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About the Poem

This poem is about a friend of mine who died. Her death was quite sudden and is still hard for me to accept. Every time I see a rose I think of her, which is why I picked Rosebud for my pen name. Even now, I still need her. I miss you Diana!


You truly were an angel
sent from God in heaven above.
Your shocking death just broke the hearts of everyone you loved.
When I found out that you had died
I thought that they were wrong.
You were so alive - and then
just like that, you were gone.
A flame blown out in seconds,
Confirming our worst fears -
A light that shines no more on earth
for which we shed many tears.
But still you are my beacon
And I need you right now.
You hear all the prayers I say
Because they are answered somehow.
I wish that you could be here,
But in a way you are.
Your symbol of a rose goes everywhere with me,
so I know you can't be far.
It still is quite a shock to me
that you had to die;
But no one will forget you
And I love you, and goodbye.
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© 1999 Rosebud Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

51 Visitor Comments

I really love this poem i just had a beautiful best friend who i lost so quick and this poem made me cry. BEATIFUL.
i had sister who died. Her name was Dianna. the poem was just how i felt when she left me. She died in a fire, thanks for the POEM. DENISE FOSTER
I liked this poem becase i was able to realte to it because i had a good friend that died in a house fire not long ago. Alison
i love it because i just lost a friend
I realy enjoyed reading this poem, as i have just recently lost my uncle, i know that this poem has been written for a friend, but i feel that it still applies to the way i feel. I miss my uncle loads and I love him To pieces, and i would do anything to get him back. So i understand the way you feel.
i thought that this poem was very touching i too have a sister that i lost in a tragic way thought i was very good
Your poem reminded me so much of my mother, who's name is also Diana. And her wedding ring was a rose with a diamond in the middle. She passed away 7 years ago in April, and it too came as a shock. I really enjoyed your writing.
you poem touched my heart! a month ago my sister and her boyfriend were in a car wreck my sister made it through but her boyfriend didn't, me and him grew up together in school his smile could light up the world. we weren't very close but his smile was so warm it made you love him. i find myself crying for him everyday. thank you for your poem!
I loved this poem so much, I just had one of my best friends shot on her 18th birthday and this one really hit home. so thank so much, I hope Rosebud keeps writing.
this poem made me cry. and thats because my mother died in and asthmas attaque not to long ago i was only 12 but she died 9 days befaure my 13th birthday. I really miss her and i cant believe she's gone especially when she died in front of me and she was screaming my name as she was gasping for air. My lil brother who is 11 doesn't really under stand that he wont see her ever again but that she'll always be with us. So all this just to say your poem is great and you should make more!
this is a very special poem my sisters name was diane. and she had went on a cruise 4 yrs ago but came home in a casket she was 34 and had a little baby. we all miss her so much and your poem touched my heart. it made me cry there is a lot of feelings in this poem.
im very sry about your friend and i think that by writing this poem your showing how strong you are when my grandparents died i couldnt even talk about them let alone write about them i respect you alot for your courage and once again im sry
i like this one because it reminds me of my brother and his best friend who also did so sudden in a car accident on 11-20-03
hey rosebud well i just finished reading ur poem and well i really liked it i thought it was so emotional i started crying and well even though i don't know how any of u all felt or are feeling i am so sorry for her death and well i have had 4 deaths in the last year so i'm so sorry and well i hope i hear from you!
That was a wouldfull pome . you touched my heart by it .
What a beautiful poem! Lovely
I really liked your poem. My aunt just died and she was only 36 and her favorite flower was a rose. I miss her and love her so much I was really close to her. Your poem reminds me of her. She means alot to me. Thanks for writing that poem. I'm only 14 and love poetry.
i loved this pome
I loved it
I only read this poem because my Great Grandmother just died. And I wnted to find a poem to read at her funeral. I really loved your poem alot and I would like to read some more.
This is a beautiful poem, I was looking through the collection for a really sad one and this was the one I chose because it made me cry. I love it and well done to the poet who expressed her feelings so well.
This is a very meaningful than a well-crafted poem before i knew it tears streaming down my face this poem is so loud n true 4 no 1 can say wen life is gunna end hurri n live it b4 its 2 late thnx i feel 4 u !1 x x x x x x x x
I found this poem as I was searching for a poem for a friend that had just passed away on Jan. 20, 2005. I came across this one and it reminded me of how I feel. Thanks DDD
This email touched me. as i lost a dear freind of mine last yeah in March from a motor bike accident by 2 other people and this poem is exactly how i felt. I didnt want to believe it and then it hit me. I loved him I think he was the first person i have ever loved but it was too late to tell him. i admire your strength and courage to write this beautiful poem and thank you.
that touched my heart i am still having a hard time after losing my daugther in law she was so special . i miss her still and reading your poem made me think of her so thanks for sharing it very good
