Send some poetry to a friend - the love thought that counts!
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About the Poem

After meeting your cyber love and having confirmed that your online feelings are even greater in the flesh - then having to go back to the cyber relationship until the time is right is the hardest thing to do.

How I Miss You

My Darling, How I miss your touch
I miss your whisper of "I love you so much"
Your love is so sweet, so gentle, so tender
So wonderful - just like the sender
My love for you is so true and so deep
I pray that my love you will forever keep
I love you more each and every day
I love you, Baby - in every way
I love it when you Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ! ! ! !
OMG - that makes me Purrrrrrrrrrr! ! ! !
LYL - is where I want to be
Me pleasing you and you pleasing me
I want to be touching you - skin to skin
Baby - I am ready for our life to begin
I am counting the days until then
You will long for love - never again
I will love you like crazy for the rest of your life
You will have the best friend, lover and wife
I want to be your everything
I want to be what makes your heart sing
I love you, Darling - please never doubt
I love you so much - I want to Shout
Until we are together again - hold me in your heart
I am holding you in mine - as I have from the start
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© 1999 Texas Rose Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

59 Visitor Comments

charry mae
this poem made my eye teary. i miss my baby so much after we first meet in person. same feelings i have after were distant apart again.
one of the most beautiful poem that i ever heard and read.
I can understand the feeling . this new way of meeting people brings you together while you're still far apart. It's not easy. Your poem captured that.
i really love this romantic poem it is perfect. write more fomantic poems. this one i rate a 10 perfect poem. i enjoy reading this romantic poem . i really love this poem.
I LOVE this poem. The wording is just beautiful.
I Love it so much because its message so cool and fulfilling to the heart.
This poem is too beautiful. It reminds me of how I feel about my future husband! It makes me want to hold on and wait as long as it takes! Thanks for this inspirational poem. my love, Hun3y
I'm crying with happiness right now because i just realised that i am the guy texas rose is writing about. nothing. lol kthnx bai
this poem is very nice it reminds me of my husband and i he is in jail right now and it goes with us.
I love this poem! I have totally fell in love with this guy name Nathan that I met going to South Africa on a missions trip. It has been 6 mos since I have seen him! And I hope someday I can be with him again!
That's great ROSE it was so nice from u to have such a feelings which is becomeing less by less nowadays but with a special people like u it will keep on and mybe grow up.
I really love this poem. i found someone on here and god i hope it works out. i feel just how u wrote in your poem. thank you for putting my word in a poem. ) linda
this poem has touched me because of my longed gone lover that lives so far I miss him so so much that I write him a poem ever single night In the future well be back close. Your poem remind me of all my good times with me and my baby just keep of the good work
This poem has really touched me as I met my boyfriend over the internet in a chat room and when we met face to face things were just the same and in my heart he shall remain! We miss each other when we are apart and ache so much in our hearts. Cannot wait to see him again! Great poem!
My husband is out of the country for a couple of days and I just sent him this poem to his hotel in India (with the author's name ofcouse) and I hope he'll know exactly how much I love him. This poem expresses my feelings so clearly! Thanx
I fell deeply in love with a woman in Australia while I live in Canada. I went to visit her one month ago and confirmed that we really appreciate each other. She is coming to visit me in Canada in Christmas for three weeks and I am counting . the hours until she arrives! This poem expressed soo well how I feel. Thank you!
I have met my online love and this is very much how it feels in being home again.
i loved this poem! i know how it is to fall in love with someone over the internet then meet them and then have to go back to your cyber lover. its one of the hardest things to accomplish in life!:'(
I love this poem so much. It just makes me think about my boyfriend in Texas. I just want you to know i think this one of the best poem in the world. On a scale 1-10 I give you a 10 all the way. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK. hOPE TO READ MORE OF YOUR POEMS IN THE FUTHER.
i recommend this poem becaues it is true for those who are in love
this was the best poem i have seen that explains to my fianc'e exactly how i feel during our time away from one another. ty for being such a brilliant poet
one of the best "online love" poems i have ever heard. i loved it. its like telling all the feelings i have for the one. would send it to my baby if it originally wasnt written to a guy. lol. thank you for creating such a great poem
