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About the Poem

This is a poem on the truths of friendships that start out as being the best and ending as being the worst. I am a younger gal, at age 14 as of 1999, and I met a gal that was 18 when I was 9, and we became such good friends.

She walked out on me when the age gap finally got in our way. I write poems about feelings, and this poem is about my feelings of the after- math of a best friendship breaking off into a distant place, where all is left is the hurt and the absence in your heart, that of which nobody can ever refill.

Always remember the good times of friendship, and remember what was, not what has become of a good situation into a bad. Always stay positive. Friendships are the best, don't let them die.

Left alone in the past

Left alone in the past
Forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last
She walked away from me
Why couldn't I foresee?
Time standing still
Another way to deal, another pill
The sky is gray with hate
One thing tore us apart, your fate
Now what will you do?
Who will confide in you?
Remember the times we shared?
Remember how well we paired?
The consequences are tough
You only knew how to treat me rough
Who is next in line?
Will you, too, break their spine?
Look at what you've done
This time I will stand in front of you, I won't run
Don't bother me anymore
All you touch, you tore
What you wanted, you took
Now I glance back, I take one last look
You left me alone in your past
Forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last
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© 1999 Brande Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

121 Visitor Comments

This poem touched right at home. had a friend do me really wrong recently.
i loved your poem it was touching in many ways
your poem really touch me cuz im going though the same thing right now. its good to know that someone else knows what im feeling.
Its a really superb poem , and i also liked it because it suits my current position. Even my friend left me. Do send me any other similar poems.
This means alot because I have been left behind before, by none other than my Boyfriend. I feel like he does not notice anything about me!
number 10 very good.
Hi Brande, After reading a poem, i too feel the same as what you had felt earlier,My first friendship with a gal,I trusted her more than me,I loved her more than the other,But after 10 month,I came to know that,she want to change me being lie to me, she never been true to me,though i cared her alot,but now,all her false had made me to go away from her,ofcourse i feel sad,But still,she is the looser,Her friendship is still alive in my heart,Still I respect her,your poem made me remind of her,whom I never wanted to think again,Your poem is best for such people.
i thinh that this poem is very nice because they way that they put it it really made me like it more and when you have a very close friend like that and they have to leave you because of something that they did and knowing that you will be hurt because of it then you know, writing a poem can really fix the problem and lets you express the way you fell thats alot to give up. to tell you the truth p love poems. i even wrote about two poems myself but i don't think that i will ever be as good as the ones that wrote poems like this but i sure will try. (you can do anything if you put your mind to it. ) (thats a famous qoute) now its time for me to go and the last thing that i want to say is, keep up the good work!
This poem touched me too, because a friendship tragedy has recently happened and i cannot get over it. STEFFANY, I feel the same way you feel, because my friend also, keeps blaming me for so many things and is always trying to find faults in me. I was left without any closure, so i know how you feel.
hi i cud see my mental agony here. in this poem
whoever wrote that must have felt very strongly about that person. it is easy to say that you love someone, but it is harder to mean it. this person trully did love this person they wrote about. if people keep leaving everyone then we will all be in this world alone. personally that is not happening today. people tell me i am beautiful every day and i am thankful for those who trully love me.
i think this poem truly relates to real life my bf just moved and she was the 1 who held us all together now shes gone i have no contact with her and nothing remains the same any more.
I really enjoyed this poem. It expressed EXACTLY how I felt at this very moment in time. Really good way of putting your feelings in words!
well i'm doing an assingnment on friendship poems and this is GREAT, Iill use this a you the writer all the credit, i will tell you what my mark was in week 8 so about a month and 2 weeks.
This poem is so true to me. Me and my EX-bestfriend were friends since 1999 and things happened, i can't even really explain, but, bad things happened between us and our friendship is over. It's hard for me to think about even getting a new bestfriend, because regardless of what did happen, I still love her and her kids. I miss her everyday. it's really hard. It's like I lost a boyfriend, you know?? Except the physical part, the emotion is still there. It's very similar. I hate it and I wish it would have never happened. The only thing stopping me from calling her or writing her or emailing her is that I honestly don't know if she feels the same about me. it's crazy. I don't truthfully know if she ever did.
this was how i felt wen my best friend stabbed me in the back and took evreything away, this poem is awesome. and bomb. this just reminds me of the horrid past. but its chill
