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About the Poem

When I first wrote this, I wrote the title and then thought of a way to make the poem turn out controversial with the title. It's ironic how when you find a friend, this friend treats you as a really good friend at first because you are new, but then starts to fall away.

This happened to me several times on occasion, and when the friend falls away, the mask is removed.

The Forever Friend

On my own, but mostly the savannah,
Where the tumbleweeds fade away and die,
Before the glassy sun burns a summer of crystals,
The glistering waters of the high seas
Of which was so far a place as of where vultures roam.
I looked around but you weren't anywhere...
You used to say that you would never die,
But I took the wrong meaning into my heart.
Now the sea is wild with despair,
Deep blue like a prairie of flowers blue,
Where all children of God rest in eternal peace.
I saw you at the end,
You and I, brother and sister of nature,
Brother and sister of heaven and earth,
Your usually calm and heavenly eyes full of tears,
Bitterly falling one after one into a river,
Then the river of life turned red in blood.
My eyes watched in horror.
Slowly and deadly your heart became poisoned,
You disappeared without saying good-bye,
Not a word came out of your mouth.
You became like desolation in its grave.
When once the skies were a realm of stars
And the sun shone brightly in summer skies,
You were there to share the calmness;
But now I stand here in midst of the tall grass
And only the savannah remains.
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© 1999 Artur Hawkwing Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

181 Visitor Comments

This poem should be a 5 star poem! Its AWESOME! i love it
I really like this poem because it makes me think of all my family and friends that I lost expecially Pamela
i love this poem because i lost my best friend in a house fire. and i did,nt get to say good-bye so who ever wrote this poem out of 1-100 i give it 100 good job
love it! makes my heart cry coz it also hppened to me. a lost friendship.
this poem was really sad ist like when he died you also died with him because it was a really really best friend to you. this poem really touched my heart.
the poem was so true and was a wonderful thing to read as i have just moved because of family reasons and i lost a lot of friends but the poem made me feel better
the reason that this touched me is because just a month ago i lost my best friend she was there when i was down she alwas took the blame for stuff she never did i loved her and then one day i get this phone call my friend saying that she had past
i love this poem. it reminds me of how i lost 3 amazing people in my life: chelsea chappell, my brother paul whitlow, and my uncle llyod perry. chelsea died from a car accident. my brother was shot in the head 2 years ago at age 21. and my uncle llyod died almost 5 months ago from cancer at age 42.
i loved this poem it reminds me of a friend who just passed away.
this poem was soooo beautiful. keep up the good work.
This poem has touched my heart. so deepin my heart I can fell the love I have for this poem.
This is really good, i want to cry. because i feel like this now . i love my friend stephain. but i feel were driffting apart and we dont know why . anyway. great poem!
it was good
love your poem
i really liked this poem. i remember the time 1 of my friends ran away because her parents split up and she didn't want 2 choose who 2 go with so she ran away 2 live 1 of her friends. but that was 3 years ago but her mom found her at her friends house and took her home and her dad got remarried and now lives in New York. this poem made me cry and 2 this day that girl is still my friend.
i love this poem. it reminds me of my lost friend. he didnt deserve to die! but i always remember him in everything that i do. i love him so much. RIP Gerald
this is deticated to javier sanchez hey was a cool guy and recognized every where we will miss u javi !
it's a very good thing and most af the time i feel the same way
This poem is so tuching and people can realy realate even if they haven't lost a friend it just took my breath away.
Your poem reminded me so much of my friend Leon. Its true having a friendship unanswered truly pains us. Even now, I still think fondly of my lost friends.
this is a great poem.
i was looking for a love poem to write for the guy who was my friend, n whom i love. Its nearly 2yrz now and this poem suits well the feelings i wanted to xpress but cudnt know where to start. thnks lots sometimes mere words cudnt b found coz z pain is too deep, but you found the right way!
this is a lovely poem i wish i was that taltented xx
i really like this
This poem touched me cause i had lost one of my clost friends. He past away in his sleep but it was like he knew he was cause that night before the had chilled with all of us and told us he love us.
this was great and you should do another one
Well I just lost my brother at the end of last year due to his suicide and this poem really touched me with tears.
