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About the Poem

This poem is to my Aunt Becky who I never got to say Good- Bye to. She died on March 23, 1997. They wouldn't let me see her because "I was too young. "

I Didn't Get To Say Good-bye

I went to see you one day
And we rode your horses.
You never told me that you were
Going above one Spring Day.
So I never got to say Good- Bye.

I thought you would always be here
For me and the family.
You never told us you were sick,
Until you left that one Spring Day.

I was with my friend when I got that call
That you had three days left to live,
And they wouldn't let me say Good- Bye.
So I set at home, crying with my friends
Comfort at my side.

When Granny called
And said you were gone,
I thought my life was over,
And never would be the same.

If I could see you just one more time,
I would say, " I miss you and Good- Bye. "

You never know how much you
Love that person,
Until they are gone.
I had to find out the hard way,
And I regret never getting to say Good- Bye.

We will always remember you Aunt Becky.
I love you and Good- Bye.
I will never forget you.
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© 1999 Krista Alley Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

30 Visitor Comments

My Aunty Pat Had died on March 30/2004 I understand your pain! Trust me i do. I was in grade 6 when it happened. I am in grade nine now and i still cant get over it. Trust me there are so manythings that you want to say ut you cant because its not your fault. So i am voting for your poem because i can realate to it the most.
i vote that this is a great poem i loved it because it was sad and it was told like what my granny would do whenshe passed away i never got to say goodbye and the poen made me cry i vote 100% a definite yes!
I really like your poem it is exactly like my story. I had a friend that I barely started talking to and he died in a car accident and my cousin was murdered and I wish if I knew that that was the last time I was gonna see them, I would hug them real tight, give them a kiss on the cheek, say I Love Them, and finally say a long Goodbye. But your poem just describes me on how I felt the day that I heard they died!
My great friend Tyler Campbell passed away July 8, 2006. He was 11 years old. When my friend told me he only had 3 days left, I almost died. My friend was there for me. He was in the ICU for 4 days. I didn't get to see him because I was to young. I miss him so much. This was the perfect poem.
i never got to say good bye to my grandpa because i was only 2.
This is a really outstanding poem. It reminds me alot about the way I felt when my brother died. He actually died march19, 1997 and I was six years old at the time. He was killed in a car accident, and while I said my final farewells at his funeral, I never got to tell him good-bye before it happened, because with a car accident it was so unexpected.
hey i know how you feel i never got to say good bye to my aunt either. you see i was in school and my aunt was pregnant we didnt think nothing was wrong until we got there. they found something in her and it was too late to do something about it. i was 6 years old and it was 2 days until my birthday. they wouldn't let me in because i was too young. she had her baby then passed away. 4 dats went by no celebrating just obbing. we get a call from the kalas father (the baby) she was taken to the hospital and never came out there was 2 deaths that week and many sad faces. me and her were so close she lived right next door. i visited everyday but i still think about her everyday of my life it has been 6 years since it happened and i am still devistated. i hope that you get this message feel free to email me if you like. your poem is sad and i vote for you we have to stick together now dont we. i just want you to know i feel for you. sincerely candy
hi i fink ur poem is really gud and i found out the hard way aswel cus my nan had cancer and one day i was round her house playin in the swimmin pool and i never sed bye to her and the nxt day she was dead i feel really bad and if i cud go bk i wud spend ldz more tym wiv her and i wud be more of a granddaughter to her fanx for that poem i cried my eyes out.
i know how you feel i lost my aunt in 200 thoushon and it has been really hard i did not get to say good by eaither but i was really young to and it hurts when you don't get to say good bye. i understand and i thank you for helping out with you poem cuse i know undarstand it all better. thank you so much
This poem was beautiful mostly beacause i can relate to it, last year my aunt was killed in a fire. But on the day of the accident i was suppose to be gong on vacation when we didnt leave i wondered what was going on reletives came they cried and hugged me i asked what was going on but nobody would tell me when i finally found out my auntie was gone she had been in the hospital for hours my dad had gone to see her but nobody told me i could have gone to say good bye but like you i think my parents thought i was to young but the truth is you are never to young to say good bye to a loved one.
I love this poem My FATHER died on a hot spring day in March when i was only 3 I didnt understand death then, so i also didnt get the chance to say good-bye. this poem made me cry. not many do. really i have never cried after reading a poem, but this on made me cry during the reading
I lost the love of my life to an unknown heart problem two years ago. He was an all around cowboy and we were always taking long rides on horseback together. When I read this poem it brought back so many memories of my Joel. I miss him everyday and my world is a little more gloomy without him. I do hope one day to be able to be with him again riding threw the skies together.
I felt that this poem was honest. IT was such a powerful poem. I feel bad for the poet who wrote this.
it was a very good poem it touched me and i am very sorry
i know how u feel my couson died & no one let my see him, but you had one thing i didn't you got to see your aunty, I only got to see my couson once & he didn't want to know me because I was 3 when I saw him. I wish I had the same thing with my couson as you did wit your aunty. btw. your poem was great
I love your poem because I also never got a chance o say good-bye to my boyfriend either. It really touched me deeply.
thank you very much for writing that poem. when i was in grade 5 (98) my uncle was found unconscious by my nan at their home he was in a coma for a few days and then he left. he had a brain anurism and no one not even him knew. i too wasn't alowed to see him but i think now that it is better because i want to remember him as he was when he was well and not in some hospital bed. your poem also made me sad because he always called me his big girl becky. but keep in mind that your aunt is looking down on you and protecting you and even though you didn't get to say goodbye when she was alive choose a star to be her star and say the things you want to it. i have a star for my uncle and i tell him everything even the small things like what happened during the day. keep up the good work and i hope your pain eases a bit with time.
It's a really good poem. It's touched my heart. My father died when I was 11. He went to the hospital one nicht in the ambulance and I remenber me kissing him next to the door when he was leaving. That was a cold nicht on winter of 1986. Some body told me that my father would wake me up the day after. That never happend. My father died at the hospital at 07:00 am the day after he left home. Your Poem touched my feellings about that again after 17 years and and 23 days of my father's death.
Wow i love it so much that i had to cry ! I give u 10 fingers up :--)
this poem was really good. i understand what you went through. i lost my aunt and i really miss her so much and i just wanted to thank you for posting it on the net. :)
im still wiping away thet water from my eyes. that was sooo meaningful, and i know how u feel but in a diff way my dad die this year just 1 week ather my grandmother im 26 and at both funerals but my younger cusion aged 10 and 13 where told thay couldent go to my dads funeral they hated it and wished they could of been there i know this becuse they tell me. 1 of there cry in my arm saying i never got to say goodbye
i know how you feel my aunt died earlyier this year from cancer and i never got to say goodbye either
I know how hard it is not to say bye to someone you are so close to. I know how you feel because when my mom died I could not have the streath go in and say bye to her last few hours with me in my own house. My mom died on Novermber and it was turcky day and she died that night and I have some of her thing to remind me of her and all the good times we had together. I hope you never for get your aunt because I had an aunt that I called my mother alot.
Krista. A very beautiful tribute. I lost my brother to a tragic car accident and I never got to say goodbye either. So it really hit home.
I thought this was nice. I my grandpa died and i was going to visit him but the day we were goin to see him he died and i never got to say good bye
I have a similar story, my Mom died when I was 5 and they wouldn't let me go see her in the hospital because I was also "too young" so thats the reason I really liked this poem.
what a beautiful poem with lots of feeling it touched my soul
I think this was a great poem. I have seen a lot of great work but i think this one tops it. I too write poetry and it is better than anything I would write.

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