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About the Poem

This poem is about the deepening feelings of depression that consume a young woman.

Silence, Emptiness, And Confusion

Silence builds an awful wreckage of a girl
It feeds on loneliness and creates a void
Gray shadows haunt and torment and torture
A teenager is stricken and destroyed

There is no sound of laughter or happiness here
The little one has thrown in the towel today
Somber, melancholy moods decay the soul
It is futile to hope and dream and pray

Emptiness builds a home in this woman
In this girl, this child where hollows have bred
A deepening sea of nowhereness consumes
And eats away at every connecting thread

Confusion feeds like a savage inside her,
Leaving nothing considered worthy remains
Destined to walk through life less ordinary
Alone, exiled, different and disdained.

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© 1999 Bek Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

59 Visitor Comments

This poem touched my soul . . . I feel so much like the poem is erie. I wish I had the gift to put my feelings on paper like Bek did. Thank you for writing something that identifies what I feel.
cool poem
I can relate so well,to the feelings described in this poem. I'm not a teenager anymore,but as a teenager,I always felt alone and isolated. I still feel that way now. My heart breaks for the girl who wrote this poem. Because I've struggled with those feelings for a long time now. And I can tell you,from personal experience,that this kind of pain,is soul-tearing,and soul-damaging. I hope she can overcome these feelings,as she gets older. She doesn't wanna still feel this way,for the rest of her life. Trust me,it's not worth it. Depression,loneliness,and despair will only steal from your life. It will literally tear right into your soul,and eat you alive. I know,because I've lived with that kind of hell,practically my whole life.
OHH MY GOD! this was an amazing read. you have way of putting that emotion in the poem so everyone that reads it, gets a small feel of what was going on inside you. amazing work. Keep it up. i can;t tell you how much the poem ment to me.
This poet can feel ans sence whats going on around her. I can feel whats being said. I can relate. I would hold this poet with high regards. I feel like the poets written about me. Than k you.
^_^!I love this poem. It just touched me.
i loved it, i know how it feels. inside me, there lies this hollow. to deep to follow. I love this peom Cuase i can relate i love the peom it cant seperate Thank u
I can't believe that for at least once in my life someone understands how I feel and for once your not the lonely girl at all for at least a moment. And then at some point I relize that I have feeling. I really have feelings. I'm not crazy but the poem somehow reached out to a lonely girl. Me.
wow. beautiful. thats EXACTLY how i feel now. good poem.
Guys feel like this too. it was beautiful
LOVE the poem. thank you. would like to read more of your poems more power to you.
i love the poem. same feeling for now. hope you dont mind if i post it on my blog. i will credit for sure.
this poem is such a great write as well as read
That poem is amazing. it relates to so many people. it also gives some of the people that ar elike us a booste of confidence and shows us we are nto alone
Bek, your poem has a real honesty about it, I love the first line, I can almost imagine it as the lyric by some folky femme who has the courage to see things as they really are, or as they really seem. You have a talent, a power so beautiful. "Bek you can express in words the reality many live in!" God Bless Amy
This Poem Is what many young teen girls relate to. When Im feeling depressed zI need a good poem to read. It lets me Know Im not the only one out there with those problems. I think this poem is Awsome and touches my heart.
I love this poem it's so me.
amazing. so deep. perfectly written. on the outside what you wrote is not like me. but it is what is truly inside of me and i despair.
I could realte to the poet in so many ways, and when reading it felt a stong connection.
i thought this poem was awesome. it really touched me because i felt the same way not too long ago
hey i like this poe alot you must have putted in alot of efforts in order to come up with such a great poem i should not try to be someone else though as i read your poem it reminded me of something i can't imafine what well bye!
Everyone who releates to this poem knows why it's so real.
Its got good words in it and makes you think. I love it.
Your poem was totally intense! You had me down too a tee! Keep up the awesome work!
i really understand this being a teenager my self, and a girl, it is almost just like me.
I think this is one of the greastest feeling poems ever written. i love it
Wow! Your poem is the best i have ever read, its how i truly feel, i just wanted to thank you for wrighting this witch was probaly hard.
Wow! that is a perfect example of how i feel every second, minute, hour, every single day of my life. I write poetry as well to ease the pain, but it still remains and overpowers me. How do you do it? How do you fight the urge of suicide? Maybe one day i will find out. but i hope that day comes real soon.
this poemi have a great love for, it lightly skimms the top on the way i feel.
Wow that touched my heart and i could really relate to the poem even though it was really really really short but yah i really enjoyed reading it and i can she it with someone else now!(Keep up the good work!)
nothing bad but brillants lol
That was beautiful. I respect your writing,even though it was just one poem. you're a deep writer. In away, I feel like some void little girl, with a pain lingering in the back of my head. I just think you're poetry is great. Keep on writing because it would be a waste of talent if you stopped.
i love your poem it touched me inside keep on doing poems and dont stop
wow this was amazing. brought tears to my eyes
This poem reminded me of my myself a lot. Depression and suicide is really hard to overcome, and the last line of this poem kind of stuck me. I can live alone if I want, but will people let me?
Relatable, very. The raw truth, undeniably. My feelings go out to the author and anyone knows how this is.
The poem touched me in a way I've never been touched before. It's not just "like" me, it IS me. Thank you so much for writing it. It may very well help me on my journey of self-discovery and depression recovery.
bek,your poem touched my very battered soul,i can relate to it i have felt this way since i was a very young child,i am now a woman of 43,my hurt child is still within me,thank you,i no longer feel alone
wow! itz so deep i can relate to it.
i loved this poem, its like it was about me. it was great!
I've never been good with writing my feelings into a poem form, so reading this touched me because it did just that. Bek's poem helps me to realize what I'm going through and how I can fix it.
perfect, fragile and perfect, just like those of us who have truly experienced this kind of pain. i cannot wait to hear more of your work. im very impressed.
Your poem has truly and deeply touched me. I could feel the tears drip onto my keyboard and your poem is exactly how i feel, but sometimes it's hard to get the right words out.
Good job. I really like your poem it tells what I'm going through right now. Keep up the good work =)
omg~! this poem kicks omg i love it dude great job omg i love ur poem~!
This poem is one of the absolutely greatest ones I've heard in a long time. Your words have a really deep meaning for me and I thank you for it.
This poem has reached out to me. Bek put my emotions and put them into words beyond any of my wildest imaginations. The way the complex words are arranged are simply beautiful although its talking about the sadness in a young womens heart. Even though I am quite young, i still felt the sadness from this poem to me when i first read this poem. Absolutly love it!
I found this poem to be exactly what I was thinking. It made me realise that other people know and feel the same as me. Thanx alot. Keep up the great work.
Keep up the good work Bek, that poem is amazing, you're a talented writter :)
I love your poem it is a lot like my life and how i feel thanx for puting it in words
Wow.. that was very deep. I know exactly where you are coming from.
this poem describe exactly what I feel at the moment. depression can really downsize someone. Like what someone can do when they feel a certain way, nothing really. I'm depress every single day, and there's not a thing that would makes me happy, unless they came through.
This peom is so puts my feelings into words.
not much to say a depressing person..i am drawn to depressing poetry. I loved this one ,the only one i really liked.
i luv this kind of says how i'm feeling right now
I am very interested in poetry for about a year. And this one may add to my poet-collection and I find it so 'what a great and convenient' to the problem I had rightnow, especially the tittle.
I'm so touched by this poem.I have been through depression, but without the help of my friends I would be dead right now! I hope this peom will reach out to others like it did to me. Thank you!

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