I lost my best friend a month ago. She died from injuries from a car wreck. This poem touched me because that's what I'm going through. I was with her when she passed away and she wasn't able to talk to me because she was unconcious the whole time. She always said she must have 9 lives like a cat. I believed her too. Now that she's gone I can't seem to move on. My heart feels empty with out her in my life. I don't know how to move on.
when i read this poem i almost cryed
I really liked your poem its real nice it touched my heart cause i lost my two favorite cousins not so long ago
I like this poem,because i can relate to it. i write poems myself, i have a whole book of them, but i come to this websight to get inspiration from poets my age. this poem made me realize that im not the only one going through this kind of stuff, and that really helps!
this was really touching cuz i lost a friend named kayla becauseshe got shot!
it very good you did a good job will i hope you can do more poems cause i like reading poems when i sad i read the poems so here is a letter
This is a good poem because it touched me and I think it is good for a friend.
I really like your poem. It really touched my heart. When I was 15 years old i lost a real good friend he got shot when he was 16 or 17. And i lost another real good friend not due to death but she got with this guy and things changed real quick like. She want even talk to me and we have been friends sent kindergarten and i am 19 years old. This just happened about 4 or 5 months ago.
I love this poem, it really speaks to me, I have a forever friend. And it was really great. Well i would love to get a email if you have any other poems that are like this or related this one. Talk to you later Bye!
I feel the same way! Sarah
ireally liked it cause it made me think back on my little sister shay sahy she died also and i reallyreally loved her
I love this poem sooooooo much man
Your poem was so cool because it was so awsome
i liked this peom it was really cool. it reminded me of someone i had lost. she was my besties friend ! =) sierra
When I heard about this poem I had to see it for myself and so I did and so I read it and it made me cry because I lost my best friend 4 years ago and I can't stop thinking about her because she has been my best friend seens she as been born and I amm 3 years older than her she died of cancer I love you cuz
This poem moved me so much i am so glad i found it you have helped me to realize what a best friend really is and i hope that my best friend never leaves sry to you all that have lost a best friend
that poem was so good it made me cry plz make more ur so good
i liked this poem i thoght that it was really good becasue people can feel like that when they loose a freind even some-one they loved
This poem really hits close to home. See this summer,I just watched one of my closest friends die in my arms. I just set there and watch with tears running down my face with nothing I could do. Then with her last words she said "I love you and I always have. I wanted to be with you the rest of my life. " Then she couldn't finish and her heart stopped beating. I heard help in the back ground but I knew it was to late. Now on my morning runs before I have class I go see her grave and just set there for over an hour and thinking of that day and asking god why did she have to jump out of that tree into the cool summer water of the local river. And ask why did it happen to me?
hi i lost ma real best friend name matilda ! she die of a brain tumeer. rest in peace matilda
well it touched me because one of my friends I havent seen since like 5th grade and I miss her so much and It makes me feel that something is going to happen and thats what Im really scared of something happening to her so this poem really touched me alot and i hope nothing happens to her pleaz!
very cooooooooooool
this poem is brillant
this poem was amazing it really has a lot of feeling in it. i like the form and the words used tis is a wonderfur poem. i cannot even express in words how much i love it.
this was a lovley and very tuching poem
I like This Poem alote.
What you said before da poem z real and true , and funny how it seemz it happenz all da tyme. Its a nice poem ,keep up da good writing .
absolutely true, it tell u what it feels when u loose a close friend.
Your work was well done, and the point of the poem was out there, keep writing i would love to read more of your work.
this poem reminded how precious my frnds were , are and will be.
