Send some poetry to a friend - the love thought that counts!
Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

This poem reflects feelings towards either a friend or a lover. When someone you care about is hurting, there's often no appropriate words to say. I have found in my experiences, that just letting them know that you are there for them is often enough . . .

By Your Side

It hurts to know you’re hurting
Because you’re so special in my heart
The pain that you are feeling
Is tearing me apart

But know that love has a way
Of easing all that’s wrong
Together we can make it
If we hold on and just be strong

Know that you’re not alone
In all your adversity
For by your side through and through
Is where I’ll always be
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© 1999 Ruwaida Van Doorsen Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

35 Visitor Comments

What a lovely poem. From looking at it told me that the author realy had a best friend before.
Your are so great i wanted to give this to my someone i like and hopefully it will pay off. Her name Is Maleana And i love her so. this poem will help me alot
Lovely poem just what i was after for a friend going thru a hard time at the mo. thanks
This poem fits the situation I am in with my friend. I feel helpless because I can't really do anything but to show her i'm her for her.
its a prettie poem for a friend!
This is the perfect poem to let a friend know that you are there for them. Thank You for the wonderful poem. Would love to read more of your poems
This poem is nice!
I loved this poem! I can show it to my friend and now perhaps she will understand how much I care for her. I have been constantly looking on this site for a poem like that, now my search is over and I thank you with all my heart!
I have a friend who has been diagonsed with anorexia i was looking for the right words to say and the poem said it all.
This poem made me cry a little it's so touching, it reminded me of this friend I have and I just couldn' help crying. Natalie
Just sad the right thing
i think that this poemis brill because i said the same words to my friend and we are still friends after seven years and i think that is good
I thought this poem was Great! because it relates to my boyfriend that i truely love and care about that is going through a hard and painful time in this stage of life of his
that is an awsome poem! it really made me think about my best friend who thinks everything is the end of the world. this poem really gave me the courage on showing my friend on how much i care and how much love i have for him. thanks bunches!
I got this poem from a friend when i was going through a hard time, it touched me deeply, and i really felt it. this person has serious talent. definetly something i'd write
nice pome that really heleped me im trying to get some pomes published thanks
That was a very great poem that toched my heart. I will always remember my best friend forever!
Society conditions males not to cry. Poetry like this makes society's limitations unavoidable. Beautiful.
Your poem is great..i have been looking for a good friendship poem..i know a guy friend that is goin throw a tuff time right now..and hopefully when i send this to him he will know how much i care about him and dont what him to get hurt..Thank You!!
I got all teary eyed. MY pal is havin a ruff time right now. this will show him how i care.
i cry to this poem its touching it made mine eyes open more it open me up to more things now.
i love this poem, it really explains wut me and my friend are going through right now. a guy has hurt her very bad and she has told me that i have been here for her.
This was lovely.It made me cry.
This poem is so good...I know after receiving best friend will really know how much I care for her during this hard time that she is trying to deal. Thanks for your poem which says it all!! Keep up the good work!!
I really liked this poem as it brought tears to my eyes, it made me think of my cousin that is really ill at this moment. It was nice and sad in a way but i relly liked it.
I loved the peom it made me realize that maybe friendship is worth the pain and the effort.Tahnk you. I needed that encouragement
my father-in-law passed away and this poem my friend sent to me it is very comforting thanks
I think this is a really sweet poem that says only the truth about being there for a friend:)
I give this poem a 10 because this poem fits my friend so much I sent it to her
Very good poem i could not have said it better myself...
Your poem was really good and i can relate to this. my friend has been through some stuff and we always get through b/c i am always by her side. just like u say.
Words, when carefully written can express so much, I believe this poem is everything and more. It explains the depth of your feelings and is truely an inspiration when one says so little yet says alot.
My friend is going through the hardest time in her life and I know this poem will make her realize I care.Thank you for the best poem I've ever heard!THANK-YOU
This ment alot to me! This is a great poem. This also made me and my moms relationship great Thanks

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