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About the Poem

I broke up with my girlfriend two months ago. She was the first person I have ever truly been in love with. It took me quite a while to finally come to peace with myself over our breakup. I wrote this after sitting down one night and thinking about life in general and why we go through the hardships that we do. I realized everybody, or almost everybody losses some one they love and you learn to live with it.

And by doing that, you are able to help some one else who is going through it because you have been there, and you understand their feelings.

Peace Of Mind

Have you had cold showers of pain
My friend, you've stood in my rain
Deathly feeling of loneliness
No need to feel shameless
I've been there before
Not wanting to feel any more
Your hearts been broken in half
Mind still living in the past
Cold dark thoughts of suicide
Why don't I do it tonight
Don't worry it will go away
Learn to love another day
Put it in the back of mind
Let it rest and you will find
Dark clouds begin to part
New love will mend the heart
Thoughts of suicide disappear
Self- esteem will reappear
One day you'll be able to say
My friend you've stood in my rain

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© 1999 Dave Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

136 Visitor Comments

Wow, that poem really did speak to me. I've been going through the same thing, and it really helps to have all my feeling brought before me. through someone else's words. Thank you.
I know it's true. I've stood in that rain & I'm facing again. Just being hopeful. Thank you.
Thank you sow much you have truly touched my heart, i really needed that info. I wish it would disepier soner rather than feel it everyday. I'm still tryiing to find a way but for now i guess i'l stay.
i love your poem, i want to talk to you :P
Wow, its simply wonderful. Your poem really touched me.
this poem makes me feel like im home and alone, showing no one my feelings but nothing but the internet, my friends are these letters im typin.
This poem touched me, it helped me feel better like i was worth something thats why i give it my vote
i think that this is a very good poem and should be voted as one of the best
Thank you
I really enjoyed reading your poem, and i can relate
I really enjoed this poem it touched me and gave me hope to live ur poem inspired some of my new ideas for writing! I love'd ur poem!
Its very inspiring
i loved this poem. i know how it feels to be hurt. and feel all alone. i write poems myself. i REALLY like this alot and i can relate to it ALOT. so thankyou for this i wish you the best in your future =0)
i no how u feel but ur it will pass sooner or later loved ur poem!
ur poem got 2 me b cuz it just fits me perfectly. almost as if ur writing this on my life. ne ways i just wanna say its a great peom and ur a good riter, as far as i can tel by this peom. keep ^ the good work. mercedes gonzales
Great poem
after reading "peace of mind" we got goose bumps. it was extreamly touching
this is a very good poem we all will find new love if we do not give up on our selves, even when others give up on us
well written, execptionally worded and it touched something inside because i to have stand in your rain
this poem touched the very core of my heart so much cause i use to be in that state of mind and i have learn to get over some things
this poem has really touchd me,it kinda suits my position. my girl is slowly gettin far from me. it really has boosted my morale. thnx.
Thats a good poem hope it is true because that is what I feel now.
Freak With A Guitar
Omg i love this poem so much. Im only 13 and ive thought about suicide multiple times but never have i gotten a chance to do it. ive tried and ive tried. This poem shows how good it can be to have the feeling of no suicide thoughts but also that it takes alot of risks!
i know how u fel and i love comeing to this web site because i write teen poetry
I'd just like to say i think your poem was really beautiful:) and i like the hope your sending out to everyone. if only everyones dark clouds could part, wouldnt that be nice?
Thats how I feel right now and it is very hard not to give up and I am trying but that poem gives me new hope for tommorow thanxs! Jessica Hughes
Beautiful Dreamer
Let me just say that when I read your poem, I saw my ex-boyfriend in you. I saw the same voice and spirit, but he's simply not as strong. I've kept in contact with him for a few months now, and a few times, I had reason to fear that my complete absence could cost him his life. I recently left your poem out where he could see it. Thank you, thank you so much. You finally reached him.
this poem was really touching. i liked it alot.
This poem is awesome and i'm glad you came to terms wit that breakup. Remeber everything happens for a reason
Read this with tears in my eyes. beautiful Dave
i know everyone has already said it, but this poem is fantastic. thank you
hey that poem was really good. i dont know why but it really touched me. your a great writer!
i give it a perfect 10. i love your poem!
i give it a perfect i love your poem!
Aww. this poem was really sweet and so true. I'll be your new love sweetheart.