This poem makes me think of when I lost the best friend ever had in my whole life and losing him wasn't just losing a good friend he was my great grandfather. We where so close it killed me to know he was gone that day i lost 2 people and a huge part of me. my life was and nor ever will be. I miss him so much that this poem makes me cry tears of sadness and of joy.
love it love it love it
this poem was the moth beautiful thing i've ever heard! please write more. there realy touching!
it made me cry
heyyy bo0otifull even thogh i dont kno u i just want you to know that u have a gift from god and that is ur poems u are so0o tallented i wish u all the best in ur future and im really so0orry about your lost friend i kno if i lost a friend i would probbly feel the same way but babe life goes on and u have to get on with your life i kno maybe its to hard to but u cant just keep thinking about it everyday andywaizz im off babe bii biii take care love alwayz danielle
Hi,Artur Hawkwing Well i really loved your poem it touch me sooo much it made me cry at the end. See i had a friend called Cody Mills and he's not here aanymore and i really do miss him,he would talk to you if you needed sombody to talk to. I just miss seeing his face and seeing his laugh i wish i could bring him back. Your poem really toched me.
I really enjoyed this poem bcuz i could relate to it alot and it really touched me in my heart.
I truly understand this feeling and you are left wondering why with no answer. A friend is the hardest part of losing a part of your life when left unanswered.
i liked dis poem i have wrote one meself about me uncle dat was a very gd poem. from chelsee xxxx
this poem made me think about my friends that ive lost chelsea jo chappell paxton lee farris and christy dawn foster. nice job keep up the good work.
this poem is sooooo deep it reminds me i dont have any friends
This poem touches my heart i lost a friend she was in a comba and didnt make it out
i really like this one i just had a teacher leave. and this pome is really good
I really like this poem. It reminds me of a friend who left me fo the 'popular' girls at school. (I am in seventh grade. )
this was excellent! I loved it
This poem is very touching if you ever had some one very close to you pass away or know you would never see or talk to them again
nice poem it almost made me cry it was wonderful keep up the good work who ever wrote this
this is qn awesoem poem. it reminds me soo much of my best friend basically my brother who i lost in january. good poem. god bless
this poems is the best one
Your poems are so beautiful this one realy hit me hard i lost alot of frineds and this to hit me like i feel those times thank you for writeing them keep it up.
I thought that this poem was great. I was planning on getting married to this wonderful guy and he was killed just in February. This poem makes you really think about what you have and what you may lose. Your poem touched my heart!
Wow. This poem truly moved me. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful gift.
This is a real good poem. I just rcently lost my best friend in February. I miss her deaply. We were bst friends since second grade and now I'm 20 years old. Your poem was great. thank you
Artur, You have a good poem. It sparked a humongous feeling in me. Im crying because it was sooo good. Work hard and ill see your name on a poetry book.
this poem really touched my feelings
wat ever u wrote is really true although i have not exprienced it but its true every word is true thanks for giving such a nice poem.
Absolutley beautiful
it reminded me of my lost brothr, who i loved so much and yet did not have enough time to be with keep up your sensitivity a;
I really like the poem it is so heart touching i like to write poems and with this i am trying to write a poem about friends
i do love many poems and i do write many poems with m friend i love her ver much
I love this poem. It explains me and one of my friends so much, I almost started crying. I love how you wrote it out. Simpley beautiful.
I thought it was beautifull. its reminded me of a friend i had but then lost her going into high school It was hard to get over nad it took be about a year. I tried so hrad for her to even notice me butit was no use. She would say i miss and that we have to hang out soon. But she never called. Never made an effort. And now i realixe that if she called right at this moment i would have said no beacuse i wouldnt want her to take me bak into her life and throw me back out. If she said sorry for hurting me that would be all i need I miss her so much but thats life and all you can do is learn from it
i choose this one because i have a friend who lives in Iowa.
