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About the Poem

This poem was read at my son's Christening on the day of my 30th birthday. I dedicated it to my wife and to my mother. I wrote the words to say thank you. From both of us.

Baby's Words

Although I am small and cannot say a word
these thoughts of my family I wish could be heard . . .
I feel all your love and the kind things you do.
I get so excited that I smile and coo.
A soapy warm bath or the comb through my hair
all your soft whispers that tell me you care.
Then wrapped in your arms it is safe and secure
protected with tenderness that is perfect and pure.
And if ever I'm messy, hungry, or cold
with just a small whimper I'm quickly consoled.
You kiss and caress to stop me from weeping
then patiently wait 'til I'm comfortably sleeping.
You make my life joyous, full of colors and fun
when I see you each morning your face is my sun.
So, if you aren't certain your gestures are felt
look deep in my eyes and I'm sure you will melt.
They say I'll grow fast like the blink of an eye
but do not be sad at the time that goes by.
Because I'll remember all you've given and shared
to get me through life completely prepared.
I'll be the great one who stands out in the crowd
your hearts will be happy I'll make you so proud.
I thank you so much for all that you do
and never forget that I love you, too.
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© 1999 Frank Greg Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

78 Visitor Comments

Beautiful. had me in tears.
Such a sweet poem, and very well written. It flows nicely!
What a lovely poem. I will read this out at my granddaughters christening tomorrow, if I can keep a dry eye! Thank you
I read this poem at my own daughters christening, the words were most beautiful and touched all our hearts. Thank you
I am a mother of five young children. I just love babies and this poem brought back wonderful memories of looking into my babies' eyes. Very nice.
This is a lovely poem! I was looking for a poem for my future daughter-in-law. My son and her have a child that will 10 months old soon. It is his first Christmas, and I am making a gift for Mom & Dad (with handprints/footprints). I think it will be a treasure for them to have. I already had Dad's poem and was looking for mom's tonite. This really touched my heart, and I'm about 90% sure this is the one I'm going to use. GREAT JOB to the writer!
i have two boys a one yr old and a 3 month old and your poem was perfect
We were looking for readings to have at our daughter's naming ceremony! This is a lovely poem, just what we were looking for! Thank you so much, this will make our day more special!
just wonderful, what else can I say !.
still crying now! im a first time mum to a baby boy of 10 weeks old and this poem has brought more than a tear to my eye. What a moving and truely fantastic poem
This was a very touching poem. thank you
Loved the poem, great perspective and not gushy. Thanks
This poem really touches my heart. My soon to be husband has a little girl about eighteen months old and sometimes i do feel like she wont ever know how much i love her and how much i was there for her when she was born and how much i wish i could see her right now. I miss and love her with all my hearts content. And I hope that one day she would know just how much i love her and that i'll always be there for her. This poem brings me hope that maybe someday she will know that.
one of the best poems i have red i love it it made me cry i have a son of 4 months, i thought of him thank you. 10 out of 10, ps hope to reed more .
Joanne Catherine
this poem is so unique as it is from a voice of a baby
This touched me so deeply. Tears started rolling down my face. As I now am sure that's how my 4 month old feels! Thank You
I loved this poem. It was so eloquently written!
I loved this poem because I can see in both my daughters eyes all of this poem! It made me tear up because they are my life.
Any parent could not fail to love your poem. It touched my heart.
this poem made me well up when i read it on sunday october 2nd,my neice will be getting dedicated as the salvation army call it. due to circumstances with my job i can't go. my brother and his wife won't be far from my thoughts on their special day,nor my neice. for weeks i've been looking for a special poem i can send and i think i've just found it.
My grand-daughter is in the NICU and will be there for another month or so. My daughter is undera great deal of stress and this poem is just what we she needed to reasure her that it is going to be ok. Thanks Katie
this was a fantastic poem!
This is such a beautiful poem. I am weeks away from having my baby boy and every word of this poem is true.
This poem moved me to tears. I read it at my son's christening.
I just had my first baby grand daughter, was there with my daughter, i have experanced so much emotion, and ur poam i will send to her. It saids all a little one would, thank u and God Bless
Here I am, bawling my eyes out after reading this poem. Im currently 28+ weeks pregnant with a little girl after 4 miscarriages and a stillbirth at 36 weeks. This poem gives me hope that things will be okay. :) Thank you so much for writing it.
I absolutely adore your poem, it is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I am soon to be a godparent for my friends little girl and, with your permission, would love to be able to read your poem as part of the christening service.
