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About the Poem

This poem was written after my best friend and I grew apart, as even the best of friends do. Though I thought that our friendship was at its end, I realized that true friendships last forever. We never grew apart at heart. Because friends are like flowers.


It may not be the same,
But some things never change.
I feel it and I trust it,
I still believe in forever
Because that's what my heart knows.

Memories are the dew drops on our petals
That re-open the buds that have closed.
Flowers wilt as seasons change,
Though they grow a little more with rain.

The sun will shine when in need,
And left behind, a precious seed.
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© 1999 H. Barnes Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

40 Visitor Comments

I know exactly how you feel . My best friens for four years fell far apart for a while until I realized that I still wanted to br friends so we started talking againg and now we hang out somne more not like we used to though,because she and I got new friends but we're still really good friends and talk to each other a lot.
Awsome I moved and it hurts your giving the message that its ok and that really cool Thanks
This poem is very true. I love it because I had to say good bye to a friend lose to me and you now have given me hope.
short & simple but meaningful. ;)
Carlene Marie
I was really impressed and touched about the message of the poem. It may be a simple poem but it has deep meaning within. I like it since it relates me with my friend.
I love this poem! It reminds me of one that I learned as a small child. "Flowers that bloom in the springtime, fade in the early fall. But, the lovely flower of friendship, never fades at all" I would love to learn more about the above poem.
one of the best i have ever seen. really touching
A collegue just left us. She was senior and worked on a different floor. But just today I shared what an insipiration she's been even for the few chances we had worked together. And well, we talked. Her being more experienced and mature having worked several places and years longer shared what I would sum up in this poem which i sent her. . still waiting for her reply but thanks for capturing, and aptly so, so many words I would have kept to myself.
I was searching for a poem to include in a card to my friend and this was the poem that touched my heart. We've been going through a hard time lately, which has left much distance between us. So I wait for the buds to re-open again. She was my sunshine. Without her, there is so much rain.
i think its one of the cutest things i have ever read. the precious seed part was a nice finishin touch
This touched me becuz i moved away from my friends ive known since i was in diapers and when i moved we grew futher and further apart and one of my close friends is moving and im afraid that we'll grow apart so i sent this to her just to make sure we dont so thank u for that poem!
I found this poem through google and thank you. My best friend of 5 years I think is finding a new life for himself. I'm finding it pretty hard cause we used to practically live out of each others pockets and I miss him heaps! I so wish it was back to the good ol days but somehow I do not think it is going to ever be like that again. Ho hum - I wish I could say something to my friend but what to say.
this poem is great. i luv it because my best friend and i are driftin apart and movin on.
I can really relate to this poem because my best friend and i are growing apart slowly and its one of the hardest things you can go through. even though were not as close i know shes still there for me! AWESOME POEM!
This poem really means something so my advie to you would be to keep up the good work. You never know if there is somebody out there that could use this poem for advice!
I searched long and hard to find words to share with my best friend on father's day. This hit it on the nail, because our friendship turned into a relationship, which now is trying to turn back into a friendship. It worked! Thank You
Nice poem. I can relate to this poem because my friend and I are going through changes right now and it really hurts.
I loved this poem because it was absrtact and i really enjoyed it. If i wear a gift card maker i would use your poem!
its a beautiful poem ^^ its amazing
I can relate to this poem because me and my old best freind grew slowly apart , and it was probly one of the hardest things I ever really delt with , she really ment alot to me .
This poem is relly touching to the heart, and I can write poems really good and heart touching but not as good s this poem!
Very nice. I think a lot of people can relate.
this poem truly was excellent. I love how rather than saying the apparent meaning straight forward it was put into somewhat of an allegory format. it is a very beautiful poem
Hi, this is Heidi, the author of the poem. I am very touched by your comments about the poem. I wrote this poem as me and my best friend were drifting apart. My friend, who was the inspiration for the poem, remains my forever best friend. She is a flower! Our friendship is a flower - while everything around us is changing, our friendship remains, while we've been through it all (rain), we still get through it(sun), and all is left is our love and devotion (seed). Thanks again!
I this peom is so great! It's totally true and right from the heart.
This is the best poem i've read so far and it really struck a chord in my heart because recently i met my kindergarten friend after a gap of fourteen years and now a couple of months later we are good i'm sending her this poem.thank you Barnes for this wonderful poeml.
this poem really touched me! this reminded me of when i drifted apart from my best friend when we were younger then we got back together and it was like old times, until recently i lost her forever at the young age of 16.
This was a very touching and realistic poem. This poem was very moving and I'm sure connected with alot of people as it connected to me.
I really liked this poem. It showed that with everything there is new hope, and I really enjoyed that.
i really like this poem so much i sent it to my good friend i havent really talk to in awhile
this poem was breathtaking painted such a vivid picture in my head and i really can relate to it
I really like the poem and it is the truth because friendship will also grow as the time goes by but it also need water just like a flower to grow or it will die.
I thaougt the flowers poem was very good
This is a beautiful peom!
I thought that this poem was very touching and I think that it should be first on the voting list!
wow it reallly hits the spot.. Very well written and to the point. Thanks it really made me think differently about my friendships. keep up the good work.
thats was gooooood.that almost explains me and my good or best friend .thats all i got to say and that i was awsome.
i really like this poem because it reminded me of a friendship that i lost because we grew apart from eachother. . .but i will always have her in my heart no matter what. . .so this is why i sent it to her

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