I had an encounter like this, what a poem.. Much abliged.. Thanks for making me smile. :)
I really loved this poem. It really hit the nail on the head for me and my cyber pal!
very good

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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