This is absolutely beautiful!
This is a beautiful poem - it sincerely pulled at my heart strings! My son is just two years old and at times can be quite exhausting and frustrating. These words remind me that he is just a baby, doesn't intend to be naughty and, most importantly, loves me. I will keep a copy of this in my filofax and next time I'm tired af ter a sleepless night, I shall read it again. Thank you.
This poem brought tears to my eyes and made me think of my son, Joseph.
Beautiful! It really touched my heart! You are blessed to have this child!
I love it love it love it This is a great poem It really touched me I just had a baby my self and I can really get it Thank you
this poem is beatiful
i love you poem it was very very touching. i't reminds me off all the little faces and gestures that my daughter Lillie does. thanx for sharing it with me. jennifer
this poem i like it had touched my family's hearts and my heart as well.
I just loved your poem. It melts your heart
I am overwhelmed and somewhat lost for words at your beautiful poem. I am a new mother and your words really affected me. I certainly had a good sob ! Thank you for sharing it and I can't wait to share it with friends !
this is one of the best poems that i have found that i feel like i can give my husband from my son and it is from the heart. i really love it and it almost made me cry, i actually could see my sons face while i read this
This is a wonderful poem. And good luck to the author, I hope continue to write such great poetry.
this poem brought a tear to my eye. ive just had my first child and i loved it. every word was so true. thank you.
a beautiful poem, now on my fridge for all to read.
Beautiful! I have two little ones and this poem warms a mothers heart. so true to look in a childs eyes and melt knowing they think you are the world!
Thank you for sharing your beautifull words.
That was an awesome poem, wow. It made me cry :o)
Absoloutely beautiful!
Beautiful it brought tears to my eyes
I was looking for a poem to put on my newborn niece's t-shirt and here it is. I wanted to give her parents something from her. I love this poem and wish I could find more like it! It's very sweet and gives the little angels a voice.
What a beautiful poem. Everyone who has ever had a baby will love this poem . You are blessedto have such wonderful talent.
your poem brought tears to my eyes. It is one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read. Thank you for sharing.
what a lovely poem, my sis in law just had a baby and I sent it to her thank you once again
I have a 3 month old baby boy and this poem just reached out and grabed me. It is so perfect and just awsome.
So emotional !
a delightful poem ,my youngest is now 7 yrs old,but i look after my 4 month neice all day for once aweek and i wish i had appreciated my own as much it truly moved me back to when mine where lil new ones!brilliant!
I love this poem, Frank. It is amazing!
Fantastic poem!
Great poem. I used it in a greeting card for my grandnephew's baptism. Thought it would make the parents feel great. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful thoughts.
This is such a wonderful poem. It moved me very much. Wonderful!
fantastic just had a grandson and this poem fits him perfectly
Very moving and special.thankyou.
Thanks for the beautiful poem..I'm going to attach this to my newborn grandchilds photo this Xmas..
I really thought this poem expressed the author's thoughts very well. It flowed well and was thought-provoking as well.
I sit here with watery eyes and goosebumps on my skin, I have never read such a beautiful, wonderful poem. What a gifted man this Mr. Greg. I can only imagine the reaction by his family apon hearing it. I have two children, and only wish I could have thought of those words myself. :)
you're a good father , also be a good son , too. :)
I love this poem. I was looking for a poem that I could add to a card to give to my Mom from my 9 month old daughter, my Mom takes care of her everyday while I work, and I couldn't find a poem that fit perfectly. Well this one made me cry!!!! It fits perfect. I love it. Sara (Morgan's Mommy)
i absolutley loved this poem. It made me cry and that is hard to do. I am going to have this peom read at my sons baptizem. Thank you for righting the words that i could not say. It is so hard to express the love you feel for your children. Perfect job. Thank you
a wonderful poem
Loved the way you put yourself in the baby's emotional position. I will also use this beautiful poem in a baptismal card. Thank you and don't worry your name will be there.
VERY touching!
A beautiful poem!
Beautiful and very moving!
Brilliant. Just sums up how I feel about my baby.
That was very touchy. I loved it! Knowing what to say for a child and understanding what they're going through especially from a man is something else to me. Not many males can understand a child. I know you'll be one of the best fathers around.
Brought tears to my eyes - beautiful.
Excellent poem I wrote it in my new sons baby book
I love this poem it couldn't be better.
It brought tears to my eyes!
I absolutely love this poem.Excellent job.I got goosebumps just reading it..isn't it something what children can bring out in us
This is just a wonderful poem. One that touches the deepest of hearts.

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