i've been through depression and i know what it is like in the struggle through and then getting back on your feet again. i just wanted to say that this poem really touched me and i thought you did an amazing job of capturing the emotions in your words.
wow this was deep i mean i write myself and still none of mine were ever this deep and well writen best to you and your writing
I really like the poem because It reminds me of my friends that used to talk to me when I am down and they moved away and my life changed so much with their help.
well i'm standing in the rain but maybe soon ill be out of it
It's such an awesome poem. It reminds me of how my life used to be. ~Lavina
Such a beautiful poem.
is descirbing how im feeling only differnce is im still with the person just they dont have time for me
it brought a tear to my eye.
Wow. Not alot of ppl can write down whats inside. But this piece is just amazing!
it's the truth
I think that you are a really good writer and i understand what you went through. your poem really helped me
i love this poem, it actually makes me feel like it will go away. my pain. i hope so. thanx it's great
Hey this poem really means a lot to me bc i have gone thru this and it really helps me to know i wasnt the only one thanks.
this was a pretty good poem.
i loved that poem to cuz i was made to break up with my ex by my step dad and i love him to death and i want to be happy again i went threw a really bad depression for bout 3 months and i had to go to theripy and i found i love to write ad read poems that explain me well. thank u i loved it.
you did a really good job on your poem and you made me feel better tonight thank you and keep writing your peoms
THIS IS HOW WE FEEL! thanks, but maybe im just too sad to realize that other ppl are with me
hi my name is monica davies i have read this poem and i love it i love all poems so i can get to see wat people feel when they wright it is a great way to see how the diffrent perspectives of people come put in to the world that is why i want to put out my poems on to this site lots of love monica davies
dave, you have touched my heart completely, i just feel like im not the only one anymore thanx 4 making my day just a bit better
this is a wonderful poem i can so connect to it
WOW!ur a great poet. im only 13 but i've been in the same situation many times. i'm starting to relize how much poetry can help me. keep writing ur awesome!
touchy poem ! Me Like :)
It was awsome how the poem related one to the arthor. it was a great connection.
hey i love your poem it reminds me of me i have been through the same
This brings back so many memories of being suicidal and fighting an eating disorder all at once. i used to write poems when i was upset and would cry for hours and hours wishing someone would understand.
wow. what more needs to be said?
I really liked it!
This poem is really deep & true. Write more soon! REALLY!
That poem was beautiful, awesome job! :) I've been there too.
nice poem Dave. I really like it =)
I especially like your poem because you encourage others to move on. A lot of people take advantage of what someone else would appreciate, and you make that known. Not only that but, about situations in life people go through and they can overcome fears. -one- young squeak and J_breezy
wow it sent chills threw me . very good poem . i loved it
that was awesome you have obviously come along way in your life. i can relate to that so much but it was spot on. keep it up.
This poem is really awesome and really explains the truth about what happens when you think about suicide and dont go thru with it.
I've stood in your rain, it hurts like hell going through it. The best part is the outcome!
I have been in your rain, but my sun is shining now. William
this is just so peacefull that i can realte to it all
Wow. This poem really shows the truth. it tells about how people really feel and I think it will help a lot of people.
I am in love right now, and I can only imagine not being with him, but your poem was really good and it left a good enough impression for me to say all of this.
I've stood in ur rain. I really like this poem of yours.
Graet poem i like it a lot
hi, ive not long broken up with my boy friend of two years, and its not hit me how much pain he must be goning through until i read this, its really great and has made me think. thank you.
Awesome. I feel that same way. I love it! luv lynz
This poem is absoultly wonderful i know just how you feel.
This is one of the best poems i have ever read. I collect poems. I also write poems about deppression and suicide. This poem was so insparational. I have been through this myself. thanx!
Excellent needs top votes. Should be published in high schools.
What an awsome poem, I can relate to it oh so well.
that poem hit the nail right on the head it was perfect
It relates to it a lot, thank you, you made me feel better, MUCH BETTER! peace keep it up, you are doing great!
As you said . My friend I've stood in your rain! I've been ther and fought that battle! I wish I would have know of your poems before I started to cut It would have helped! Thankz anyways!
Dave. Not a single poem has ever made me cry. until now. If I had read this four months ago I would have sworn you were in my head! Wow! Awesome.
Dude that poem was truely awesome. I`ve been there before so I know whats it`s like to say that I`ve standed in your rain.
