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About the Poem

Crazy is a poem about life - well, not life in general, but specifically my life. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Steffanie in her right mind, and all of my opinions and comments become null and void after 3 hours, excluding Daylight Savings Time, Goodnight.


Trapped inside my own head
With nothing but my own fevered dreams to comfort me.
I know the pain of the madman;
He lives inside of me.
I've felt the strength of demons
And the weakness of self- preservation.
And hope. Hope.
Hey, parents, do you know where your kids are tonight?
Are they locked away inside of themselves?
Are their minds slipping away?
Mama hen, mama hen . . .
The fox has taken your baby again.
Precious minds are a shame to waste
Memories are forgotten in haste.
I am losing all that is me . . .
Yet gaining something entirely different.
Something that acts like an animal
And speaks like God.
Comforts me like a best friend
And loves me like its child.
I am its child.
An innocent brat, ready for its teachings.
Ready to do what is told to me.
Believing all that is said to me.
Taking in all.
And living off of my fevered dreams.
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© 1999 Sweetsteffanie Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

61 Visitor Comments

woow. exactly hw i feel smtymes. rily nice
luved it, u just explained 1 of mi episodes so totally perfectly, if i sat still enough to wite something during 1, even i couldnt have put it better
the poes touches me so much
pilar ann
when i express myself this way. people always say. "i hope you get better" whatever. cant they understand? hell. i forgot. they wont ever do. great work.
this poem is awesome. it is deep and touching. it touched my soul
i like it alot, it reminds me of how i feel most of the time. i even printed it out to show to a couple of my friends who feel the same way. :)
it was good
you so rok
This poem is an honest look at watching ouselves sell-out and feeling powerless to do anything about it. I hope you get you back soom
i loved the poem i thought it was awesome good luck with your career
Ex. act. ly!
I can totally relate to this poem, 2 thumbs up hun!
There is alot of emoition in this poem good job.
ey dat was a gud poem n im sry u feel dis way i hope u feel beter .
i love this poem it really touched me keep up the great writing!
i loved it your mind is almost as mines
This poet really created some fantastic imagery! I felt like I knew what they were going through even though I have never experienced anything like that. I am a poet myself and have personally been touched and moved by the strong, empowering words and imagery that was created in my head while reading it. Thankyou!
damn that is so creepy. i love it. its almost like a pink floyd song or something. peace, kelly
This poem was incredible, it reflected exactly how my life is turning out. For the past couple years I've felt myself slipping away and been all too aware of the monster inside. I hope we both can beat it.
Hi, i really like ur poem. i really dont know what to say. i think i am crazy. so does everyone else.
I thought the poem was absoulutely brilliant,it defines what it needs to. keep up the good work. excellent
i can really relate to this poem. is't something i go through and i like to read poems to make myself feel better. and this poem does that.
Your poem is REALLY great! I have been suicidal and get angry and lost all the time. I feel no one cares, only because no one knows. I am still waitin for someone to figure out who the real me is.
i love it
Great poem. Been there, can definately relate. Funny how close to the edge we can all get. It's nice to know that I am not the only one.
This poem is really deep and meaningful it can be protrayed in various ways it translates the life of a person whom is deeply depressed and Suicidal hiding within themselves. I thought it was great.
10 out of 10 very touching and very real would love to talk to you about your dreams i think we have something in common?
Pretty damn amazing.
It's almost eerie how much that poem resembles me. I am not a fan of poems that don't rhyme but I am amazed and shocked at how completly true that poem is. It defenitly sparked something in me and not many poems or poets can do that. Amazing job and I would love to read more of your work!
I loved this poem. I was able to relate to it so well. It was so amazing because I was never able to put those feelings into words and there it was in front of me! Well done!
I thought that this poem is a sweet and intersetiing poem it is very touching and true. It tells about life and love all at the same time! When i read this poem it makes me feel weird sorta like happy sad and mad at the same time. reading your poem makes me relize about my life and my past. i loved it alot and i think that you are a great poet and should keep your mind to poetry because you are really good at it and i envy you and your wonderful poem! well good luck on your future poems ~ your friend, Nikkie aka Shawty
im not really sure how to properly put into words my feelings on what i have just read. this poem was incredible - it was deep, meaningful and touched on my particular situation in a way that i've found very few things do. it was so powerful, thought provoking and maturely written - quite chilling as well. i find myself repeatedly coming back and reading this poem every time i'm on the internet. you have an amazing gift for writing - i wish i was able to put my feelings into words as well as you can. im sure if i could, this poem would be something along the lines of what they would say.
Crazy is my kind of poem. It's phat.
it was a good poem it talk so much about life
i like
i liked this poem. i give you good credit because i actually understood it. keep it up.
they may become null and void. perhaps, after three hours they can always be resurrected. wonderful work thank you
I think that this poem is very true and I hope that you make more poems like this.
Great best on page
it was a great poem
wow, thats really good. U made ur poem in a diff. way then alot of people would and i think thats great it probably cought alot of people attention. I can relate to you in many ways. I've been going through a rough time for awhile now
I really like your poem "Crazy". It relates to me in a the right ways. I wish i would of thought of that poem. Its really nice and keep up the good work!
I loved this poem, yet with my state of mind I cannot tell whether I am crazy for completely understanding it or if I am sane. Almost made me feel normal for a couple of minuets
OMTG! i can sooo relate to this poem! because i live a crazy twisted life and no1 understands!
This is a great poem, I absolutely love it! It has great feelings and I love the way you express yourself!
I'm feeling this poem. This poem touch my heart big time. Love it
This poem ha helped me to deal with my problems and is wrote very well
this poem suck
that was an awesome poem. kinda of scary but caught my attention. i write love poems but nothing close to that. good job.
thank you for making me feel normal for a little while at least
I love this poem. I think it really has deep meaning.
Now here we have one with the inate ability to write poems that can relate to the masses. It is comforting to know she goes through what I do. I dare say these words make me feel less crazy, though not much so.
thank you for this poem
This is truly a depressing poem and i know exactly what she's talking about.
I love your poem, "Crazy"!!! It relates to me so much and everything you said in the poem is so true! I would appreciate it if you e-mailed me.
beautiful writing ... I wrot it down for myself ... your words touched me muchly I loved it thank you
This is a wonderful poem I've felt this way more then one time and I think it was beautifully preceived and written!
Now, I know I am not the only one, her poem touched me and was just great.
I Like your poem. I think it was one of a kind... What you said is true. And always will be. "Crazy" would have to be one of my favorite poems I have read in my lifetime. Which I have read many poems. Yet, I seem to like yours a bit more than others. I thank you for writing that poem

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