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About the Poem

This poem is about the way that life seems cruel at times, and how it takes away that which we cherish most.

Little Sister

I remember her at the age of six,
her eyes and smile aglow.

She was the light from the sun,
and her passing: dark of night.

Knowing she was going soon,
we grieved while she still lived.

At the age of seven her face
changed, puffy as a "dough-boy" babe.

She fought the lump at the base
of her brain, science could not touch.

Her laughter cut through our weeping,
valiant in the face of tragedy.

My soul it burned - no end in sight,
the day I saw her chest rise no more.
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© 1999 Michael D. Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

50 Visitor Comments

death is always painful, especially to the loved ones. moreover deah of a li'l cherished one is d sadest expirience which shouldn't be experienced by anyone
this poem means alot even though my sister isnt younger than me. i am a 12 yr. old. i experienced her death when i was 5. may 16 of 2000 was the day. this poem is the best
man this poem touched me i actually happended to my best friend. her sister had a lump on her head and all her organs shutt of i was in the hospital oom when she past one of the most sadest times in my life she was like a sister to me. she was only 3
I am so sorry to haer about your sister. it must have been so devestaing. I don't have a sister but i do have 2 brothers and each of them can get on my nerves but without them i would be lonley. They are SO important to me.
i have two little sisters. one i havnt seen sinse i wuz 2and im 13 now. but my other sis she is 8. she lives with her mom. i miss her. i dont kno what i would do if i lost my little sister. she is one of the reasons im not running the streets. i wanna be there for her when she needs me
Hi I think youre poem was very touching, I have also lost my sister, to liver cancer few weeks ago , she was only 38 and my whole world has been ripped apart. I dont know how to carry on or what to do it seems as thou the meaning of life has ended with my beautifull sister. may god give us all strenth and make us strong and get us thru our painfull times.
Wow, a very moving poem. I'm sorry for your loss.
Very touching poem. I've lost my sister too. It's such a unbelievable nightmare, i'll never get over of. I only wish i could die too, so we can be togeter again, as it has to be.
I love that pome.
I think this was a really good poem. It reminded me thet we always have to show our family that we care because we don't know when they will take their last breath.
the poem really touched me because my little brother died from canser too
this peom reminded me of just yesterday when my 7 year old sister died.
your poem is really great i now how you feel i lost a sister to. now i feel like i can never be completed again
i miss my sis
that was sooooooooooooo sad omg im cry o0o i have a lil sis to the end man made me cry
it was really sad i cant describe how sad.
I loved this poem, i know wat its like 2 lose aloved one. When i was sixmy mother died, and my lil sis died b4 i got 2 know her. This poem was really touching
I had twin brothers the age of two that died of cancer so I know how it feels.
I sorry about your sister I lost one of my best friends its ok you'll get through it its has been 10 years it still hurts but its ok now.
This poem has to bring tears to the eyes of anyone who has a sister. I don't know what I would do without mine. The words just ring with sadness and the bravery of the little girl :(. Wonderful.
My little sister is 8. 5 and i dont know what i would do if i lost her just readin that makes me ball so ure poems hott
i think your poem is very touching, but i also know how you feel because i have lost my little sister at the age of 3 hours old and it really did break my heart and would not cope if it wasnt for my mum being able to cope and get on waith her life
this was ok i liked it
just want to say this was very beautiful!
i love this poem i lost my sis a few years ago she would have been 13. as i sat there by her bed side my heart broke as the tears fell down my face ill always rememember the last words she said as she took her last breath "i love you" in memory of my twin sister xox
this poem seems to me athough you family and friends may seem to pass by suicide,dieses,or problems people have to remember that they are always with them in the heart,mind and soul to guide you on a new road to a better life i have heard that god takes the good ones first and i understand better now that its not just something to put your self on guilt its hats inside how they made you feel before the passed on to a new life
This Is a really lovely poem- you always say that you don't love your siblings and you always fight with them, but you do love them and there is no turning back the clock when they are gone. I love my older sister very very much and I would hate to lose her. I tell her a lot that I love Her so she knows before anything happens to her.
OMG ! this poem is absolutely incredible ! i have a little sister who is autistic and everything you mentioned here has been in my mind ever since i found out that my little sister had autism ! I LOVE IT !
your poem was sad . i lost my grandpa and my aunt to cancer. but i know they are at peace and watching over me everyday. it was a good poem
that was a great poem i cryed so hard i thought of my sister and what i would do if something happen to her i would go crazy
I Love this poem it is very good!
I thought that this poem was very good and awsome because it showed how diffacult loosing someone really is!
I lost my mom to two brain anerisms. I know my spelling of it is wrong. But she died after surgery but while she was in she went paralized on her left side. That caused her brain damage and the tissue started to slip down her spinal cord. She died at age 42 and still look like she just got out of college. She was so butiful but I was 14 at the time she died and I remembered crying when her chest forgot to raise.
Your poem is sad. It really touched me. my little sister died of lukimia cancer just this year january. it hurts to know that she's gone but we have to live with it don't we.
I really love your poem. I am sorry for your loss i also know what you are going through. Just a few months ago i lost my sister who was only 8. I love your poem keep it up.
Your poem was very touching. I'm the only child but to imagine a child that age going so soon. No matter what she will always be there with you. I'm sorry to hear about your little sister.
wow,I don't even know what to say,except that that poem is one of the best I ever read! Great job,keep it up!
i loved your poem. so much it made me cry. i lost my twean sister. 10 yr ago and still mess her. loved it and god bless you
I am sorry for your loss. But God looked into her eyes and said this little girl will suffer no longer. He said no more pain, for she has suffer to long. For she will always be with you and never leave your side.
hey i'm sorry i feel ur pain because i know how that feels i lost my sister to and she was young and tears still fall out of my eyes today. god bless them
hey look i'm really sorry for what happened but i feel ur pain . the same thing happened to me i lost my sis at a young age and i'm really sorry because i know how u feel. god bless them above
I love your poem! Tears are coming down my face! I am really sorry for your loss and my condolenses go to you and your family! She lived such a short life! I'm very sorry!
Michael was my best friend. If I could ever scrape up enough sadness in my life to fit in his finger, I don't know that I would make it. But above his circumstances he had risen, and is so much better than any of us can ever hope to be.
When i read this poem i got chills down my back. I see everyone saying there sorry for your lose.but im not going to say that. Im going to say. You were So lucky to have Such a blessing from god. God needed another angel. Dont mourn on the loss. Rejoice now that she has no more pain. I loved the poem and thought you did an excelent Job!
A true reflection of brotherly love. A perfect '8 1/2'
A poem that really touches your feelings. A fine composition indeed!
im sorry for what happened to you you are a great person
I share the same experience with the author.
Sad I'm sorry for this tragic event
my sympathy cannot change the past but i'm sorry for your loss

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