Send some poetry to a friend - the love thought that counts!
Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

I wrote this for a friend. I call him friend but I do wish it was more. We find excuses to see one another or to talk to each other. I believe we both know there is more to it than that, but to say so would ruin it all. It seems such a shame that the world is so full of hurt and pain that we tend to avoid relationships altogether. We only dream of what could be if we were to find that "right" person. The fear is the enemy here. We may in fact meet this "right" person, but let them slip out of our lives without ever knowing what could have been.

Just Friends

We enjoy each others company
but for the most part, we avoid it.
We pretend there is nothing there.
We're just friends.
Every time we meet, it's awkward at first.
We check our guard and put up the walls.
We're just friends that's all.
We call each other on the phone,
and always have a good excuse for doing so.
Do friends need an excuse?
You remind me that "We must be careful",
"We can't go there", you say.
The rules have been set,
and we live by them.

We sit and talk for hours,
two sets of blue eyes interlocked
and neither turns away.
I hang on your every word.
Your simple presence in a room,
gives my life a purpose.
Add your voice and a smile,
and I melt away.
The thought of you touching me
makes my body scream out with yearning.
But we're just friends, right?
Why do I feel it's more?
Are we in self-inflicted denial?
Our past hurts have made us so afraid,
We'd rather be lonely than to take that chance again.

I wish I could tell you how I really feel inside.
That I'd be willing to take that chance
To be more than just your friend.
I know you sense this, as I do,
but it's easier to pretend.
Saying it would make it real
and you'd run away and hide from me.

So I'll try and keep the flood gates closed
and be content that you let me be,
Just your friend.

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© 1999 Diane Blue Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

