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About the Poem

I sometimes write about my life's experiences. Sometimes I write to attempt to experience the lives of others. Screams is an attempt to journey into thoughts of depression and isolation.

Screams Of Silence

Begone ye screams of silence, harbingers of pain
Cloaked in isolation, you mock in harsh disdain
My soul is torn asunder, I curse you, God of Hell
As you pierced my tortured soul, what horrors I befell.
You spoke of quiet solitude, to tempt me to your lair
Then lanced me in my troubled heart, to depths of dark despair
Nemesis, I beg of thee, rise up in righteous ire
Protect me from Tisiphone, from Hell's eternal fire
With all my voice I scream to you, protect me from the night
Alas, in forlorn desperation, I journey to the light
Banished to mind's Coventry, I heed the demon's call
Beckoned by the silent screams, I enter Dante's hall.
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© 1999 Tim Chambers Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

80 Visitor Comments

That was really good!Ive felt like that a million times!But i hope you can feel better! I loved this poem alot.
That is incredible. You truly are very gifted. I read every line of your poem, and it mirrored my own shattered soul. Good job!
That poem reminded me of my life. I just wanted to say your a great poeter
I love this poem. Very Old English-like style. I enjoyed reading the text and I do understand the concept behind the writing. love, Owlite.
i loved the poem and the way u wrote it plz keep on writing! -another depressed chic
WOW a really good poem 10/10
Beautiful. amazing talent!
this poem is really great i felt like u read my mind by writing it
that rocked
omg that really spoke 2 me, it cheered me up a little bit from all the taunts and hatredof life, even though i dnt fink the poems ment 2 make u feel happy.
This poem spoke volumes to me. It was like you knew exactly how I feel. I have to say I am astonished but how it connected to me so deeply.
This poem is so lovely. one of the best i have read, keep up the good work . i enjoy ur poems heaps mwahhh
oh my god this is poem is. imspeechless i really love this poem! it has so much meaning and it's super emotional. i understand your poem completly. !
Wow! This is an awesome poem.
wow this is really good, so deep and meaningful
this peom made me cry i fell your pain
hi, i love this poem. i can relate it to myself. it's great!
that was great 10/10
this is a very good poem an i can really relate.
yeah. this poem would e good for someone who reads the bibble every day, like me. i can actually understand what this person is trying to say. i don't know if you can. but i can, and it touches me. i like this poem as many others do i like also.
After reading this poem,I feel atleast someone can connect with me!
this was the greatest poem ever written. keep up the good work
wow, while it's written in old style it is captivating and really cleverlly written. what an awesome poem!
it was so dark, i felt drawn into it somehow. i love it!
i love this poem. it is very good with words like harbinger(forteller) it adds more mystery i guess you would call it but I LOVE THIS POEM.
I would give this a 9 out of a scale of 1-10. This was a very good poem that just brings out an imagination and new sense about things.
This poem was truly beautiful. I love how you use more sophisticated language. Most of the writers this day butcher modern day English in their poetry, yet you just made it sound simply elegant.
Brillaint. Genius. This is perfection in form of poetry and true expession of emotion in the original art of darkness and reality. brilliant. I cannot say anymore.
This poem is beautiful. The way the author used the words to create a burning image in the mind that penetrates the soul.
I like the way u express yourself, def not somethign u see everyday. Your knowledge has certainly contributed to the writing of your poem. When I see your style of writing compared to others I it's unique and it resembles more of , what I call the "older" styles of poems. Keep on writing and learning. Great job.
This was an amazing poem! It touched me deep down. Keep up the good work. one of the best I've read!
I like this poem it tells alot and it has helped me.
WOW. this poem is so deep. i think it has such meaning i love it. well done on great writing
Hey your poem was amazing i write poems too. your obviously a talented writer with an amazing mind i appreciate what you say. ive felt like that too. anyway i wanted to tell you i loved it. email me with more if you want to?
ey gud poem. im sry u feel dis way i hope u make it threw
very nice. it is dificult sometimes for poets today to write in this style.
I'm surprised. I haven't read anything this good in a while.
I have no words good enough to describe this poem apart from, Exceptional.
This poem is SO good! You really have talent. U_U It's so good that I hate you. well. nah! just kidding. No, now seriously, you are an amazing poet. So freaking gifted. really.
its so pretty, i love it. peace, love, happiness, kelly