one of the best poems.
Man, This poem really touched me! I love a guy that lives a half hour from me, and i never see him anymore. MmMmM. If I could just touch him again. I give it an A+++
be happy my love.
miaow, puurrr! i love how these feelings can be so universal. i sent a link 2 a special internet love. ty 4 poem texas rose, i wish u every success 10/10
This poem really got to me. I really like love this poem
Hey you ur poem is very good,. i like it realy soo much,. i canĀ“t und how someone can find this wonderfull words. i sent it to my friend,he is living in Egypt and iam livin in Germany,but iam an egyptain too,. he was very happy for thid wonderfull poem
Great poem, really touched me. A++++++
I love this poem. i recently got together with a guy i met off the internet and it has become really serious. Thank you very much for sharing your poem with me and others to. It has showed that im not the only one feeling this way. I'm glad that others have to feel the way i feel to.
This poem is beautiful. The opposite of *KER* I live in the states and my baby lives in Australia. We hope to meet someday soon. Hey Ker? Wanna trade countries ??? Jk. Texas this was a gorgeous poem, and I wish you and your love the best.
This precisely describes a PERFECTED love on the internet. Of what we all experience globally, in our hearts one human- male or female at a time. This is a universal feeling L-O-V-E! Warm, fuzzzies. never wanting it to end with our web lover but wanting it to increase day by day!
my boo from the internet was suddenly killed two days ago and i'm here reading this poem and now i'm so alone and i just wanna say that i relate this to him and i think this i a wonderful poem. internat love can be more powerful and meaningful than anyother love in the world and now i am alone
I live in Missouri, he in Alaska. We've met once, in person, in the year we've known each other and from then decided to spend our lives together. But we have to wait. This poem captures that to a "T". Love knows no time or distance.
this is so true i love this poem Thank You!
This is one of the best I've read and I just had one question. What is OMG and LYL stand for?
I love this poem, I had to send it to my guy! This is EVERYTHING I've ever felt for him, and you just put it in the perfect poem!
WOW, i realy loved that poem ,it is a very great poem, that is the exact same way i feel,i fell in love over a computer and i do i love him more each and everyday ,its a beautiful poem keep up the wonderfull work
I love this poem....It touched me so much....keep up the good work....your awesome and it must be nice to have talent like yours!
This poem is awesome! My husband and I met on line and he is in the Navy so he is away from me quite often. This poem is so real it brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks for making me I have a relationship with a man in the States - I'm in Australia. I often wonder whether a real life meeting will in any way compare to what we have over here. I guess I'm a little insecure that net love adds a special dimension to things. Your poem has shown me that it can be the same in real life. You described it wonderfully...I wish you and your man the best of luck...I hope it works out for you.
OMG! I loved this poem. I couldn't stop smiling while I read it. It reminds me so much of me and my baby. It's a wonderful poem. Yes it is.
I love the poem. Seems almost as if it was wrttin for me and my baby. I love him with all my heart and one day hope to be his wife.
I really really love this poem because this poem makes me miss my girlfriend more,and more.
Every word of this poem is so how I feel about my finace'. I live in Canada and he is in the States, so for us to be apart is hard, but we both dream till the day we are together again. Thank you soo much, it was soo made me cry!
I have nothing but the best comments for your poem!!!! I spent a night reading all the ones in the same section and no one captured mi attention like yours! I'm in love with a person through e-mail connections in ICQ and really share with you the feelings you express here Congratulations!!!!
This poem expressed my feelings just as if i had written it myself thank you for putting in the words i could not
A beautiful poem that expresses the realities experienced by the writer.
I have to say this is a very beautiful poem.It got me thinking how our heart's yearn for love.For that one special person.I think texas rose must be a very warm and caring person.Thank you texas rose for sharing your beautiful poem.It really touched my heart.
Nice Poem *Sniff*
I loved this poem...Its great...I can totally identify myself with the poem....So true
I thought that this poem was realy great, and it touched me heart!
I have the same experience than you ; This Love is so magic , so strange , that I am afraid of being desapointed , when reality will come .
great poem!! said it all to me and my lover.
What a wonderful poem, it reminds me of me and my baby.

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