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About the Poem

Long distance relationships are hardly ever easy. They take great amounts of energy to keep the fires burning, and the wheels turning. Communication is the biggest, and most important factor. Without it various problems ensue. You start to feel like you are no longer a part of their life. Often without any reassurance that things are still the way they were when you were together, insecurities become greater. When the phone calls begin to subside, you start to wonder what could they possibly be doing that they can't call you. Could it possibly be that they found someone else? Questions like these start to race through your mind, and a great deal of anxiety sets in. It's at times like these when you really have no clue as to what is going on, that communication is necessary. You must express how you feel, ask them what's going on, where the two of you stand. Sometimes, when you do this it makes the relationship better. Often he/she is going through a hard time in their life, or is just as confused as you are. And when that is not the case, it is just as advantageous. Yes, it definitely will hurt, but one day you will be able to continue your life. Your hands will become strong again, strong enough to pick up your shattered heart and begin to mend it. When I was in a long distance relationship. Separated by thousands of miles of ocean, I found myself in such a predicament, and set out to clarify what was going on. This poem was my golden tractor. It "harvested" the communication problem that I was having with my boyfriend, and in its place, left a beautiful pasture where we talked , and flowers of emotions that were imprisoned for too long started to bloom. This poem saved our relationship, and I hope that those who read it, will find in it, a golden tractor of their own.

I Hope You Have Some Time Right Now

I hope you have some time right now;
It's not easy when two people care about each
other and live far apart.

I hope you have some time right now
To hear me out,
Because I have a lot of things to say.

I hope you have some time right now;
I think we need to talk
Face to face.
Can we do that?
I miss you, but my mind has power over my heart.
You see, my heart has led me to dead end roads

I hope you have some time right now;
There are just a few things I wanted to say.
Whatever happens between me and you,
I know it can't stay this way.
I'm insecure and worry too much;
This, my dear, I know.
I spend my time very lonely,
Thinking of you and what could be.

I hope you have some time right now
To understand how much you mean to me.
And at night when we are both alone... hopefully -
Please think of me.

I hope you have some time right now
To think this through responsibly.
You can't have your cake and eat it too,
Or so the story goes.
In my opinion, Honey,
You can have ice cream with it if you want.
A cherry too!
The cards are yours to deal and play.
But I don't want to be your Joker in the pack.
Play with me fair.

I hope you have some time right now;
Turn the TV down and listen.
I need to know where we stand.
Are our feet together or apart?
Where have you hidden the rest of your heart?
I've given you mine,
Arteries, veins and all.
Either give me the whole thing,
Or keep it all to yourself.
See, I'm a selfish person;
As if you didn't know.
What I want for myself,
I don't like to share.

I hope you have some time right now;
Think all of this through real slow.
Your decision will only be part of the play.
Somebody still has to make a goal.
I'm on defense;
I won't let you through.
Nothing comes that easy.
First off, you have to talk to me.

I hope you have some time right now;
I sure found it.
Writing this only took a few minutes,
But I'm sure its impact on you will be
longer than that.
I just want some effort on your part.
I've thought about this day and night.
You don't have to write or call me all the time.
Do those things when you want.
I just want to know you love me.
There's very little talk and very little action.
They should be higher than that!
If you love me,
Show it.
If you don't, just say it.
Even if you don't love me, its okay,
That doesn't mean it's the end.
You see, I fell for you a long time ago;
And I don't like it when people pretend.
We can still talk and have our fun,
But I need to know what's going on.
If this is too serious and strong for you
right now,
Just tell me.
I will understand.

I hope you have some time right now;
This poem is nearly done.
If you keep my heart and break it,
Truly, nobody will have won.
I want to spend my days of youth happy,
Not twisted up in knots of hate.
Don't do that to me;
Tell me what's going on,
And I will share my thoughts with you.
But if you don't act or say something,
Then you are leaving me to assume.
Assumptions aren't good;
At least not when they are from me.
If all you want is a girl,
And not me particularly,
Then they have a lot of other fish in the sea.
I am not Pinocchio;
Don't treat me like a puppet.
I know that sounds hypocritical,
When I tell you do this and do that.
I do that because I am afraid that whatever
You decide to do on your own
May not be what makes me happy.

So my love I have come to my little conclusion;
I have work to go and do.
Just remember one thing,
And live by it too...
I love you.
Never say I don't love you.

I hope you have some time right now;
And if you don't then the story is clear to me.
For now I will just end with this...

Bet you think that's strange.
It's a blank line.
I can't read the future or think ahead in time!
You and I will shape that line,
Together or apart.
Let's not cut it, okay?

I hope you have some time right now;
I miss you and I know what you would say.
You're an open book,
But somewhere along the line I skipped a couple
of pages
So I could reach the beautiful end;
Now I'm sorry I did that,
And that's in the past.
No crying over spilt milk.
Do you want to try this again?
As friends?
Or more?
The choice is yours.
Let me know what you think.