This poem really touched me. One of my really good friends Zack commited suicide last Sunday & I just wish he could have read this before he did what he did. Thanks.
I can very much relate to this poem, and i actually feel better.
I have been down . And it does get better. Time is a great healer.
you did very well
exccellent poem
The poem was very touching and well put,i can relate to every word, my heart was broken 12 years ago i still think of her every day, my heart is still broken,i will never find that love again!
I really liked your poem. r u always so positive about life? I wish I could say that i could be positive about my life
This Poem Really touched me and I have stood in his rain. Believe me, it ain't easy. Bravo for an incredible poem and I hope to see more
i really liked this poem and I CAN TOTALLY relate to this poem and I think thats why I like it even more.
I was there and i have stood in your rain. open up an umbrella of hope ad you can make it today.
this poem has really touched my heart. this whole summer has been like hell for me and hearing a peom like this cheerz me up. i'm glad that their is an optimistic person out there like you. Tear* but this time a tear of happiness
Wow. I was looking for a poem online that I could send to my suicidal mother. Something inspirational, something personal for I too was there. I found my way through the darkness and pain. It shall remain in my heart forever as a reminder but it has made me stronger and I am now in a place where I thought I could only be in death, peaceful and happy. There is alway hope you just have to look within.
it completely touched my soul it describes how depressed i am thank you for the poem its great!
Oh my god you don't kno how your poem really touched me i had been goin with this boy for about a year and a half and we broke up your peom lifted my spirts thanks so much it's good to kno you're not alone
Very inspirational, and very very true.
This poem was perfect. He described how hw felt very artistically. I am very glad I was able to read and love it! It almost made me cry.
I think your poem is absolutly beautiful. You have an amazing talent and its wonderful that you have the courage to vocalize your fealings that way. I wish I had your courage.
I love this poem it's great i can totally relate to it.
Hey, this poem is true girls can be cruel and sadistic. I know how you feel bud. I've been rejected by lots of girls. Get up again man and fight
Dude , This is the greatest poem ive read on this site what i mean is i can feel your passion and love for your work and, i admire that its hard to find poets like that i always try to make my songs and poetry realy come from inside ! you let that shine out .
That is a beatiful poem.
i give you an F and F for FANTASTIC glad to see you are keeping up an optimistic point of veiw because i've lost hope in getting over it.
This poem was really well written I like it alot. Very well done i must say so keep it real
cool poem, i think u should send ur poem to ur girl
That was a beatiful poem. It made me feel a lot better about myself knowing that some one out there could be looking for someone to love.
Thank you for showing me the light - I know i am not alone
I think this poem says it all perfectly. But when will my rain move on?
if the eyes bled tears from the heart,,one knows love is a gun that kills without a bullet,,he sure is overwhelming!
That is sooo beautiful. I know the feeling of losing someone and feeling you can't go on. Then one day you wake up and realize yes you can!
awesome poem. it brought tears to my eyes.
very t0Uching!!! you know thats how love works.. you chose to have it so means y0u chose to be HURT ! 'ope ur in gUd heartbeat now...
Hey Dave i really liked ur poem! cool to know that guys can feel the same. where are u guys with lyrics like Boyz II Men?
I stand in your rain everyday, but remember life is not only full of pain...
i love this poem! So many different people can relate because all of us most likely go through this.
Thank you so much for this poem. I am currently feeling what this poem describes and I just want to thank you for showing me that I am not alone!
dave that is a beautiful poem, it expresses the feelings that so many of us have felt and if we hang on we do find love again, thank you
I thought about your poem alot, and I realized that your rain is the worst kind of rain, and that I will probably be rained upon for a while, and for that reason, your poem has touched my heart. Thank you for making me realize that I'm not the only one being rained on
I thought this poem was great!
Your poem is great but you never want to kill yourself..killing yourself is like killing you family and friends
I've been in your rain.
I could feel the emotions behind this peace and to me thats wht poetry is all about.
I loved this poem because we all were there once and we have all stood in your rain Dave you rule!!!!!!!!!
I just anted to say that this is such a good poem. I keep telling myself that everything will be better someday!!
This poem makes me feel like Im not alone in my feelings, I recently broke up with someone and I know how he feels.
I feel ya
I can relate so very much with this poem. I hope Dave is allright.
i like your poem Dave it explains alot that has gone on in my life.
great poem really touching

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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