nice one!
A heartfelt expression of the pain caused by betrayal. I feel she was writing about what just happened to me personally. A greater compliment I cannot give.
thank you so much for writeing this poem!it really has summed up alot of what i have been feeling. you see i lost a friend resently pretty much because she couldnt get over herself and thought everything i did was wrong. i didnt know how i should word my feelings or if anyone else had been going through this. i really have to thank you for writeing this. it was amazing!
really really good
dead man
The poem brings out the anguish and the despair you face when loosin a close friend. you might move on with life but the pain remains, haunting you relentless and always striking its venomous pangs at the most vulnerable moments.
i do love this poem. it remineds me of an old friend of mine who have left me because she thinks i was a lesbian and actually have a crush on her not knowing that i have loved as my bestest best friend. it makes me real sad that she treated me that way when in the first place what i only did was to be a friend to her not what she thinks of me to her.
this poem really toutched me i just got "dumped" by my bff and this is exactly how i feel
Great poem. so true
It really touched me, it made me think of a friend i once had but we drifted apart. i really liked your poem.
I 100% love this poem. I had a friend for 11 years. I always new that one day we would end up parting just because we were so different. Everything about this poem discribes her and our frindship, down to the last word. Its a beautiful poem.
I really like your poem. What happen to you is right now happening to me. Which I am feel so much pain and I dont know how to handle it. I really like your poem. Its really good and I hope you start to feel better.
Your poem was really nice; really inspirational and expressive. Total the top of the charts!
i really love this poem. its like this poem was meant for me. i can really relate to it. i seriously freaked on how good it was.
i love your poem, i felt that way quite a few times. it really touched me and i write poems to so i know if there is something that really brings it out. keep writting, your aswsome
I liked this poem, it related to wat i went through!
i was in love with sm1 n tht person just left me on the way,without any reason,without my fault. ur poem is really good
This really got to me! Me and my friends had got in a big fight this week! Or yesterday! Wel anyways. I really got touched! Thanks for sharing this!
This is a very good poem because I can really relate to it alot because before I went in to fostercare I had a good freinship Until something very dramatic tore us apart
This poem is amasing, I went through exactly what this poem is talking about, and it's everything I wanted to say to that person, I hope you keep on writing and do well, because you have a gift
I understand what it's like to have an older friend and then they leave and it hurts like heck because you thought they were your friend ,but to them it's like they are baby sitting you. I'm sorry and there will always (hopefuly) be more friends.
This is great! I have a freind who did this to me and it hurt so much. After all the great times we had he walked away and never talked to me again. Keep writing your great!
Very Good
wow. you will never know how much good it does to know that there are others out there that feel like this
i realy like this poem
i really liked this poem,it made me think of a friend i once had,i moved away from her and we lost contact,then she got cancer and died.
its so sweet. reminds me so much of. me!
I really love this poem because I have been in a situation where someone I loved has been taken away from me and I don't know if we are ever going to meet again. And for us to be apart we have to deal with it though it is rough and hard to get used to.
Wow, that was really good. i write poetry too and i just got my first one published . it really touched me i felt that i had a real connection with you andhowe you explained with so emotion it helped me picture what happended and made me feel like i was right there the whole time. great job . dont stop writing
this poem was really good and i hope to see some more of your poems. i know exactly what you meant in the poem it was great.
this is a really emotional poem its hard to express by use of word but i feel. i have ranked it among the best poems in my diary.
I loved your poem because right know at this moment I'm losing my bestfriend and I've try'd my best to gain our friendship back I'd call her and talk to her about things and our friendship and its as if it doesn't matter. Our friendship started slipping mostly when this new girl move in town and we all three came bestfriends and well I ended up getting kick out of the group so know its those two and not me. I'm only and eigth grader about to hit a freshman and I'm losing my bestfriend and I know there will be more friends but no one can ever take the place of her.
i was crying as i read your poem because my freind treated me that way but she is gone and i miss her sssssssssoooooo
This poem told a story about the author, what's strange is the author sounded alot like me.
