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About the Poem

Sometimes on our journey through life, we meet someone, who profoundly changes our lives. These chance encounters with "Angels" can only be fate. The connections are too strong, the circumstances too right to be coincidence.

An Angel Cared

Maddening, swirling, tumultuous thoughts give my heart no peace
Muscles tensing, heart's wrenching, longing for release
Walled off from emotions, numbed to dreams of bliss
Frantically grasping for a hold, sliding further into the abyss
All color drains from my world, subtle shades of gray permeate
Broken shards cast illusions, hope falsely propagates
A former warrior, battle tested, I frantically disguise my fears
Resolve dissolves, nervousness abounds as my refuge disappears
As autumn's cycle nears an end, the ice begins to advance
Stealthily attacking, patiently awaiting for a perfect chance
A frozen heart, desolate and bare, obscures all that would try to see
The warmth reflected, gives off no heat, illusions mask reality
On hands and knees, mumbling pleas, I search for sanctuary
To glimpse beyond this desolation, to a world of possibility
Eyes closed, perceptions peeked, it hovers beyond my reach
A whispered supplication, alone, these barriers I cannot breach
A gentle touch, delicate and warm, I feel her reach for me
Chasing back the shadows, an angel, cradles my sanity
Relaxing, drifting, smiling, I find comfort in her embrace
My savior and redeemer, a sassy smile upon her face
I close my eyes and search within, I'll trust my instincts this time
I feel a heart of gold as her passion's unfold, a beauty so sublime
Peace radiates from her body, a warmth soaks into my soul
A smile reflects a love so deep, my heart I cannot control
Illusions shimmer and are gone, my world is bright and true
Spring marches forth with determination as my life begins anew
To pass beyond is what I sought, but dreams do not compare
To the reality of this wonderland graced by an angel so fair
Dreams shared, rendezvous dared, we joined together as one
The bonds of my enslavement have been lifted, my battle finally won
No regrets can be found, my reflections bring no remorse
Love that binds, as the tendrils climbed lead me down this course
Peace and comfort fill my soul where once only chaos dared
Now love emanates, peace radiates, because an angel cared
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© 2000 Dan McDonald Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

37 Visitor Comments

this poem is so good and it touched me back inside i feeol for this poem and i like it a lot who ever the author is most been going throw some deep love
This was one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read. I loved it!
ur a really deep writer
I know exactly what you mean, an angel changed my life also.
This was an OUTSTANDING poem. I read this to my new girlfriend because it summed up everything that I couldn't explain to her about my past failed relationships. She found it very touching as well. Very well written. Seems that you've been there too, eh? Keep up the great work! JH
What a wonderful testament to an angel here on earth. I believe I know this angel personally and Dan you have captured much of her in this. That infectious smile when she walks into a room, whether in a home or a meeting place. I pray you are still checking in here to view messages so you will know how much the poem is appreciated.
I have been the angel who cared for a man sentenced to prison. I thought he was too far gone, but I did not give up. Now, he has told me that I changed his life and his thinking. I was having a difficult time understanding how he would think so. until now. Thank you Dan. Gloria
this poem is really touching because my Dad actually turned me to this poem, he said that it described his Depression and how he feels about his girlfriend. This poem really helped me understand what its like to be depressed. Thanks for writing it. It helped us bond.
I like this poem. Its vey nice and sensitive.
great poem!
THis is the most beautifull poem ive ever heard! i read it and the harmony between the words, the context and the way it is expressed is just absolutely fantastic, perfect. I would like to congradulate the poet who wrote it, as he has so much talent! thank you for making me enjoy it so much!
i have an angel in my life . she was a blessing that my higherpower allowed me to see. i often write my feelings out in the form of poetry, joy and serenity ive attained. a miracle of life i have gained. in her embrace i feel gods grace . thank you for allowing me to relate
I loooovedddddddd the poem. It's almost like the first thing I experienced. Good work! I give my vote to Dan Mcdonald.
this is so perfect and so deep. you were able to capture the true description of a bitter and worthless world, and how the love of another can change even the worst of things. how an angel can turn a harsh winter into a beautiful spring, it was very passionate and at the same time tender. good job!
Very nice.
I LOVED! this poem! its the greatest poem ive ever read, that was awesome! i jus want ya ta kno that the poem gave me strength, thankyou for sharing it to me and others!
omg! its what i feel only i definitely dont have the vocabulary to express it as beautifully as you have. im so impressed! you have a gift, thanks for sharing it with the rest of us =)
I only have one word - Wonderful!
I will keep this in my treasure box and I will read it when I feel so alone. it will give me solace and it will give me hope. Thankyou for helping me
Dan McDonald's poem, "An Angel Cared", is one of the best poems i have ever read. Its so deep and it really touched my soul.
Having been a warrior and now dealing with some personal issues form that period of my life, I find your poem very touching.
this poem said what I have been trying to tell a dear friend that she had done for me
This is a beautifull poem! I can share the feelings of the poet, for someone I loved more then I could say had taken back their promeces and I was left like him, but like he writes in ways that many have so much truble to try and explain, an angel came and cared, and gave me back a life again.
that poem warmed my heart and stirred my soul. thank u for sharing it
I loved this poem, as it is so close to my own experience and I would like to say please keep up the brillint writing thanks a million
Absolutely awesome!! Love this poem!! WOW!! I can feel the truth and sincerity!! I will definitely look for more of yours
this poem is realy nice and sweet
This poem is amazing, it really tounched me.
hey i really likes ur poems
All I have to say is WOW. I felt like I actually heard you reading this aloud, as I was reading ...
This is one of the best poems I have ever read!
I loved your poem! so much in fact that im sending it to my girlfriend who I feel is my angel. thank you.
I love this warmed my heart
on a scale of one to ten I would say this is a 10. I has truly reached out and touched me
Encore.The word to describe this poem is undescribeable. Dont ever stop sharing your passion and the beauty of your soul. The words and the theme of the angel entranced me. Thank you.
I love this poem...excellent use of space...

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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