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About the Poem

My father passed away in Oct. of '98. He was a wonderful man, and I'll always remember him. That is why I wrote this poem. To tell others of how was.


I once knew a man,
Who gave love at his best,
Who did what he believed was right.
I once knew a man,
Who suffered uncontrollably,
Who found out how much he was loved.
I once knew a man,
Who gave everything he could,
Until he couldn't go on.
The man I once knew,
I will always remember,
As my daddy.
I love you wherever you are.
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© 1999 Deana Powell Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

53 Visitor Comments

this poem really touched me as i lost my dad on the 10th september 1995 to cancer.
My name is Rudie Im 16 yrs. old. This poem touched me because My Father died 12-25-04 I had just turned 14 Like 3-months before that and when he was in the hospital we had to watch him die just to spend the last min. of his life with him I dont know but all I do know is I like this poem it touches me.
this is a really good poem it made me cry i lost my dad about 3 months ago.
This poem is really good it made mr cry when i first read it! I know what you are going through and i know it hurts but keep writeing your poems and it will help!
this poem hit me in the heart because i lost my daddy in april 2 years ago due to a bad car wreck he was in a coma almost 3 months and he suffered so much . before this happen to him to us he was the best daddy ever and i do so miss him this poem is wonderful . pamela
Hey, I know the feeling my dad passed away on Friday the 13th of January 2006, I miss him so much. When he died i thought it was the end of the world until i remember what he always used to say it was "everything happens for a reason chook, people die everyday. It may not seem much to you until you lose someone you love and after time the pain seems to lesson" I was 13 years old at the time and I thought there was nothing worse in the world but its always to remember the good things and it does help, it may not fix everything but it definately helps a bit. Your very inspiring and keep writing. about anything. your feelings, things that happen, anything because you have a knack for it =]
This is a very cute poem. What did you mean whenever you said wherever you are?
im 17 i just recently lost my dad in sept 2006. its been so difficult recently as ive also had to deal with the grief of my handicapped brother who cant quite grasp the concept of events. jus wanted to say ur poem is brilliant and a true isperation even brought a tear to my eye.
i lost my dad in july of this year and it is how i feel because i never got to tell him i loved him.
This is a sad poem, I lost my dad on Feb 14th 2006 cause he had cancer
I lost my daddy too and it hurts that. he's not by my side. I feel your pain
hi, one night i spent the night at my friends house. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an ambulance outside. Then i saw them take a person out with covers on them. The person was my friends dad he was dead thats what i thought. when we went downs stairs the next day her mom was crying. We asked why and she told us that their father died. So i was right. The only thing that i could do is comfort them. 2 days later i gave them a sympathy card and they said thank you and the mother gave me a kiss.
I like that becoues my daddy pass away to and I miss and I love and I will always love him.
Kourtnie and Kalee
hey this poem really touched me! i am 15 and my sister is 11 and we are dealing with the same thing right now our died died 3 months ago
i really liked that poem, i lost my father when i was 5 years old and i could relate to your poem, thank you.
this poem is so good girl,my heart goes out to you, my dad died of cancer 5 years ago -peace -GOD BLESS
I could feel your pain and this was a great poem.
Oh my gosh. I love this poem. It touched me so very deeply, possibly because my dad died in October '98, too. I was young at the time, but I will forever love and miss him. Your poem just expressed everything I was feeling so skillfully. I am impressed. Keep up the good work!
This Poem is yerry good i will print the poem for me and think of my dad when i look at it Thank you and bless you Christa
Hi my name is Maria, and I lost my father a year ago. This poem is how I see my father.
Hey, I have never lost a parent or a friend. But my mom is disabled and this Easter when the family was together there was a fight and my aunt attacked my mom causing her a black eye, a brusied rib and pain caused every single day. To top that all my mom has had a lot of back problems and neck problems from a car accident and is in a series of pain that kills me to see because I feel helpless. So all I guesse I wanted to say was that I liked your poem a lot and that I hope that you are oka
Hey this is a really good poem. unfortuantly we have gone through the same thing, living without a father. I lost my dad when i was 14. i am 15 now. it was last year but I remember it as it was yesterday. I know it kills you inside as it does me. But my father passed away by cancer. and i never got to say good bye or i love him. But I know now that he knows how I feel. I pray to him every night. well my love is with you and your family. I will love to see some more poems from you. Much love, from jessica
My dad might still be alive but that poem brung tears to my eyes. I have very good judge on poems and yours is killer you will be a great poetry writer. Miranda
The poem is sweet and from the heart. I miss my daddy alot and your web site was the first one i clicked on, and i just wanted to say thank you for having the site it made me feel better. Keep your head up:) Brie-Brie
This poem hits home for me as well, because i lost my dad 5 months ago to cancer. I find myself online looking at father daughter poems alot and writing them as well, yours is really touching.
It's a very beautiful and heartfelt poem.