This is really strange I had the same life experience as the poet in this poem. I was 19 and my bestfriend was 27 I had just come back from bording school so we became very close. What can I say I loved her alot their was nothing I wouldn't of done for her. But you live and learn from everything in life daily and trust me you learn fast when the closest person hurts you. But I will be honest with you, I am alot happier now in my life without her. And no pain will ever hurt like that again so I thank her for the experience The nicest angel turned into darkness.
i really liked your poem, it touched me deely!
i loved it so much, i wish i could talk to the person who wrote it because that happened to me too. i became close to an older friend. it just hurts so much that she is just simply not my friend anymore. its so hard to deal with, lol. loved it, great poem!
that was the best poem i have read. it was so meaningful. you have a passion for this i bet. well it was a really good poem. thenks for letting me read it.
i like this poem because i have a friend who tore me apart too. i remember what all she did and it really hurts. thanks for thinking this up because you might help someone else too!
This poems an awesome poem. as the other people said, it truly does express what poeple go through today. i've recently gone through it and it helped me understand that not everythings meant to be. great job with this poem!
I love this poem it has touched me cause i have once to had a friend that has left me and she was the nly friend i had at the time.
the same thing happened to me to! there was a guy that i hung out with and when i thought the time was right i asked him out and now he treats me like a dog now that he has more friends. a couple of weeks after i asked him out he went out with my BEST FRIEND! we had this group and she was in it. after that it was complete chaos.
Greatest poem i've ever read! You are truly a great poet.
I love this poem! It touches so close to home. It is like it was written for me. One of my friends found this poem and sent it to me. Myself and her both lost a very dear friend, she just up and basically left us. So yea this poem hits increadably close to home without a doubt.
This is a great poem. I think is good beacuse it relates to me. I have a friend that left alone in the past. I hope you don't feel the same way.
wow i can relate to that in many ways thanx for sharing it with us all luv Em xxx
I understand the author's pain. There are still other people on whom she can rely. Not every1 on earth, will turn out to be betrayers 2wards her.
this was awsome and i loved it
oh my gosh that was awesome. I had a friend to which i send that to and its funny cuz thats xactly how i feel -becky-
A poem that I felt was very personal and reflected a certain friend i once had
I loved your poem, because its decribes what just happened between me and one of my old friends perfectly. Its great. I totally understand where its coming from.
this poem is great, and has a lot of touching meanings to it, some of us just dont realize that we dont have to put up with some of the things people make us put up with!
I loved your poem . Me and my friend were fightin when I red this and it made alot od sense.
Amazing poem! It is truelly an example of what many of us go through today. Brande. you are an excellent poet! Thanks for sharing such wonderful writing. :)
I have to say, reading this poem really made me think. I am going through a similar situation with a best friend, being left in the past. I was really never able to pin-point exactly how I felt but reading this poem really made me think about what I was losing.
well brnd You wrote a nice poem, It really touched to my heart. I really really love to read in again & again. You know one thing whenever I read this poem I get excited every time.
A really good poem. well done.
I think you did an awesome job! I just lost my two best friends, after being best friends for 13 years! It was horrible. It was over a guy! Stupid i no. Buth the stuff that was said just could not be takin back. This poem helped me gte though it! thanx so much!
I really enjoyed your poem i can relate. this poem is the most heartfelt poem i know. But then i really only know Langston Hughes. Im a black chick with potential n errthang but i really liked your poem. it was simple and good.
This is a great poem keep up the good work
this poem sounds gust like my life right now you really done a great job on it
this poem was awesome! i can really relate to it, i just lost a 7 year friendship with my best friend a couple of weeks ago, this poem really helped me its exactly how i am feeling right now. great poem!
i can so relate to your poem. it says it all. it's sad how great friendships come to an end
I want to thank you for doing that poem. It expressed all my feelings about a friendship gone wrong all because my friend got to popular to be seen with me. I hope you go far in the career of poetry and I think you will.
i know exactly where your from. At a young teenage i know that feeling. These days the children are getting faster and faster. my ex- boyfriend gots a kid andf supposely some on the way. He called me horrible names all that . so i feel you.
I thought you did a very good job on this poem. It had alot of meaning and I liked how you made everything rhyme.
good very nice & touching
i love the work you put into it and i think that you have enspired me
i can absolutely relate to that right now it's exactly what has happened 2 me it was too intense and i know that's how she is but i just cant forget
I have experienced such before, then, no words could express my agony, but now your poem have said it all.
