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About the Poem

My grandmother died and I didn't know what to do. My world was lost without her. So, I got my feelings out in this poem.


I sit here alone wondering why
Our lives have to end and we all have to die.
We have no idea or no way of knowing
Of when we’ll die or where we’re going
I sit here thinking of the people I’ve lost
Knowing of the pain and misery it’s cost
You could lose a family member or your very best friend
You would have had no idea that it was the end
If we had an idea of when our time would come
You would make the most of it and have some fun
You would cherish those days as much as you could
Forgetting all the bad times and making them good
When those days are over and your time is here
Hold tight to your memories and keep them near
When you rise up to God and the heavens above
Look down and watch over the ones that you love.
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© 1999 Meghan Flood Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

28 Visitor Comments

I thought your poem was very good. It Fits the feelings I have at the loss of my mother and husband. Poems help to soothe our aching hearts.
omg thank you for writing that have made it easier for me as i lost my mom 2 yrs ago and its coming up to her anniversary i was looking for a poem that i have to read at her party kind of thing to celebrate her life but im not sure i read your and realised that i can find away to let my feelings out was write it though a poem thank you again xxx
i loved your poem because i lost my DAD due to worms in his belly i know how you feel i feel the same way you do how old are you i am 13 years old i cryed when i read this poem no lie i wish i could write poems like you every time i try to write a poem they either dont make sence or they suck.
that was such a good poem
thats reli good. i no how u feel u lost my grandma and she was my bestfriend. that poem brought a tear to my eye. hope ur getting through
i think that meghan Flood did a fablous job on the heaven poem because we don't know when god is gonna come and when we get older we gonna die. It's hard to lose are love ones but, that's the reality. Heaven is more joyul and my peaceful with God. So once again i'm really happy thati read her poem. It let me know more about it.
love it thank you this poem touched my heart
Love it, I'm looking for a poem to quote to my family today, because my great grandma is dying. This one seems to fit perfectly. Amazing poem, and Wonderful author.
I enjoyed this poem becaues,it's about death and, I know lots of people esperience death in their life time.
I think that this poem is very true and it really spoke to me because what it is talking about is exactly how i feel about death. I think that this person has done a very good job and will touch a lot of people.
wow that was amazing, i loved your poem, on march 16, 2005 my sister Elizabeth Kristine Weidner died and it hurt me so much! BLESS YOUR FAMILY AND YOU! god bless
This Poem was just amazing. I had just lost my grandmother tonight. I went on line to look for a poem or something I could read at her funral. I found this poem and institly knew this was the one I have to use.
I really liked your poem you made it rhyme and make sence all at the same time im sorry for what happend to your grand mother my mom died when i was 13 6 days after my birthday and im going to be 16 in a couple of weeks
this was a really good poem. They expressed lot of feelings into it. it was very touching and you could get lost in how dramatic it was but it was insperational and i would no because im 77 and love looking at all these new deep ideas it was really plesent to read.
Wow! Your poem was awesome! It really brought a tear to my eye! My grandpa just died on Nov. 23 and that just kinda made me think.
Your words in this poem just made my throat burn. I just lost my Uncle that I loved very much. His funeral is tommorrow and as I sit here and cry. Can I with your permission read this at his funeral? Very touching, Melissa
meghan, i am very sorry for your loss. i lost two of my grand parents hen i was little. i didnt really get it then but now i understand i miss evry day and so does my mom. my parents are devorced and its really benn hard the last couple of years for my mom, she has no family to talk to when she needs someones advice. she used to cry alot but now is better i pray for peace between them aech and every day. i lost my uncle last year, my moms brother, she really had a togh time with that too. GOD BLESS YOU MEGHAN AND YOUR FAMILY!MAY YOUR GRANDMOTHER REST IN PIECE!
Yoir poem has touched me sooo much becuz I lost my great grandma and it has been really hard on me and your poem touched me becuz I know how you feel.
i just read your poem and i really touched my heart its the way i feel. my grandma just passed away yesertday. it was really hard on all of us but i felt like we could've changed our moments spent together you poem has great heart felt meaning . thank you
When I read your poem I felt the same way when my grandma died.
my grandma died yesterday after a long battle with alzheimers and cancer. i don't exactly know how to deal with my pain, but reading this poem helped me see how i am not alone. this poem really touched my heart.
This is a very touching poem to me. my grandmother is going through the end stages of passing right now. She's fought a long, painful battle with pancreas cancer. I'm going to love and miss her so much.
My grandma is dying of cancer and this poem discribed how I feel. Every day I pray that I will see her once again. Great job!
This is really great poem.
Meghan, I am very sorry for your loss. i lost my granddad in April of 2001. i am only 15 years old and my grand dad ment the world to me i cry everyday a tear for him. and pray to the lord that i could have him back. I still dont know why it had to happen to him. It happend so fast. i did not get a chance to say good bye. God bless you and your family
I would like to congratulate you on a job well done. This poem makes so much sense, it's reality. Many people would live life different if they read this and beleived in all that you have said the way that I do. Again congratulatons on a wonderful achievement!
I really liked this poem a lot. It moved me in a way, and it made me think.

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