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About the Poem

This is about a friend that was depressed about her break up with her ex boyfriend. She turned to smoking and stuff for relief. I did my best to help her


Your beauty intoxicates all you encounter,
Yet you fail to notice,
This is your blunder,

You've had a rough time,
Though now it is over,
But yet you continue clinging to what is left over,

And in doing this your depression grows deeper,
Pulling you apart at the seams,
Causing you to unravel and fall to you knees,
Pondering desperately: "How much worse can it be? "

To ease your mind of your terrible burden,
You bargain with Satan (as if he cares),
Giving you a release, in turn for your soul:
That you believe tarnished and not worth much at all,

When all of your friends have been with you till now,
But here comes the crossroads up ahead,
They give you a choice: "Stand tall or fall down."

You have your beauty and charm,
Your intelligence and grace,
Good friends and your health,
What more does it take for you?
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© 1999 Mitchell Pavao Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

46 Visitor Comments

WOW! this poem was amazing. i love the depth of it. it shows how people care. WONDERFUL
the ending is great. a reality check truely loved it
wow this wounderful! it made me cry ni love it keep it up p. s.
I am very depressed and think about suicide often,this poem made me think. Thank you so much for writeing it.
it is a good work of writing this poems to help people which are depressed,sad and wanting to finish off themselves. i really appreciate this good work.
this poem is a fact of reality everybody loves you until you go nuts then your just that person i used to no!
many people cling to the past But they must remember true love would last live for the good times and have a blast this poem is an excellent one and the girl is lucky
It me at home, i was just dumped from a man i truly beleved cared now every thing hurts and nothing is clear, what a moving poem
Thank you! I have been trying to put into words how it is to sit and watch a friend go through this, and you nailed it.
it was really good. i liked it alot. keep writting.
You done good on this pome I will be looking fore more like it
beautiful that is great i totally belive in what your sayin i know a lot of people feel self pity and i understand that once upon a time something hurt them but they have more going for them than they realise and that is like that with a load of my mates i just wish the'd stop going on a bout there pain of there dead goldfish gerri,or there heartache over brad pitt grrrrr well anyway your poem is great keep up writing and become famous cos i would sooooooooo buy you work if you published it! its great!
ey dat was good n im sry bout ur friend it must be hard. i hope she feels better
i can so realate to this and the poem was just great. my ex gave me pain and i cant deal with it but i try and im glad u did.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words.
your poem is great and really well written, it describes how you feel and it does it well. this is a very good poem continue to write and inspire others
i like this poem because u try n understand the depth of ur friend and how hard depression really is
hey i like ur poem it was very good keep it up
ur poem was touching and very true it's seen alot and no one ever seems to notice its good that u do.
I suffer from depression and this poem really spoke to me and made me realize what I have and makes me feel 100X better about myself.
i love this poem. it's creative and people can really relate to it!
this is a very moving poem because i know what the writers going through.
I loved this poem. It is what is going on with my friend I will send her this poem and maybe she'll stop smoking and doing drugs. I thaught this poem was marvulius it was more than I could put in words.
i really could relae to that poem. 2 thumbs up
this poem really touches me beacause it describes how i feel . just to let you know you have touched somebody
I can relate to your poem very much. Just because you have everything, doesn't mean you are happy. People never understood how I could feel badly about myself, but they don't see me the same way I see me.
great job! i love how you explained how you feel. not many people can do that.
i like this poem cause its how i judge myself
wow, that poem touched me alot. that is how i feel my life is.
This poem really tells the pure truth of it all, I loved it.
WOW,That was a great poem it made me cry in kinda ereminds me of me!
omg!that was sooo beautiful and very true. when i read it, i started to cry because it reminded me of one of my friends. holding on to past pain trully depresses u because then u never see wat u trully are. is that what your poem is saying? correct me if i'm wrong. but from what i see tat's wat I THINK its saying.
You speak the truth Mitchell, that's all that needs to be said.
Your poem has touched me and im sure many other's. Reading this makes me feel like there are other's going threw this also, not just me.
I was moved by your poem and being a suffer from clinical depression myself, I belive that this is a personal battle which cannot be faught alone, no matter how hard one tries. Sadly, very few people understand how one feels or thinks when suffering from this illnes. We loose many people whilst we battle against all odds. I lost my family, my friends, the man I loved and also myself. It's true when they say that you have to have gone through it to understand but why is it so many people dont take the time to even attempt to try? Is it because it is easier to turn their back than see someone they love destruct themselves?
Your so lucky your friends were with you when you went through this i went through the same thing and i thank god he and my friends were there when i was going through this painful heartbreak the guy cut me so deeply that still that cut hasnt meand i dont think it ever will
This poem is like me because I also smoke to stop dealing with my problems.
answer:: happiness =* still gewd poem. i like it . xpresses how i felt wen my fwend wanted 2 commit suicide.datz juz great. keep up da gewd job
awesome. simply awesome.
How honorable of you to help your friend out. After her break-up, it seems she turned to drugs and other bad things. You seem to find her beautiful, but she does see herself that way. Some people don't feel 'beautiful' after a relationship has gone sour. You are a good friend.
Your poem is really touching and inspiring. I have suffered from depression before and I understand what your saying.
its a nice poem, i can relate to the person who wrote this. At this moment i an in love with this girl i bearly know. No one understands how i feel when she won't even say hi.
great poem
I really liked this poem because it shows that no matter what trouble you're in, you will always have those special friends in your life that are there to help you out. And for your friend, I hope she realized what she had, and that she decided to stand tall.instead of fall.
This is a great poem. It reminds me of this girl that I liked, she looked great, was very smart, and had everything going for her, except that she did not see what she had, but what she did not have.

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