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About the Poem

I live in the city and there always seems to be "noise." At times when my spirit needs a break and my eye catches a lonely seagull, my inner being reaches out to find silence and peace. What a gift to receive.

Gift Of The Seagull

A lonely seagull flies the winds
Majestic... soaring...gliding wings
A single screech sounds from the sky
Come fly with me... come here and fly

My spirit floats to be a part
I feel the beating of its heart
My soul, one with this bird of sea
Now knows the meaning to fly free

I feel the winds caress my soul
And soar the streams without a goal
My being trembles of delight
A treasure I received tonight

The seagull's flight of soaring high
The gift of what it means to fly

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© 2000 Munda Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

102 Visitor Comments

This is a really moving poem which touched me with a feeling of freedom deep within!
Amazing! You feel as if the ability to fly is no longer a concept but a true reality!
I realy enjoyed this poam
Wow, this poem is great! I absolutely love it! It would seem nice to be free like that some day. if us humans can really just fly alongside the seagulls. It would be such a paradise. This Poem can only bring us hopes and dreams that one day. maybe. we all will find peace. I rate it. 9 out of 10.
this poem is so. poetic! i know that sounds so stupid, but thats the only way i could describe this poem. well, there's other words, but munda, you're u true poet. and the other words to describe this poem are beautiful. wonderful. i just wish u keep on writing these amazing poems. and i love how u make it seem like u could just fly away with a seagull. its cool. i sound so dumb right now. i dont mean to, but i love this poem! and i don't know why i love it so much. well. yeah.
it is very real,it makes me question myself?
i really love this poem it really inspries me to write!
I love this pem it is so i don't know it make me want to do something that matters! thanks for sharing
I felt moved by your poem. It is beautiful and inspirational. Thank you for sharing your gift.
this poem allowed me to think of someone rescuing you when you felt down,someone taking your had and saving you form your emptiness. this being accurate,i don't know, but to me the sign of a good poem is one than enables you interpret what you can and take from it what you will. great. thanks
You've said so very much through your choice of words to give your poem it's special meaning. It reached right out and touched my heart. But more importantly, it gave me something beautiful to think about! Thank you
I like the meaning that I gather from reading the poem. I am sending it to my students so they use it as meaning to fly high for what they want out of life.
Beautiful, simply beautiful. Freedom expressed in it's simplest and lightest form, yet has a prfound effect to my soul. Beautiful.
excellent work. cud associate wid it quite well
WOW! this was very good. It is so true and easy to understand how you may feel about life nd other things -- love it !
i'd vote your peom a 9. 5 outa 9. 5. i liked your poem in the way that you put your whole poem as a metaphor about how you want peace and quiet and just yo be calm like a seagull is just flying and not caring. your brillant.
This poe really means alot. My father went into acute renal failure and died twice, he is doing better but still in I. C. U. right now, and this poem really makes me feel better. I am an only child and my Father is not married and I have three children and a husband and I have been about on my death bed to. It's good to read something loke this during your hard times, Anyway Great Poem!
This poem touches me because the book Jonathon Livingston Seagull touched my heart at avery profound time in my life.
I just like it so much
This was an amazing poem, one that personally touched me.
i liked you poem. I liked the style in the past i wrote something with the same thuoght but you put it better than me.
I loved it. It brought up so many inspirational thoughts. Keep up the work.
this is one of those rare poems that speak to ones soul. I like it for its simple beauty, sincerity and the sense of freedom and space that it evokes in me.
I really like this poem because it just. reaches out to me. Even though a seagull is usually just a dull bird, that you see almost everywhere, something that always blends in, Munda has made it into a really amazing thing.
What I liked about your work is the realness of it. Keep up the good work I look forward to reading more of your poems.
I really liked it because of the rhythm of the words were just like the rhythm of the sea banging on rocks when the tide comes in. It was a very emotional poem which a person can read over and over again and not be sick of.
This was a really inspirationalpoem and it touched me
this poem is very touchig since my boyfriend died ad me, nicole blackwood has no life but i have no frineds either. i like someone named marco but that crazy girl katie has got him
This poem really moved ,me touching me in my soul deeply painting a very vivid picture in my mind like a feeling of flying. I loved it
jessa mae
i love it really!
the poem is absolutley wonderful!it brought tears to my eyes, right now im going through a very tough time in my life and your poem made me realize that you can find peace in the simple joys of life. THANKS.
Very sound poem with great imagery - it just grabs at the beauty of life.
WOW! It takes me back to the times I spent camping in high school. Thanks, I needed that.
This poem really did make my day. It's nice to read something that makes you smile.
I thought this was a wonderful poem evoking both the smell and freedom of the sea and a feeling of the freedom of the spirit.
Beautiful,soring gliding, a poem worthy of elves themselves.
This poem was very touching and what it means to me is that dont feel stuck to something that bothers you or you just dont wonna be so be free and find your own way in life instead of seeking it through others dreams and not yours. Keep writing hopefully one day you will become a famous poet
