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About the Poem

A few months ago, one of my best friends was going through a real tough time. She was having problems with relationships and all kinds of other stuff. She attempted suicide a few times and was constantly depressed. I wrote this poem for her so she knew how special she really is and how much she means to me.

A Friend Like You

You are one of the best friends that I've ever had.
For the past nine years, you've known everything about me,
My secrets, my lies, my faults, my triumphs, my joys and my fears.
You know me inside and out; like the back of your hand.
I've never been as honest with anyone as I have been with you.

When I was weak, you were strong.
When I stumbled, you led the way.
When I was blind, you could see.
When I was silent, you spoke.

When I needed advice, you were there.
When I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there.
When I needed someone to cheer me up, you were there.
When I needed a friend the most, you were there.

You've always been able to bring a smile to my face and make me laugh.
Through thick and thin, you've always been there for me.
Whenever I'm with you, I have a good time.
It seems like you always understand my feelings and identify with my thoughts.
When I first met you, I thought we'd be friends for life.

But now, something has happened.
I still don't understand it, really.
All I know is that you're slowly slipping away.
And soon, you'll be gone.
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Except hope and pray that
You'll somehow come back.

Don't leave me here all alone,
In this world full of hatred.
I fear so much, and confront so little.
I need you and your strength,
To be with me always.

Don't leave me here all alone:
Without a true friend, a real friend, a friend like you.
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48 Visitor Comments

~*its such a nice poem for those person who appreciate their friendship with thier freinds. ,*~ and it so cute. ,and the poem is a true happened in every kind of friendship. , =p
It was a sad poem, it mademe cry. It was so touching. It's like you could be in the position of the friend who's losing her best friend, I'll never forget it.
i think that is a very nice poem your a true a friend i wish i knew someone like you who would actually be there your poem really touched me it made me relize what i have in life that i have friends who are there so keep on writting your poems your very good well hope to talk to you more ad get to know you
loved it so much infact afriend has a vvv important place inmy life therefore liked it so much
Awal Eesh
A very very nice poem which has touched me deeply. My name is Awal, I am from Delhi, India. I am making animated friendship ecards, and this poem has motivated me to make something so special that can bring back the forgotten friends. Take Care. Bye. -Awal Eesh Singh
Man that poem is all the way to the heart that one. Praises to you for showing your mate how much she means to you! I really liked that poem. keeps friends forever!
I Love the poem. Its kute, Touching, and to me it seems like something that came from your heart! keep up the poetry!
I think yr poem rocks! its totalli outta the world n its very touching too. good job !
That was one of the best poems i have read. I guess i liked it so much because it reminded me of my soccer coach, Erick. Thank You
i love your poem it is so great becouse something like this happen to me one day.
very nice poem . Its for those true friends.
beacause i like this poem is used to give a gift to my friend iam very happy.
Wow. That poem made me shed some tears. I have a best friend that I wouuld go to the ends of the earth for. . WOW.
hey its a very nice poem really u have a very nice way of conveing your message and its atleast reached me in a very meaning full way this poem really soots my best friend and please continue writing such poem . excelent poem
I loved this piece of work. it is awsome. i would love to be able to write poems like you some day.
I vote for you poem because it really great poem that i ever find in my life that someone wrote about a friend like you.
this poem is so great, time when be a special person can't be, but be a best friend can be, GREAT
i love this poem alot.
I don't think you need to feel dark and lonely when your friend is slipping away, you have a big fat heart, share some of its resource on yourself. I would love to see a poem about how you feel about yourself.
Tis poem's reli sweet.U had done a great job! i had a fren,whom i had befren since las 2 yirz. i dono y our frenship suddenly bcame apart.
really love it your the fine artist. tear in my eyes is still crying to read like that poem.
This is a sad poem but it makes friends realize that maybe the ones you need to say hi to everyday are you`re friends closest to you.
I really liked your poem, I think all of us forget just how important sometimes the people next to us can be. My friend also saved my life, with her words, so I feel like i am your best friend. Thank you for being a great poet.
Awwww...that's really sweet!! ya sometimes that is how i feel and i'm glad that you wrote that poem cuz that's sometimes what people need to hear from other friends!!
I found that this poem was absolutely beautiful,I sent it a couple of friend espectially my best friend Jennifer.I find this poem is everything about her she is the best in the world and I'm glad that i have her.the author that wrote this poem is an exelent poet and I hope to become like that.This poem is wonderfull.I love it so much!
It is a very good poems for friends.
This poem was so good i wish i could have thought of something like this when i lost my best friend.
I really enjoyed the poem.i had a friend of nine years.and ever since she got a boyfriend she has had alot of probs and loosin her friends and the realtionship between her and her shes like a stranger.i hope that her reading this poem helps to show her that i'm still here for her if she needs me.ALWAYS
This poem was really sweet it reminds me of my friends.
this is truly one of the greatest poem's i have ever read. It touched me deeply and not many thing's do that. U really know how to express your feelings and i just wish i could write like u do. i would love to read more of your poems if u have any.
I really like your poem it showed me alot with a friend that always will end. i have had a friend like that. she wont even talk to me any more.i have gave her everything that she wonts but this is how she does me. but i reall like your poem it is so sweet.
it was very sweet , beautifully written , touched a nerve in me
Hi, reading this poel made me realize how lucky iam to have such a wonderful friend like (monica). Iam going to be moving in a few weeks. I dont want to lose her. I have lost everything, i cant risk loseing my best friend. Every day she is slipping away. And some how i cant stop it.
The best poem on friendship ever read .
I liked this poem because it relates to me and my friend who is in the Marines.
Your poem was good... It reminds me of things my friends use to write me when I was depressed and thinking about suicide.. and it made me relize how much it would hurt everyone if I really did it which made me decide not to. Anyway..your poem is great keep writing
this poem talkes about me and me once best friend
it really hits home and is a well written poem
Your poem really is one of the best that i have read - and it really makes you think well done.
Your poem brought tears to my eyes. it was a real eye opener for me. not to long ago a friend of mine wanted to die so much. but as the days wore on with just talking to her on the phone and going to see her I slowly got her out of her depression which was brought on by new medication that she was algeric to. thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with us in cyber land. take care because there are others that care
i really liked this peom and you are a great writer
Its really great, i love poems, i have been looking for poems since like a month and through all i've read, this is one of the bests, really love it, see ya!
Reading your poem made me realize how lucky I am to have my friends and your words really touched my heart in a way I can't explain
I really liked this poem it really explained one of my best friend and i's friendship. although it hasnt been so long it did and I reaklly liked the poem
well i love it and i hope that true friends like me could enjoy that poem hope that you could give me some of doese poems
this poem is surely the most touchung pem i have ever read it tells me about me and my bast friend so i give this poem 100%
well i have a best friend and she left the school and this poem is so nice because it reminds me about my best friend beverlly please if you do have more poemes like this please can you send it to me well this poem is the most nicest pome iv ever read

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