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About the Poem

This poem is about someone I met on-line. It was an unplanned meeting but ended up changing my whole world. I never thought that I could feel the way I felt during our brief but unbelievable encounter. This was the best way I could try to describe the way I felt about our meeting I met my soulmate, maybe at the wrong time in both of our lives, but I am glad it happened in any case.

We Were There

It was such a dream -
We were there
I felt you breathing
I danced in your eyes
I stroked your lips
I stole a kiss

It was such a feeling -
We were there
Oh so warm inside and out
I laughed with you
I talked with you
I touched you
I hugged you

Our souls were together
We were there
Angels danced
Stars twinkled a little brighter
The moon smiled at us
The world stopped

No one can understand -
We were there
We became one
for a moment in time
We are now a part of each other
for a lifetime

It was the sweetest of sweet -
We were there
I took a part of you to keep
I gave you a part of me to keep
We gave each other a dream
We were there
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© 1999 Roxy Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

48 Visitor Comments

I really loved your poem. I felt that way when I first met my husband. We have no been married for 7 years. It was almost like you were right there when we met.
I ABSOLUTLY LOVE THIS POEM! every sinlge word kept me reading till the end. This poem has inspired me to realize that "we were there". is my life that i have had with my bestest friend in the world,. thank you so much and if you dont mind i would like to put this up on my Myspace site( i wouldnt claim it). thanks so much for writing this. Its very beautiful. i hope that you keep wirting more!
We were there, was a good poem I love it. Im a writer too.
I just loved this poem. I met someone online and "we were there" at one time and wrong timing we just fell apart this poem reminds me of him and what we shared. I would give it 10 thumbs up if i had 10 thumbs. lol.
You did good with your poem. I dedicated your poem to our relationship.
u put in words what i was in my heart
lovely poem. so sweet. i had tears. one of the visitors was stephanie, whose boyfreind is from US Navy. my love is too. i'm happy for you steph, i'm not sure i'l get to be with my love in real. it's been more than 3 years now since we've met online.
This poem took me back to time that I need to remember. Thank you
I am in love with this girl that her name is Roxy too, i never talked to her or met her, but i see her everyday at school. whenever i get close to her, my body starts shaking, and when i try to talk to her, i can't speak.
A marriage made in Heaven. It's a superpoem; all LOVE.
Hey roxy o man is ur poem it explains just how my "net meeting" turned out. The guy I met and I are deepley in love and plan to get married in the near future. And i'm also glad i'm not the only one that didn't plan to meet the person but met and loved every minute of it! This is the greatest poems and I love it! very good work!
This wonderful poem say's it all. Been then, felt that, it is real. Roxy, you are a star
I met my soulmate on the internet about 18 mths ago. We met for the first time in August this year. A couple of days later he sent me your poem. I cried, it felt as though you had written it especially for us, thankyou, it is beautiful.
WOW! This was awesome! I met my girl on da net. I thot I would neva find a girl that would luv me like she does, plus I neva thot the net would find her. This poem was soo sweet n awesome. If I was a tru poetry critic I would have sumthing mo intelligent to say bout it, but Im not so Im lost on words. This is a very sweet poem. Thanx fo sharing!
I found my soul mate through the internet. Its starting to make me believe in destiny, because she shares everything with me, we are exactly the same mentally, share the same interests adn tastes and think the same about everything, on top of that, she's everything I've ever wanted. My life is complete now. I can really relate to this poem, becuase it's how I felt on the day we finally met. I love you Abby!
This was wonderful. It describes exactly what I lived two months ago. I met my boyfriend through the Internet and we spent 3 wonderful weeks together. It was Heaven. I live in Canada and he lives in Austria. In 5 days I will be with him again and I can't wait. It is great to know other people have been through this. I wouldn't be able to write such a great poem even when I feel exactly the way you did.
I loved It!
I totally loved your poem it totally fits into mine & my boyfriend's life. We met on the "net" one year ago & we just met like a month ago and it was totally Awesome! He is in the Us Navy but, we still are planning on getting married.. So there is hope out there still! Again, I loved this poem!