A friend of mine thought I had betrayed her and now her feelings are slowly surfacing, I know she is in pain and I want to say something that will be like a whisper in her ear - and this fits. Thank you.
The poem was very touching and hope to read more of your poems. GREAT WORK.
I thought it was BEAUTIFUL!
i really love this poem it touched my heart you have a very good way with words
I felt that it was staight to the point with a whole lot to express for people with imagination. Very beautiful and well written
jyoti chadha
it is a beautiful piece which actually raises your soul with every time you reread it
This poem is really inspiring, and it brings things to life that you might not notice! Great job!
It was a breath of fresh air. Didn't have to think. just "BE"
Nice poem
I thing your poem is very good. I can tell you wrote this with your heart and soul. If you write all of your writing like this I bet your very good
This was very good, and i think i will use this for a project of mine!
It is a really lovely poem that touched me a lot. I found it when searching for poems to set to music as part of my university course, and this one inspired me to set the first verse to music.
i like it it should be a good poem to publish i give it a 9
i really like your poem!it's beautiful!
Excellent. very meanful
i loved it. truely inspirational.
10 pts. so true and beautiful.
What a lovely poem I was down and the words lifted me up
what a beautiful poem. so inspirational. it touched me deeply
This was such a well written poem, I loved it! The imagery and everything about it was great! Keep it up!
This poem is so eloquently written. It really gives the reader the sense of emotion felt by its writer. I love it!
I think that this is a great poem. It's funny how sometimes we find the greatest peace in things that are so far away from us. Like the seagull that you saw. There was no way that you can ever be that seagul. but its a blessing to imagine the peace that that seagul has.
One of the best poems I have read.
Outstanding! Amazing! your ability to express yourself and your inner being is a gift which is rarely found. Keep writing and practicing and I promise you will go far!
Honor to fly free, few can see as you see.
i really like your poem, thanks
I can say this was verry wonderfully writtin and is an inspiration
Munda: I really enjoyed this poem. One's mind and spirit taking in a vicarious adventure of freedom is seemingly, simple, yet complex, as everyone has to deal with the realities of life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Freedom from our live's realities can be a sweet, and uplifting experience;)
this poem contained alot of meaning and it was beautifully written.
Very nice poem that paints a nice picture of what it meens to be free.
I Love this poem, I think Alot on getting away my self & flying like the Eagles. Great job
Picture yourself as the sea gull and with the wings - the horion is yours. Simply delightful.
This is a great poem, I think that people that read this poem would really turn their life around and make them belief more in life. awesome job, way to go!
The poem has hidden meanings. Everyone should read "between the lines" i was deeply touched. the poem was written with the inner feelings. Good Job Munda.
I loved this poem. It's so unique how you could actually understand your soul and being with such simple gestures. Munda, this poem was amazing, and really touched me. You did a great job. God bless you.
This poem is so awesome. You have such a feeling for life. Keep up the great work.
very beautiful poem .
so nice !
Love it, a really sweet reminder of a place better than reality.
The feeling of freedom.
It's great the way you describe the lone seagull I had really clear pictures in my mind when I read your poem It's so good you deserve a star! *(!)
all my life i lived by the ocean and i felt you have captured the nature of the seagull quite accureately. thank-you
A wonderful, wonderful poem that touched my heart and expressed just what I am feeling right now. Thank you. it means a lot.
I was quite taken by your poem. It is something that should be read and shared with all the generations. All of us should appreciate the little things in life as well .
i think that that poem is just beautiful the way that it inspires you is amazing. i love your work it is some of the best i've seen, by far.
That was one of the most incredible poems I've ever read. It was beautiful. Good job!
It is just so beautiful!
It is a precious thing to know your soul well enough to release it and let it join with another in free flight and perhaps more precious to understand and express it. Very well written!
This poem is definatly a KEEPER.Thanks, keep inspiring.
You have awonderful sense of your surrondings you are very good at interpreting your thoughts,fellings and emotions onto paper.Well Done
i thought it was jus beautiful! i luved the way u expressed ur feelins. the words were so picky yet nice and soothin
Super imagery. There is something enchanting about the beach and all it has to offer. I can see the seagulls floating on the breeze as we used to throw cheetos to them. thanx.
very beautiful poem.
touched my heart and soul,especially with the choice and simplicity of words,indeed a poem worth keeping
I really like this poem.Munda I think it is really inspirational and sometimes i feel the same thing too
The Poem is very touching, yet expresses the feelings very well. Keep up the good work!
Well structured and enjoyable.please bring us more
Wonderful poem. So true. Keep up the good work. ;o)
Well written and well expressed!
well written poem!!! i would luv to read more poems written by u.
Great poem!!!
Freedom dosen't sound better than this,well written and expressd as well.Captivating and life giving to the soul of the reader!

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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