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About the Poem

I wrote this poem about my childhood and the friends that resided there. I hope that anyone who reads this remembers and cherishes their childhood as much as I.


Remember then,
Dreaming of when

Our childhood fears
Would be gone with the years.

Now we look at the past
Wondering why it didn't last.

Days in the hot sun
Always having fun.

Going for a ride
Letting the bike glide.

Biking, sledding,
Swimming, swinging,

Days of old
Never to be sold.

Signs of change
Widely range.

Moving away
No more play.

Friends forever
Talk almost never.

Through the years,
Our lives shift gears.

Laughter, smiles,
Fears, miles,

Distant souls
Drifting goals.

Friendship the art
Connects our hearts.

Now that it is when
We dream of Then.
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© 1999 Amanda Jenkins Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

63 Visitor Comments

This poem is the best poem i have ever heard in ages,i used to think all poems were about love,finally this poem has a perfectly clear story,unlike other non-sense making poems lol. It really made me think about THEN. then what happens in life. speechless just as much as when i first read this poem. love and a half THEN lover AKA Rayanne. XXXXOOOO
Very Nice :D
Short but breath-taking lines. I liked it
Reality is always bitter! I found that when i started to stare at the MOON at NIGHT. Perfect words with worthy meanings & Emotion makes this poem Terribly Great. I can only say that to the POET, U R GENEOUS.
I love your poem. Like other people siad it reminded me of one of my childhood friends that lived across the street. we used to play everyday and now whenI see her she just walks past me. But sometimes I just look back at all the fun that we used to have and smile. So thank you you poem made me remember some more that I had forgotten.
I LOVE this poem! I had a friend send it to me after a good friend passed away. Its been 5 years since she has passed and this poem can always make me look back at our childhood and remember all the great things about her. Thank you
this poem reminded of my childhood frnd today. we were frnds for 8 years n than i moved to canada. after tht day we never talked to each other again,. i really wish tht every thing goes bak the way it used to be. anyways this poem is really nice n true. i wuld rate this poem 11/10
I am planning a reunion of about 15 of that grew up together on the same block. And, this poem says it all! Thanks!
This poem really touched me because it reminded me of a friend that I had or still have. She comitted suicide 3 weeks ago, but I never made that effort to pick up the phone and just say hi.
this poem is really good i like it im gonna print it out and show it to my friends and im gonna say you wrote k i love it ttyl byes
when i read this poam it made me thank of on fo are class mates thet we lost
This poem is really great i liked it a lot !
amazing poem, makes me think about a freindship i had when i was young, but was lost becuase i moved away. Just because we havent talked for years i still cherish the friendship we had and as a look around at what other people call friendships i realize how lucky i really was.
i love this poem cuz my life relates to that gurl u can write a poem i love it so much
This poem was very to the point. It also remindes me of my childhood years. So i just want to Say great peom Amanda.
this poem is the best iv heard in years it reminds me of my life and how hard it was to go threw those changes. you are a great writer, good luck in the future
this was really good. so inspirational yet sad at the same time but i love it. youre very good
that poem was so cool. it told a whole story but it didnt use the frilly flowery language that just gets ya confused. it was short, sweet, and to the point. GOOD JOB!
it is something very beautiful. something very true.
wow your poem is so beautiful, it's like you were describing my frienship with my friends. It shows that you take the little things for granted such as living close to your friends and riding bikes. I never realised how much it meant to me until it was gone.
I'm a 19-year old male college student, and this poem just reduced me to tears. It reminded me of the innocence of a childhood friendship that I shared with my best pal. Remembering all the good times, it was an era in my life for which I have the greatest nostalgia. Sadly, after 9 years of friendship, he moved far away in 1997 and I haven't heard from him since.
great job,by far
This is a very touching poem. Thank you for submitting. Sky
Chin Yee
ermz. its veri nice in the sense tt it brought out the deeply burried memories of my childhood days. This poem is simple yet thought provoking.
It's a great poem, it outlines how much we want to grow up and then regret wanting it to happen so fast. Well done, it's a great piece
I loved the poem, it touched me, it reminded me of what happened between me and my best friend, i moved away a year ago, and i miss her so much, we have changed alot, and i cried so hard when i read this. I had to call her and we cried together. Your poem has just touched me, thank you for writing such a beautiful poem.
I loved this poem! It is so true and I can relate to it. I am planing on doing a school project on it
This poem touched my heart. I am in my middle teens and I can see my childhood slipping away before my eyes. I wish it wouldnt and this poem expressed those wishes. So thank you to the author for putting my feelings into words.
