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About the Poem

This is a poem about a friend who died. In fact, it was one of the very first poems I wrote (I'm very much an amateur!). As the title suggests, she's still with me even though she's died. Thank You, Diana. Keep praying for me.

Forever Gone but Forever in Our Hearts

The caring prayers, the shaking shock -
This awful news my world did rock.
No one knew how it happened or why.
We were all so sad; it made me cry.
How unfair it should have happened now -
Won't someone ever tell me how?
Her tears had dried, her pain had healed;
And God chose this time for her life to yield.
It's later now, while we've moved on -
We miss her as though she had just gone.
We'll never forget all the good she did,
Even though, to her our farewells we've bid.
We love her still, we miss her yet;
And on this I'll forever bet.
If she is truly in our hearts,
>From us she'll never be truly apart.
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© 1999 Rosebud Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

22 Visitor Comments

Your poem is so insperational, and just says and means so much right now. I lost a good friend, in a car acciedent and this poem, just really helped!
This poem has really touched me. I am 15 years old and a freshmen in high school. In April of this year, I lost my girlfriend. She died from a number of medical issues, the major one being a heart problem. It is hard for me to go on through each day, but i know i have to because that is what my Sam wanted of me. She was a great person and so young. I hope that she will never be forgotten. Thank you so much for writing this poem.
i really like this poem and i think u is a true poemiest whatever u call it
This poem fits me because I lost a friend who was taken away from us so sudden that nobody knew what hit him until he was gone. This has a lot of sentimental value to me and I know that he is still with us.
This poem really touched me and my family. Thank you so much it reminds me of my sister that died 4 years ago. Everyday it seems just like it just happened. We are truly saddened. ROSE
This poem reminds of my Aunt Sonya who passed away in August of 2005. She commited suicide. She is greatly missed and she loved everyone around her.
I loved this poem as it touched me that I remembered the moments I had by losing 4 of my best friends in an explosion of a side bombed on bloody Sunday 11/5/2006 at al-karada in Baghdad, Iraq. Losing a friend is hard, but losing 4 friends is damaging, and the thing is despite living in Iraq and you see or hear people die every day but you never feel of them until it touches you by losing a close person to your heart. It is true that the good people always die first. I feel that this poem speaks my condition each day as I miss or think of them, so thank you Rosebud for this beautiful poem.
i know how it feels
I loved your poem, it was very moving, it made me cry. On Aug. 26th, 2005 I lossed a close friend to murder, he was 24 years old, two days would have been 25, he was murdered by another friend. I ask myself different questions each day and am still so angry, your poem is a great ispiration. thank you.
i realy like A fared roce i this lost my friend and my sept dad it is hard i know i with i was it like this but it had to be.
This poem reminds of my Grandmom who I lost during the 2004 Christmas break. Even though she is not here, she will forever be in our hearts.
This poem describes alot how I feel. I lost a REALLY great friend July 1. 2004. I cried and cried and still cant get over it. I loved him so much and still do. I'll never forget him because he left such an impact on my life. It is just so hard to forget that phone call that broke my heart.
I thuoght that your poem was really good! I know how it feels to loose someone i just lost one of my good friends and she was still young. only 12! This is very good poem and it really touched me! thank you for writing it.
This poem is a really great poem we lost a great friend on Febuary 19, 2003 who was on the dance team at our school and got best dressed she is truly missed!
I loved this poem so much.
After the loss of a close friend on july 4th 2001. This poem shows how we all feel. She might be gone but she will always be in our hearts. Wonderful work
I just lost a aunt and this poem really hit home. She was likemy sister and this poem says how i feel.
Gurl ahve wrote many poems about diana. I replied to the one titled Diana and just wondering if she is the one I know too..
Hey, this poem was very touching keeo up with the poems!Anyway i just wanted to say that it was the bombest, but the saddest poem ever!
This poem touched my heart. It was a vey thoughtful poem and expressed the lose of someone you care for, which any one can relate to. Keep on writing from the heart to touch others hearts.
this is a very beautiful poem.

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