I just recently lost my father 2 months ago to his battle with lung cancer, I am only 17 years old, I am a Junior in High School and I have a little brother who is 9 and my mother who is 36. Your Poem really touched me. my dad he was a fighter all of his life and he faught till his last breath that he took,I watched him suffer the 10 months that he battled this disease and it was so hard to see him like that, and it killed me to see him the way he was. he was only 42 years old. But i have had to learn the hard way that you dont take things for granted ever . It is one of the questions that we ask God that we may never know. but he always does the things for a reason. I want you to know that your poem was very tuching to me.
i really liked this poem because it reminded my of my step father that was like my real dad. he pasted aways a year ago. so every time i read this poem i always think about him.
This poem really touched me. i feel her pain because i too lost my dad in february 2004. he didnt even get to see me turn 15,my b-day is in april 4 so you could only imagine how i spent my b-day. i love him so much but theres nothing i can do to bring him back he's the best thing that ever happened to me. we were so close,i felt like it was only me and him in this world. ill never forget his smile,laugh,face or anything. To me he was the best man that ever walked this world he was so nice but yet he suffered so much and that hurt me,but now i know hes in a much better place waiting for me. Instead of saying bye daddy i said see you later daddy. This poem might be short but its full of feelings.
Your poem was really great. I myself have never lost a parent and i feel sorry for whoever has because it is painful thing. I could never imagine losing a parent because i know how i feel when i lost some of my friends.
Thank you for writting this poem it was really good. I am only 21 and I have lost my dad in Feb. 2004 and my mom in Oct. 1999. That is the worst feeling to lose yor parents.
this poem touched me because i lost my dad lat year and im still greifing his death its hard to let him go
I lost my father last week to cancer. Reading this brought tears to my eyes, thank you.
I really liked your poem it was very touching and very sad,i know exactly how you feel i lost my dad recently and at first i didnt want to accept it,and i thought it was all a dream,but i am still gradually accepting it,thanks for writing that poem.
i love this poam this remids me of my dad when he passed away on november 5 of 2001
I love this poem because I lost my Dad in july of 2003 and i was only 18.
i love this poam it is great. my daddy passed away on nov 5 and that was as hard as your to bye
I do not no what it is like to loose a parent. But one of my friends is cripled and can barely walk from cancer he is in a wheel chair just the other day he had turned 12. About 3 days later his mom passed away from a heart attack. It touched me greatly for the things that i have. I am sry for anyone that has lost a parent. Its one of the hardest things that can be given to a child.
I really loved this poem, I just lost my father on Jan. 19,2004. It is a truely beautiful poem.
I really loved your poem I lost my daddy July 12,2003 He had lung cancer and I am reaaly dealing with it hard your poem was reaaly inspirational.
i loved this poem bcus my dads gone and ill always remeber him whereever he is!
As I read your poem I got chills. It's very touching. Its the hardest thing to lose a parent. I lost my daddy last year on october 28, 2001. but I will always remember him. sorry for your loss!
I lost my father 6 weeks ago and have written a few poems recently. I find it the only way that I can express myself properly.
I really love this poem. I lost ;my dad a year ago and i miss him so much. I am now 16 and i just think of the day that i get married and my dad not there. I think of this because he got to see my two older sisters get married. Thanks for writing this poem it has helped me a lot
I lost my Father on February 24th 2002. I could'nt find the words to say what I wanted, they just would not come out. But, these somewhat seem to say what I want. Thanks, it is a great poem.
I loved the poem... I'm 15 years old and I lost my dad last year November of 2000. He died in his sleep and not in pain. May ours fathers rest in peace. Love you dad!
Deana. That was a beautiful tribute you paid to your daddy. I was 12 when my daddy died. He had suffered 3 years from a stroke. That was 46 years ago and it still seems like yesterday. He will always be with you in your heart.
I know how you feel.My dad died too.From cancer.I started to cry when i heard that peom.
I lost my dad that Oct/98and your poem is so true of him also
Deana, Your beautiful Poem really touched my heart and it is truly the most wonderful way to pay tribute to the very first man that touches our lives and has the greatest impact on us. God Bless you and your great talent!
I really liked this poem.It touched my heart and i cried.
I truly love this is just exactly how I feel about my dad and him passing away.
Deana Powell your poem is heart touching to everyone who comes in contact with this poem. i am 12 years old and lost my dad on June 18 2000 fathers day just a couple of dayS after my birthday. He was in a car accident with 3 other people from toronto he was thrown from the car 36 feet! His car was totaled right in front of his house. In fact i was packing my stuff to go and see him that day cuz i didn't see him for 3 years.And i got a phine call saying that the only reason that i could see my dad again is to see his ashes be burried to ever lasting peace! Yes he was creamated cuz he was to badly damaged to have a casqet!When i read your poem it touched my heart and i felt that i was communicating with my daddy. your poem inspired my heart to write my own poem about my dad! I read your poem at his funeral but i did say that you wrote it! It is really hard to see my dad gone or 2 even know that he is gone! I know exactly what you are feeling! Maybe we will meet sometime but won't even know it! I give all my sympathy to you and to all those people who loose someone they truly love. MAY OUR FATHERS REST IN PEACE FOR ETURNITY! DADDY MAY YOUR SOUL BE CHERISHED IN MY HEART FOR EVER LASTING LIFE!

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