Iloved your poem. I just had one published called My Beloved Brother. I wrote it when he passed away unexpectantly
10/10 made me cry
i loved it was touching my friend emily has a cousin her mom takes care of that is 6 and he has a brother 8 their mom was sarah she was murdered when they were 4,and 2 she was found strangled in a trash can under a bridge in a creek a street over her househer story was sad here boys think of her always she was only 21 i had not met her before but which i could have her favorite flowers were daisys but the poem is good i printed it to show her family we recently held a candle lite vigil for her and it is the month she was murdered they are very emotional i think it will help emily her 10 year old niece who cant except her death. thankz it was wonderful.
Right now I'm here, missing a friend and a coworker who was killed by a drunk driver on June 13 2004. I miss him soooo much and it's really hard for me to understand that he is gone. He was really white (pale) and he reminded me of a white rose so when I read the poem it just reminded me of him and how much I'll miss him.
This was excellent, a friend of mine just passed away two days ago. This fit very well. What a coincidence my name is also Diana though.
This poem is a great reflection of the life of my best friend whom past away 6 days before Christmas on Dec 19, 2003. She was 24 years old and expecting her 1st child. She was beautiful both inside and out. Her death came without notice and we are all learning to cope with this tradegy and this poem really inspired me.
this was a really good poem. it really relates to me because i had a friend that i have known since i was 2 years old and we have gronw to be best friens. his mom was like my mom and last year i got a phone call hearin that she had passed away and i dint want to believe it cuz she was like a second mom and it was like losin i loved one i never thought i would. and i really didnt believe it till i walked in there soo i can really relate to your poem. oo yeah it was a really good poem.
I loved your poem. My cousin died in a car accident Nov. 5, 2003. She loved nature especially roses. They were passed out at the funeral. Like you a rose will always remind me of her. Thank you for sharing your poem it means a lot to me.
I only read this peom becuase my name is DIANA and when I did I thought that I should tell you that it means alot to me not only did it share my name but it shared my heart, my feelings and even my loss.
I want to thank you, Sept. 10, 2003. My friend, and my boss, Diana passed away today. I was searching for a poem or a story that would make me feel better. I found you. In loving memory of Diana
I loved this poem, it was really good. It relates to me alot on how i am feeling right now. On Sunday May 11, 2003(mothers day)I lost someone I loved very much! He was only 19 years old he didnt even get to live the rest of his life he was way to young to die. I miss him so much and I wish he was here right now. He died in a bad car accident and I just wish i was there to say good bye and I Love You! Now all i have is memories that i will cherish 4-ever. I cant wait till we see each other again some day that day will come
This pome ment so much to me. I lost a friend last October thank you so much for sharing this great pome
I loved your poem it reminds me of my friend Jan who passed away on December 10,2002. He was good. and please dont do drugs for your parents will go through too much pain like Jans parents did.
i really loved this poem because it reminded me so much of a friend that i recently lost. she was murdered and loved roses. whenever i see a rose i picture her. god i miss her.
thank u so much 4 this poem! i lost my best friend on oct,22,01 we never knew that she was ill and this poem explains everything that am feeling. last week i planted 2 rose bushes 4 her one called sweet memories and the other called sweet dreams and i alwyas take sum of them 2 her her grave so ure poem has a special meaning 2 me. thank you
this is agreat poem ! i no how you feel i lost a great friend on oct,17,01 thank you for sharing it with me
My Godmother's name is diana.. She died of cancer..This poem Took my breath away cause it explains How i feel inside about her going away. She was an angel in deed to me. You did an excelent job with this poem. Im really sorry about you'r friend or family member who you wrote this poem about. My heart and love goes out to you.
Hey. I loved the poem. My friend Diana died in September too. Are we talking about the same girl. She was from saskatchewan and was only seventeen.
You touched my heart, You told my feelings. You put your heart in soul in this. Thank you!
My friend passed away this monday from heart faluire she was only 17 years old this poem to me is just so true about how i feel and i like it allot ..i love her and she is my angel and will always be forever.. R.I.P Sara Lynne
this poem was really good and i liked it every much it brought tears to me eyes this poem him me hard it is really good
My uncle died this morning & I was looking at poems to find one that I could use, I must say yours brought tears to my eyes, you are very good at saying the right words! & thank you . Peg
We lost our niece in Feb, 2000 and this poem makes me think of her even more if that is possible, she was like a child to me.
This poem is so beautiful i couldnt resist crying it was amazing i liked it alot.
This poem caught my eye because it reminded me of my favorite aunt. It fit perfectly, except her death wasn't sudden, she died from a six year battle with breast cancer! This was over 20 years ago that she passed away, and I miss her so much!

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