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About the Poem

To a friend whom I miss and love very much, and who can't be with me to finish my high school years. In the thirteen years you were here, I couldn't think of anyone better I would rather spend my time with. Thank you so much for putting up with me and being my best friend.


You have left me with many memories;
I miss you everyday.
Sometimes I think of you,
Not more than today.
You'll never be forgotten,
In my heart you are there to stay.
I wish I could talk to you,
Where ever you may lay.
But that would take a miracle;
Each day I have to ask why,
And why I couldn't say goodbye.
I miss you so much;
I can't do it on my own.
I think of you constantly;
And I know you are not alone.
With that I want to say
I'll think of you everyday.
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14 Visitor Comments

i loved this poem ma best friend is leavin 2 go 2 another skewl 2morro im really missing her already i have never felt like this b4
beautiful poem i lost my brother 8 years ago and this poem sums up how i feel
This is an awesome poem! I had some family members that died in my family like my brother and cousin and possibly almost any memeber of a family you can think of. But anyways you have a great heart to have to write this poem ,but you are also lucky that God gave you this gift.
I LOVED THIS POEM. you are very talented im 14 yrs old and this poem helped me very much about 8 months ago i lost one of my best friends we were like sisters her name was jordyn she was 7 she died of a brain avm n not one single days goes by that i dont think of her i no how hard this is wen sumone dies in the prime of life im very sorry u now have an angel watchin over u as do i .
I loved your poem! Im very sorry for your loss. Two years ago a few days I a good friend. He died in a sudden hunting accident. Just when I thought I was healing from him, one of my best friends in the world died in a car accident. That was just two weeks ago. also sending another good friend in the hospital but at least ok If you ever need to talk. email me
I just want you to know i love your poems it was real sweet. It made me cry cause it is what i wouldlike to say to my son. I loss my son on April 25. 2000 and it change my life forever. This is very sweet.
your poem is so sweet. my best mate died 2 years ago yesturday and your poem is like mine in a way. I know how you feel i would have hated it if i was that young but we were 16 and its still hard now.
I can really relate to what u are saying in this poem because my dear friend killed herself on Oct. 24 and its still really hard to think about her and not cry, your poem really got to me.
Your poem is very good. I lost my bestfriend she got murdered she was only 14. this happened 3 months ago and today is her birthday, and i just want to tell you that your poem means a lot to me. i never got to say goodbye and they never found her murder. she will live in my heart for the rest of my life and more. I'm sorry about your friend and I know what you are going through.
hey! this poem is really good! i can relate to it since i lost my best friend in jan 2002, she passed away from leukemia. and i know what your going through and its really hard! but just remember ull see her again sumday!
this is such a great poem. it's sad that you lost your friend. i lost my aunt to drunk driving and that was such a bad time for me. life goes on though and we always remember them because they're locked in our hearts forever. well done though.
I think it is sad cause i lost my best friend in a drunk driving achsident and i was the one driving when the guy hite us . and i is cool that some one out there that spells it the same way.
i love this poem! i have never ever lost a friend but it must feel very horrible. i hope u can get through it
Most beautifull poem, well done!

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