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About the Poem

Although I am submitting this as a poem, it is actually the lyrics to a song that I am currently writing. This poem is about a trial that I have had to overcome in my life - perfectionism.

I have major clinical depression and after three nearly fatal suicide attempts, I was placed in an adolescent treatment center, where I wrote this poem. I wrote this in about 20 minutes, and I had no idea what I was writing about until after I was finished. Since then, I have added a little.

I have been out of the treatment center for only a few weeks, and I still have a lot to improve on. The first verse is about how we can be deceived into making mistakes, thinking that they will bring us happiness. I thought the solution to this problem was simple - just stop making mistakes! The second and third verses are about how badly I wanted to be perfect and illustrates how my life was based on perfectionism. In the fourth verse, I am pleading God to let me be perfect, because it isn't working. In the fifth verse, I become frightened. I'm not sure if being perfect is desirable. How can I be human if I'm perfect? In the last verse, I start to wonder if my own perfectionism is a mistake.

The last line is about how confused and hopeless I had become.


Have we been deceived?
The sweet scent of temptation, intoxicating as it may seem
The shell is so simple
Yet the deep inner core ever elusive sadly proves to be

When will this slow realization, this pure revelation break forth
and bless my eyes?
When will this enlightening wisdom permeate my thoughts,
when can these actions
enrich other's lives?

The anticipation of impossible transcendence
This profound longing for the transformation
The ascendance from finite to infinite
Haunts me through every waking thought

How much longer must I wait?
Dear God, I implore you, insatiable as my beseechment may seem
Please let my weary soul have the strength
To shatter these shackles, please let your imperishable truth set me free

Would time and space meld into one?
Would there be room to learn and grow?
Would my emotions cease to be?
What creature would I then become?

Have I been deceived?
The sweet scent of perfection, intoxicating as it may seem
The shell is so simple
Yet the deep inner core ever elusive sadly proves to be

This equivocation of perfection, this paradox consumes me
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© 1999 Ammon Taylor Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

14 Visitor Comments

I like how she puts such a difficult concept to verbalize, into words. Amazing.
the very poem touched me in such a way that i cant xplain. surely the true feelings are understood by the ppl truely understanding them and i m the one understanding these feelings truely.
I was in complete awe, the poem was beautiful it reminded me of what poetry really is about. THanx GoOdlUcK!=)
Ammon, you are a talented writer and a brilliant musician. Thank you!
You are a brilliant writer and a talented musician. Keep up the good work!
this poem really touched me , it was really nice to read .
A beautiful and touching poem. Thank you... it really brought out my inner feelings and put them on paper.
The poem touched my heart & something I can relate with. I think you should be commended for sharing such personal information with people you don't even know. Know too, you are not alone,& you can get through this! Thank you for sharing your poem & God Bless!
the message it conveys would certainly be like a blade which would sink deep into the present-day man's mind. Thw world is in so much chaos these days because everybody wants to be just perfect. Why don't we just accept the way we are ?
the very complex mind of this person is the same as so many others who strive to have an equal life other then this nightmare we struggle with. Great and well spoken this poem, posted my vote,I'm that person who can relate to it.
It was touching.THANKYOU!!!!!!
This poem is nearly perfect. All that I have been thinking and could not express in words is in this little beautiful poem. Love and peace,
well stated
this poem is everything in me i just couldn't get out..thank's to author

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