I actually have not personally experienced "Cyber love", but I couldn't help but be drawn in by the warmth radiating from this poem. Great job, Roxy!! The best of luck to all you "Cyber lovers"!
Good to see other people feel the same way, we are not alone in the way we feel. A very true poem.
wow this poem really touched me in the warmest places of me me and my current gf...who lives 400 miles away we been together over a year now and goin through some "rough" times...thanx roxy u donno how much ur words mean to me
This speaks to the way I believe it will be when I finally meet my soul hasn't happened yet (he's in the US, i am in Australia), but I believe when it does, it will be much like your poem. Beautifully written :)
I just want to say that this poem is very touching. A year ago I met someone on the internet and the time that we spent was so wonderful, we fell in love before we even met. There is no feeling that compares to the loneliness that you feel when you say goodbye for the night and turn off the computar. I am glad to say that today I call my computar love my husband and we are very much still just as in love as the day we met. This poem describes so well to me the feelings that I would feel at night when I would turn into bed after talking all night with my soon to be husband.
That's what I experienced in cyberspace.Roxy is right. I vote for him.
beautiful words and sad too
We live in a world where the so-called standard of man and woman is taken for granted. This poem speaks for ALL who "love"..not just one standard. A woman loving a woman, man loving a is still precious to find!
this is a very sweet, and more true to life poem than most I have read. Regardless of cyber love becomes real love, we do give a part of each others hearts when emailing. I hope that when I meet my cyber love, it is just as sweet.
wow............. it just happened to me a week ago... and we felt the same.... thanks
Very nice poem...Said so much in such a short line of words..
The poem made me think about someone, that i never had the chance to be with, but hope that all my dreams of her, & I would be as you wrote! Loved it!!
I met my fiancee on the internet and we became friends. We also fell in love. He is my best friend and my soulmate. This poem is a reflection of our lives.
man o man this one hit home.i met my girlfriend 6 months ago on here.and we just met face to face and its been heaven on earth everytime. the timing in our lives is diffucult but weve made it this far so i knowll shell see me thru. we were there too . alex and karen 10 out of 10
This was a poem that i could relate to!
The most beautiful and heartmoving thing I have ever read. Thanks Roxy.
i loved it! :-)
Brilliant poem; can relate to it so well.
This is a very real poem, it describes how interaction on line is somehow more intense than a face to face meeting. Perhaps it's because in a cyber meeting you can only communitcate through one medium. There are no extraneous sensory signals coming at you to difuse the focus.
i can relate to this poem cause i went threw the same thing not to long ago
It describes my love and I somewhat we met in cyber-space and in real life and we do love each other so much X
Well put, and true!
hi i have been sent one of your poems it was so nice ;so warm ; so loveing . i and my frind thank you 10 out 10
This poem is brilliant at capturing the thoughts and emotions that you go through when you love someone. It shows that love can seem like a dream, and is very moving and powerful
Roxys words touched my heart! I know just what she felt
I too was there.
This poem totally describes the way I felt when I first met my love, Karen. She lives 760 miles away, and we are still together, 6 months later. I am so glad to see we are not the only ones! Thanks for the great poem.
it touched me personally....I was searching for a poem to send someone from long ago....that I have recently reunited with....It wasn't a romatic relationship long ago....but we have now become part of each other....our souls united...even if due to other commitments in life....or shell of a body will never be united....Thank you for putting into words something that I experienced with this person....and was able to share with this person.....who I believe is my soulmate.....I feel as if long before we ever knew each other...even years ago....our souls have know each other...and finally our souls feel complete in this way. Thank you again, I appreciated the beauty of the poetry.
I love your poem, all the words you use are so powerful. I have a online boyfriend who lives in Germany and I live in California, with you poem I know he will understand how I feel. Thank you so much and your a true talent.
I met this Kid of the internet and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I never thought that I would find someone so perfect for me. This poem is so sweet and fits us so perfectly:)

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