You never really know what anyone else is thinking, or what's going on in their mind. Depression isn't just a mental condition, it's more like a disease. I have to say, this was a pretty good poem.
This poem really touched me because that is exactly how I felt last year. I love the words and style of this poem and it should be published somewhere, like in a book, maybe. Oooh, book. yes, that would be good. Yeah. This is AWESOME. about 6 and 1/2 kinds of awesome, but I'll round it to seven.
I love it! It could touch people's hearts sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
This poem was interesting to say the least. Keep up the depressive stuff, dude.
i liked this poem, something about it -not sure what- really sopke to me, it kinda reminds me of my own poetry, kinda not tho, either way, it is really deep, i like it
This is the best poem in the world!
i loved dis poem its da best! i finally found someone who trully understands me! nice work! keep writing cuz i'll keep readin!
Awesome. One of the best poems I have ever read, and I have read many. I like the mentioning of Dante and Tisiphone. I'ts perfect.
Your poem is so beautiful. It is the best on the site. You have a gift!
This poem is truly beautiful. So much so, there's nothing else I can say!
this is just like a poem that i wrote about being alone an wanting 2 let go
omg i think i just fell in love with that poem! your an amazing writer and im looking forward to checking out more of you work
i really loved ur poem i really think u took the time to do this and its really good
great poem the way you related everything together jujst amazing. im left speechless. itz just so dark i love it.
Wow. I think this is great. The sophistication of your ideas are brought out clearly in your language. well done.
this poem was bad and bueatiful. i love the way you write!
this was wonderful. I didnt think anyone could capture poetry like that anymore.
That was amazing your really touched me w/ that! It was very well written!You should really keep writing!
WOW! You are an AMAZING poet! I mean, that sounds like it just popped out of a Poe book! You are very talented, keep up the wonderous work. I want to read some more by you
I love the references to Dante's inferno. This poem is so well written and so dark, I just love it! I printed it out and takced it up on my wall, actually. ^_^ I have to say that if Mr. Chambers doesn't become a published poet (if he isn't already) the world will certainly be deprived of a talented man.
I loved it. You put it together so perfectly. Perfect word structure. You have serious talent. Youll go far.
amazing work
Tim you are a true poet, and as every poet you feel deeply the hurts inside, however this is your gift, I pity those who are unable to feel for they do not see the beauty. Your way of writing is refreshing and so well done. Thank you for sharing with others.
That was awesome. I dont know what to say. just like omg. that was just great!
I am at a loss for words- the form and rhyme and every aspect of this poem fit together perfectly. The mention of Dante and Tisiphone really thrilled me; it was a pleasure to read this.
well written
oh god this poem made me cry last month a friend of mine commited suicide. And this just made me think of what he went through and if only he could have gotten help he would still be here.
I loved the energy in the word structure, and the style. I would love to use this one in my novel---with credit to the author.
beautifully written so discriptive... wonderful poem
I never thought that the ninth gate could be described like a bad friend. But that's what it sounds like to me from this poem, Thy reads many poems but Thyself is still in confusion on depression0. Funny I used to by slightly 'depressed'. Times are diffrent than we believe and every one's story, sane or not, transforms our future indefinitly.
very powerful
This is the best
Tim, i was very impressed with your poem. The word usage and rhyming was very good. Keep up the good work. It is nice to read good poetry about subjects that interest me.
This poem is awesome. I love the words you chose to write it in. I think that your word choice gave the poem so much more depth and meaning than some other's that I have read!
Your poem says a lot on how you feel. I have once had an anger like you. I turned to writing all my feelings down on paper and it helped me cope with the angry feelings I had inside. I wanted to say your poem is great and to keep expressing your feelings the way you do!
I loved the way this was written. It rhymed so beautifully and the words just reached so deep inside me.
Pretty descriptive
A very intelligent and sophisticated poem - the language used is suited to the imagery of Hell and Death...
I truly felt all the passion and emotions coming from the words of this poem. It was well written, and at one point in time, I could have related very well. I still know the bitter feelings, and they will forever be embedded in my mind.
it was great! I loved you unique words and style. i cant wait to show my friends!

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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