i like ur poemz
this poem says exactly what i fee
hey girl, ammm i lost one of my best friends from a brain tumor and i just wanted to die and i didnt think that i would be able to cope and just the other day i found out that my truest friend has a brain tumor and is in hospital and their is nothing that the doctors can do about it but with your poem you let me remember all the good times we had together thankyou love georgie-lou
i love this poam the peson how wrote this please can you email me another i fell very undersanding to you and i hope things get better im going yto ask you a qquestion i love poams i writte them alot im only 10 bet im still good can you give me some tips i have won 2 awards for pams i put some on the web
Thanks, this poem is so true about my friend Ashley and I. I miss her so much. You really helped us alot.
i love this because i left my friend backing in my country so read this poem helped me. so thank u for writting this peop
this peom touched my heart. thank you for writing it helps me think a lot.
i fink its a fantastic poem. and i understand as the person who wrote it felt. or still feels.
That was such a good poem. It made me really think and almost cry. Excellent work
When i read this poem i starded crying cuz it made me remember when i lost my best friend. And know that i dont have her is what i need the most Jessica thats my best friends name (i miss you come back)
written with heartfelt emotions, very beautiful words, very touching, a well written poem!
This poem is a very touching poem and pretty sad because many people are loosing loved ones to drugs or achol and Im not saying thats how he died but it a meaningful poem I loved it
this poem reminds of my friend who moved away
You rule!
when i read this poem i cried! i have lost my best friend when i was only 11 and will never be able to see her agen she left without sayin bye this brought it back x X x
this poem is great and reminds me of my grandma. it reminded me of her because it reminded me of Arizona and that is where she lived until she died thanks for the reminder I love the poem cari
I like this peom so much. It expresses a lot of things,but specificly loss. I have experienced loss and it helps people who haven't experienced it (lucky people!) to know what it feels like.
I love this poem its very verbal and speaks from the heart. At least thats what I feel. This poem makes you feel like the person that wrote it really felt that way and knows what it's like thats what good poetry is.
I thought that was amazing! that was just- touching. that had so much emotion and you are a great poet. i myself just wrote 4 poems. I'll be 14 on December 31st. Thankyou - you have inspired me!
this poem reminded me of two ppl my bros friend (ever close to each other) and my friend that i will never see again i started crying b\c i had flash backs of him and i needed that thanx and i love ur poem
it was very touching! Your poem really touched me!
Your poem has brought back a very sad time in my life when i lost a dearest friend through suicide. he never said goodbye, at one time i tried to tell him & others of my concerns, no one listened. and now he is gone. Your words display such emptiness, such sorrow for me. I needed to read this tonight. Thank you for sharing Lynda
that poem is so true. thanks for helping my friends and i.
Heya, i love this poem it touched my heart and i remeber i've seen this poem when i was 15 but i still do love this!
This poem captured the passion and pain of the disintegration of a friendship. It was so stirring in its ability to paint the emotions with words and mental pictures of the man standing in the Savanna alone. It left me awestruck, with the ability to see out of the tear filled eyes of the man up to his knees in the waving grass by the beach, feeling the emptiness of loss. I LOVE it!
If only you could see the tears in my eyes. I can Feel the pain of this person.
WOW!that poem is AMAZING!it's sad but soOoOoOoOo beautiful!
that is great
This was the most beautiful poem I have read in a long time. It made me feel what I was reading.
dude your poem is so true. i feel that all fo my frineds are drifing away one by one
I really liked this poem. It is so very true and I had a Best Friend that was a guy and we called each other "brother and sister for life". Well that all changed because he changed for his friends and he became something that he really isn't. He is now locked up and has no where to go. I hope he learns from this. He was also the ONLY person in the world that I trusted with everything. I would have died for him. Thank you for the poem and keep writting.
This poem is so amazing that I don't even have to comment as to why.
very beautiful words, well written I feel there pain.
Iloved your poem it was the best you have the passtion to become a poet thanks for letting me read it.
FAB. lovely and sad
You really have a knack at poem writing! Really emotional, a fine piece!