This pome was awesome! It totally relates to a "friendship" breakup I went through with a friend of mine. I being a straight female and him a gay male. we were the closest friends until it all came to an end. How could I not see the things he did to me? How could I not see how bad he was for me? Why did I want him in my life so badly? I dont know, but I am now left with the pain to clean up. He used to say how he'd always be there for me and now I know the truth was that he'd be there when it worked for him and when it was convinate for him. Anyhow. thanks for sharing your pome.
This is an amazing and gracious poem that will touch many hearts for generations to come. I love your writing Brande, and i only hope that you will continue to write to please, touch, and hold the hearts of so many people for years.
i think that this is a really sad poeam it really happened to me i love its a true part of life and history
I love this poem, I had been best friends with my friend since i was 2 and he was 5. Well hes going to be leaving for college and this is exactly what happened. Cuz we were boy and girl a lot of people thought we were dating the entire time but we were just true friends. now were not. i love this peopme keep it up.
This poem really explains what I have been going through this year. My best friend and I who we both thought we were going to be best friends forever. aren't friends anymore. It really made this year hard, but this poem is really, really good and it does help to know that I am not the only one who will or has gone through this! Great job!
this poem was great! tells about about on of my good well use to be good freinds.
this is a great poem!
hey i really LOVE this poem it makes me think about all the things that i have done to people in the best and all the people who have done this same thing to me. I will remember this poem for a long time.
wow. that is a realy good poem. i feel that way about My ex-friend liza. i felt so complete with a friend like her than she stabbed me in the back and continued to do so. ontil she relized she was hurting people and almost commited suicide. until people told her that they cared and although she hurts them they still love her. i was one of those few and i hope the friendship we once had is repareing itself
Wow thats is a great poem it reminds me of me and my friend how we are right now keep up the good work!
It is a really good poem. Its great. I went through this before. Thanks
You never for get a best friend. Dead or a life she is still ur best friend. She is in ur dreams. She is in ur heart. U love them so very much dead or a live. It is hard to loss a friend just b/c of a fight but it is even harder to loss them to death. I know how u feel. I liked ur poem a lot.
i luv dis poem, this kindda relates to me but in a different way; not by age difference, the pain i have inside is still there and i cannot forget at all,am still thinking about her each and everyday, (am sad init) neways keep up the good work
I absolutely can relate to your poem. I infact have gone through many situtations that went exactly like this. I just wanted to let you know that I was quite touched by your poem!
Wow, that is such a good poem. My older friend is going through the same exact thing and it is really hurting her. I would so like to hear more poems from you, thank you for that touching poem.
This poem explains exactly how I feel right now. If you and your friend are fighting this is perfect.
This poem touch a piece of my heart, my best friend and I were turn apart by something called change, and it hurt sooo bad, but 2 years, it still hurts, but i am healing a little bit more everyday. so thank you for this beautiful poem =*)
This poem was really great i can relate to you
This was a great poem . im in a hard time right now with this girl and this poem really explains our relationship very well thanks
I really do like this poem so when ever you write someor please send them to me.
this poem reminds me off my friend melissa and i we were good friends through the school year then somthing just tore us apart i wish i knew
this is probably one of the best poems i have ever read! my best friend and i just seperated about 2 or 3 months ago cuz she didn't want to be friends anymore. i loved her so much just like my sis and she hurt me worse than any guy could ever!
it's a great poem me to right now i'm going through a best friend friendship that is breaking up because they found new friends and it's real hard and hurts bad so i feel your pain but keep your head up thats what i'm trying to do.
I feel like this was written by me b/c been there, done that. Perfectly worded. Hey, maybe she's wandered my way when she left your area. ha!
best poem i've seen yet!
your poem has touched our hearts in so many ways we cant count you keep writen em and well keep read em.
The poem that I read touched my heart so deeply. I lost my best friend about 6 months ago. We grew up together, did everything together. She was the only person I've ever been able to trust and now she has taken my heart and placed it under her foot and proceeded to squash it. I related to this poem more than any other that I have ever read. It was beautiful, yet sad. But truthful none the less. Thank you for sharing your work with us all.
It is sad to realise that someone has hurt us when we called them friend.
It was very good. It reminds me of my friendship. I write poems too and that was good.
Wow. I totally feel this one. A page out of my own life.
I really loved this poem. Cause this remind me of my old best friend and I felt really connect to this one is what I wish my old best friend to understand how I felt all these years!

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