Dear Amanda, i really enjoyed your poem because it really reminded me of my best friend who i've known my whole life. We don't talk anymore im a freshman in high school and she's a junior. it really reminded me that our memories will live on forever no matter what happens in life. And i can't help but thinking about the memories. You got a talent girl keep it up! I loved the poem!
THIs poems was very differ but in a good way,they way it flowed you couldn't help but like.
veri well done
Dear Amanda, when i read this poem i did indeed remember the old times of my childhood. i am only 15 but i have known my best friend for 9 years. only two short years after we met she had to move away. yet still through all the hard times she was there for me and i for her. now we sit on the phone for hours on end talking about the old times just to forget the new times for they are so much rougher. thank you for your talent. you may not realize it but you have touched many others without even knowing them. your poems go striaght to the heart and leave foot prints there.
this was an intresting poem and i thought about things in my life you r a good poet and can help peeps see things
It reminded me about my 2 best friends I have. How they was we used to be when we were younger. Now we are all in College. and Still together. ! = )
This poem was excelent!
this poem is brilliant, i can relate to it so much. in my short life time i have had 6 best friends move far away and i have never forgoten any of them. i lost touch over the years with most of them but just 2 months ago i got back intouch with my first ever best friend who i have not even spoken to for 10 years. i want to thank you for reminding me of the good times :o)
this was fabulous. it expressed my thoughts about my passed childhood friends. but instead of getting angry this time the poem reminded me to just to be grateful for all the goodtimes and memories
a great poem for graduation
Wow! I really loved your poem. it brought a tear to my eye. i used to have a friend just like you and then i moved away and your poem is exactly what happened. i think that it is so great that you wrote about this. People just dont realise just what sort of commitment FRIENDS FOREVER means.
Im just about to leave school, and this poem has really made me realise that even though we're leaving, we'll still have our past, and no one can ever take that away from us. thankyou!
This poem really struck me close to the heart. I just turned 20 and I have been thinking a lot about the past and how I always wanted to grow up. Now I really miss my childhood and the things that seemed so hard to me then. The things that used to seem hard are pale compared to the problems you face in adulthood. Thanks for writing this poem. It means a lot to me personally
I absolutly love this poem it fits right with the words i have to say
it is a indeed good poem . how true it is that when ever we think of the good time in our life . it is our childhood. free. no tension . no complexities of relations. like the waves of the oceans. untamed and lively
you said it all, If only we could go back!
I love your poem. It really reminds me of my childhood. Actually I mailed this to a distant friend in a Christmas card this year.
i really like this poem u have a real gift of expression.
Change is inevitable. and life goes on. so always remember what has moulded us into ourselves today. THanks Amanda, this poem helps bring back many memories.
i really liked this oneit hit my soft spot iaggreewithall the others. keep the goodwork up
this poem was great! it really brought back many exciting and memorable times in my childhood
Hey Amanda, That was a tight poem. I read it and I thought about my best friend who I have known since i was 3. After 8 years we were finally reunited and this poem described his and my friendship to a "T".
It was so sweeeett
omg this is a great poem! I read this and I cried! I am 16 years old and this reminded me of a childhood friend who moved away last year. I sent this to her and told her how much I missed her. I really love this poem!
This is REALLY good..
I have read all of your comments and I just want to note for the record that I am very very touched that my poetry has in some way helped others connect with themselves. We all sit and think of ways we can reach the world and change lives forever. I look at as if I can impact one persons life I have accomplished a huge goal, but today I see I have impacted many more and for that I am grateful. Good luck to all and God bless. :)
this is a great poem!
Whoa! That was good! I was looking for a poem to recite to my class. But this is the best I read so far! I have to pick one by tommorrow. So I will pick yours :) (don't worry I won't take credit of your work) Anyway I make fanfics better than poems =) If your interested then you can just go to and look for the author "RabbitRose" (me).
anyone have a tissue?? Oh my gosh this poem made me cry just thinking of how innocent we are when we're children and of all the friends who come and go in our lives but leave a little bit of themselves in our hearts. To the author of this poem,I give you 2 big thumbs up for this very beautiful poem.
This was the bestest poem. I love this poem and hope to write amazing poems like you.
I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND I AM READING IT IN MY ENGLISH CLASS thanx so very much you have very beautiful poems!
well done I like this poem it has meaning and I love poems like this good poem
it was great and so true to the way i feel
ouch! that hit a soft spot. I think we all agree.

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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