Hey! I love this poem. It's really vivid! And it really reminds me of this close friend that I used to have, She told me there is no Forever friends, but there is always Forever friendship. Think about it. it took me years to understand what she meant, but now I know what she means, and I hope that all those who read my comments will come ot understand it too. U keep writing! U have a flare for it! Keep it up!
I really like this poem. it made me cry jus reading it.
Hi! I really loved that poem, and it really talked to me because me and my best friend are in a fight and she asked me: What ever happened to best friends FOREVER? I had no idea what to say, but this poem really says it all. You have a real talent in poetry and keep up the good work!
i really liked this poem because ive lost one of my best friends we were like sisters and now we hardly talk1 we have so many hatas it aint even funny!
wow, this is touching. youe get the message across without just coming out and saying 'this is wut i mean'. its really great
i like your poem because one of my friends died because he was proving a point to his friends and he was swimming across the river and then he got pulled under the water and all the people that was with him didn't help him and on top of that he was afriad of water to.
It's so true. Actually i feel like all my friends are fading away one by one:(
Hey this poem reminded me of what happen the other day. I lost a friends because of a stupid remark don't ever take advantage of your friend cause you never know when u might lose them.
Boy! I never read this type of poem before. Liked it a lot.
this poem is very heart touching because it reminded me when i was talking to this person he was very sweet but i'm afraid i left this person heart broken.
I really loved this poem it was so good. You expressed everything with such detail. I could almost see what was going on is was so great. I know how you feel forever is just a joke. But then again if we always think that then nothing we ever have will last. So, we can't let the past decide our future. Be strong and keep writing you have a thing for it.
its a really touching poem so i think you did good
wow! i love your poem it takes me to the heart. WOW! how did u think of all of this??? it is great. Thanx for the inspiration!
i love this poem it is one of the best i read
I love this poem! i can relate to it.
Wow. It touched me.
I like your poem but your real name can't be Artur Hawkwing I mean he's a character in a book series
this poem is so awesome i can totally relate to that (unfortunaltely) it is good to have words for what u feel when u just cant talk and put it into words cause it's too overwhelming
cool and i can relate
this what a really good poem
breath taking
This poem is great! I loved how expressive it's and it really paints a picture for me.
I think it is nice and sweet
I love this poem, i have been there and i know how it feels to loose a friend, earlier on today i was thinking of how i was told forever by this person and it was a joke, its hurts so much, your poem truly is wonderful!
This poem is beautiful. I was quite moved by it, an dI can realate to it.
a very nice poem with majestic expression, a poem which really is a treat to read for any reader who like poetry
it's really great i should send this to my friend before,coz' it can really touch her heart. this is true.
I loved it. A most touching and sweet verse. Deserves our time and feelings used on it
Its the best poem . I love it very much. The man is really great who wrote this.
I love the poem. Keep up!
it was a sweet poem!
A work of art in the form of writing. Never before have i felt such inner pain such as the one when I read this.
Nice. Wonderful poem. I lost a friend but in a horrific way and it makes sense.
WOW! I can relate. You have a strong talent. your poem had a strong powerful meaning. I like that. Keep up the great work.
The poem is good, it captures the most important thing in life:friendship. The association with the nature remains eternal, because these are our feelings for special friends.
The poem i just read was very good it had really made me think about me annd my bestfriends friend ship but i should reall let her read this maybe it would knock some sense in to her head 4 once
I really liked this poem because i can relate to it very well. I have had friends do this to me on purpose and because it had to happen. I also like it because you talk very religously and wheat you said was true!! I hope the best for you and your friends! :)
WOW!!! what else can i say
Very moving I can relate! Great writing talent!
I loved the poem. I will share this poem w/all my friends!
wow! that is so sad and touching! great poem!
i think this poem is really kewl and i would read it over and over agian
I like his poem very mutch.
it was very moving, you really true do have a talent of writing poetry
Nice and touching!

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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