I hope you have some time right now
To read this "short" poem.
Please come and look in my eyes,
And see the life I've lived.
I want the rest to be picture perfect,
With you in it -
As a friend or a lover
It doesn't matter,
Once you are a part of my life.

I hope you have some time right now,
To hear a few more words leave my lips.

"Decide what you want, my love.
I won't hold you as the culprit if things go wrong,
It takes two to tango, meringue, or salsa.
If your feelings are strong, express them.
If they are weak do the same. Just let me know."

I hope you have some time right now
To think this story out.
You only owe me one thing -

I hope you made the time just now
To revise this first edition.
If not... then the end of this story has already
been written.
Is that how you want it?
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© 1999 Luminosity Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

28 Visitor Comments

Thank you sooo much , you have truly touched me . My boyfriend tony and I have been together for 3 years i live in florida and he in Philadelphia and when i was thinking of given up and all the stuff we are going through , you found the words that I didnt know how to express to him . Not one word didnt describe our relationship and what we were going through . So I just want to so thank you soo much I cryed through whole description and poem . I truly know what this poem means and hopefully others to . You helped me and im grateful. Amanda D
All i can say is that I could relate to this poem with my entire soul. I am actually sending this poem to my girl friend in california right now, so that she understands exactly how I feel with a rose, and a letter. All that I can really say is thank you.
This is a great poem. These are the exact feelings I'm having right now in my own long distance relationship. Thank you!
WOW! I kinda stayed speachless for a second or two after i finished reading it cause it practically describes tha relationship i'm in right now N My feelings about tha whole thing right 2 tha T
Beautiful! just Beautiful. I am very touched. I associate with those somber days and. your beautiful letter truly inspired me. Thank you so much. The best of luck
a long distance relationship is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. it eats away at you, and you always feel like you have something to tell the one you love. but the words never quite come out. thanks for writing this. i couldnt say it better myself.
beautiful, meaningful, It is everything I have been living through in these couple of months ;) thank you!
This poem has really touched me. I was in a long distance relationship which sadly ended last week and I was searching for answers. The words are so poignant. Thank you.
wow this person poured there hart out its amazing
first the poem was extradionary you placed real true emotions you described exactly a girl would feel. thank you for writing such a truly inspiring poem. i will tell my friends about this poem and hope they will to pass it on.
I thought it was very captivating. Wonderful author for having such indepth thughts
This very poem made my heart yearn for my boyfriend even more. thoughts of him ease into my head. never letting go until the night of sleep, makes us hang up the phone because hes so far away but we are only wishing we were holding one another. This poem touched me dearly, you are an incredible poet. keep at it.
Your poem hit close to home with me. I too was in a long distance relationship for a long time, and your poem so accurately described the way I felt for a long time. It was beautiful. exactly what I had needed to say to him for a long time. You have a great talent.
wow, this poem is definitely the best i have read yet. it really moves anyone who reads this. thnx! now i know what i should have said to my ex before we part ^^.
I had been trying to write a poem to my girlfriend but i couldn't find the exact words to say. then i found this poem and it was exactly what i wanted to say. This poem really meant something to me and really touched my heart.
I really liked the poem. it was one of the best ones i ever read.
I love this poem, i write poetry as well and this peom sounds alot like something i would write! Also I'm currnetly in a long distance relationship, and this is our secnod try at it. This peom would have been very helpful to me the first go round, but i greatly related to what the poem says, and think its wonderful!
This poem really touched my heart and touched all the feelings of my last relationship!
Wow. i can't find a single reason that sombody would'nt enjoy reading this poem! I swear it must be the best poem i've ever read! A poem this long, i usually wouldn't read, but oh this one i couldn;t stop reading it. Even though i havnt really experienced what your'e talkin abot it really did touch my heart! Keep up the good work, please don't stop writing! Good job! ~~Lena
this is the most incredible, moving and true poem i have ever read in my life. you just said everything i ever wanted to say to my ex for me but never had the courage or ability to do.
THANK YOU! Its been rough lately. with my boyfriend! Your poem is EXACTLY what I wanted to say! THANK YOU SO MUCH, You just made my life sooo much easier. WOW THANK YOU!
This poem made me remember my own relationship and how hard it was to maintain over a long distance. People would say that distance doesn't effect realtionships, and that love conquers all, but sadly it doesnt, as we eventually come to find out. Communication is the key!
i loved it. its how i felt about my ex girlfriend. now its over
This was the most beautiful poem I ever read. It explains a lot of emotions that take place during a long-distance relationship. Thank you for putting my feelings into words. Keep writing you have a wonderful talent!
This is an awesome poem. It describes what I am going through at this time. My girlfriend and I are going through some really tough examination of our relationship and are in a time of separation to sort out our feelings and examine the issues. This poem describes how I feel over the lack of communication right now. Thank you for writing this!
Very good! It hit the spot. Thank You
It's a clearcut expression of the situation that we two are facing now. She's my darling and I hope I can show my love to her soon. She's my dream and prayer and I wonder sometimes whether she pretends not to understand these things. I'll meet her soon and I guess my love is already on her way. It hurts when she does that but I'll never loose hope.

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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