123 Visitor Comments

this poem is so true love an friendship are complexed things
This poem was amazing. it really did touch the bottom of my heart. This poem is soo true if only people knew.
i luv dis poem i can reali relate 2 it rite now. its lyk everyfing i feel put in2 a poem except i dnt kno if dey feel the same - everyfing else is exactly the same
This poem was amazing and to find it when im about to lose the best friend in my life meant so much to me congrats on being such an amazing poet!
This sums up exactly how i feel about a dear friend
this poem is awsome. i think im in the same situation with someone else
it's a GOOD and true and could happen too anyone.
I love this poem I can totally relate to it.
This is a beautiful poem I must say!
i think if two people are in love and dont want to date because they are afaird of geting hurt in the end i think they should give it a try because it not going to hurt to try. People have to take chances its part of life. This poem is really good
Oh my, what a great poem. This is exactly the way I feel about a female friend of mine. One problem though she is attached to her BF.
Great poem! I can totally relate to this. I am going thru this right now with a female friend, however she is attached. with a boyfriend.
wow!Im in a situation exactly like that right now. I really love the way you use your words. but,oh my god,100 percent my situation. Nice poem.
I am going through the same situation. I have been best friends with my special someone now for 14 years and she is without a doubt the most important part of my life. I look forward to every moment I'm with her and my heart bleeds for her when were not together. The situation is how to tell her about all of this. I had an oppurtunity before when she approached me with this and I denied it then due to worry about if it didnt work. Now I hope that she feels the same way, I will use this poem to express my feelings to her that I am in love with her and would like to see it go further and if not well friends we are. Thanks
i loved this poem it was so touching i almost cryed!
Very nice, I love the way it describe how friends find it hard to cross the line since it might end up ruining the friendship
Oh my gosh. Wonderful poem! this is exactly how I feel about my best friend. I get those i-like-you-as-more-than-a-friend signals all the time. I just wonder what could happen if one of us actually put aside our fears and took a risk.
this poem just says it all in one lump sum! i loved it & i could not have found it @ a better time in my life i am going through the same exact emotions i am so glad to have read this great job!hope there is more to come from such an inspritaional writter
This poem was wonderful it says alot i am going through the samething but has a girlfriend mabay in time they will realize how true fhe feelings are
i was sad ******
This poem really means a lot to me. I have a very good friend who I feel this way about. We had a thing once but he was married and I was young. We have never had the chance together but I think we both would like one. I know I would anyway, and I think deep down where he hides his feelings, he does too. We talk quite a bit, espeically when he is having a hard time with things, I am one of the first people he talks to about it. He was my first love and one of my best friends now. Thanks so much for writing it.
I share the same sentiments. Every words that has been written were very remarkable and at the same time very painful to read especially if the reader also experienced that kind of FRIENDSHIP where there were walls.
Love it! Wish I had written it :-)
OMG i luv this poem. i can totally relate 2 it. im goin through the same hting with my guy frend. but the thing is he has a crush on my best frend. we've been best frends 4eva, my guy best frend, my girl best frend, n myself. but dis year i realized i like him. but den agen he likes my girl best frend.
This speaks volumes to people who can't quite say those words. Wonderful work!
100% i love it, i can relate to this to friend of mine. too bad because I'm MARRIED! thanks so much for a beautiful poem.
it's amazing
This poem is unbelievable Diane Blue should be given an award, it's like she's physic or something. I can totally relate to this poem and my prob is I have a gf
This poem touches my heart. I am in the same exact situation, so I understand just exactly what this poem is about. I am in love with a very good friend, but i fear that if I tell him, he will run away. This poem really hits home for me. I hope the writer continues to give us such beautiful heart felt poems.
love this poem~! i can totally relate to it. I am going thru this right now with a guy fren. however he is attached. with a gf.
I love this poem. It said exactly what I feel.
I just loved this poem but it's so sad though. I can definitely relate. While I was reading this I felt the familiar knots in my stomach and reminded myself that I'm not going through this at the moment.
this poem has touched me so much. it's like what i'm going through right now. god bless you, for some reason i have now found comfort in our "friendship" :) thank you.
I have been thinking of words like these to write to a special friend, your poem has captured the essence of what I have not been able to tell her. I have send it to her and who knows what this may bring, one can only say that this is either the beginning or the end
Your situation looks so much like mine, this poem really touched me! Knowing that your best friend is actually more than that, but talking about a relationship might ruin it all . so just TRYING to be content with being "just friends" .
This poem is incedible. I felt as though my name and my best guy friends name should have appeared numerous times. I understand it's meaning so well. Crossing that line and having those feelings can be so hard to deal with, but you can't control the way your heart feels. Meeting the right guy is what I hope to do someday, in my heart I know I already have.
I liked the poem. I'm kinda in the same place. But we are to the stage we are kissing and holding hands. We have been friends for about five years. We are just trying to see if it could be more before we jump straight in and mess up the friendship we have. Take it slowly. It is working so far.
I can relate to you because i have this guy friend who i really would love to be more than friends but it is hard to say it than write it but i hope you and that person csn become more than friends. ¿Qué Tal?
hi, this poem reminds me so much of a friend. we have talked once before bout me and him. about when we see each other. but then we got scared and said things liek forget waht i said. i hope someday we stop doing that.
Your poem just touched me as I read it, it made so much sense of what i feel now about a girl and the things that go on between us. All those walls that surround both of us.
I'm meeting my "Friend" tomorrow to discuss our situation. This poem sums up exactly how i feel about her and how we are together (except for the eye colours!). Who knows what the outcome of our meeting will be but I'm glad I read this peom beforehand. This has helped me to realise and express my feelings. thanks.
great work I enjoyed it greatly as it is what I am goin through at present with my best friend/flatmate.I have fallen for her and I know she has feelings there that she is so scared to let out.hope fully in time we will be together .again great poem Thank you .
I'm in this situation right and i want to be firends with that person, that person wanted more, by reading this it helped me a lot. thx! This poem is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.
how can it not get any more true it sucks having that feeling when u want someone and find out 13 other guys want her too at the same time.
i love this poem. it says just what i want to say about my best friend Lee. I know nothing could ever happen becuz he doesnt want it.
I though this poem was beatiful. I know exactly what your saying1
I loved this poem. It is what I am feeling about someone and he doesn't want more but then he does. So we hind what we really feel . I hurts to do it but oh well, as long as we are still friends. Thank you for writing this poem
This poems is one that is close to my heart. Thank u !
WOW!!! This poem reminds me of my best friend Amber.
I know just hao you feel my friend and i can tell we like eachother but we are afraid to take a chance seeing as how we don't have many friends and our friendship is very important to the both of us.
this poem is exactly how i feel about a friend of mine.
Excellent. Thats me right there talking to my friend!
Without this poem I wouldn't be going out with the most fabulous guy ever! We'd been denying how we felt for ages. But after I mailed this poem to him, we finally managed to step over the barrier we'd put between us and show each other how much we really cared. We're talking about getting engaged soon! Without this poem, my life could be so empty! Thank you so much!
excellent poem... maybe we should take it a step further.. but we are all too scared
beautiful and touching totally reflects my feelings when i fell in love with my friend.thank you for putting my thoughts and feelings into words.
Something i can relate to, it is the best!
I could really relate to your poem. I am also in the same situation. This one guy was my best guy friend (not so much n/e more) and I have feelings for him. We can't be together because people are in the was of everything. That peom exactly evpresses what I feel inside.
So True! "There's nothing half so sweet in life As love's young dream" - Thomas Moore
This poem reminds me of a time when my best guyfriend and I had a conflict in our friendship because I told him how I felt about him in a "loving" way and he didn't want to go further like that. I tried to move on with my own life after two weeks of conflict but he didn't want to let go of me because we have been best friends since we were elementary schoolers and it's hard to throw friendships away with old friends. If you have a best friend who is oppsite sex, just remember: it takes warmth, understanding and communication to stay together and in other words,"it takes thyme to grow old friends,..."
Hi ya, It pleasently surprised me that how come its possible that you write the words exactly reflecting my feelings to someone. I don't know what to say but its just great !
Oh My Gosh, this poem sounds sooo much like me and my guy friend. I've always wished it could be more, and he also knows that too. It makes me cry to think that :(
this poem explains exactly how i feel about this guy! your a GREAT poet! good luck in the future;)
This is a wonderful poem that I absolutely loved. I could relate to it so much. I am in love with one of my best friends, but I just can't tell her how I feel. I'm too scared to leave her.. :(
This poem hits all to close to home. I still cannot understand why I cannot tell her how I feel even though we both know each other cares.
Thank You
I sent this poem to a very good friend of mine. It really struck a cord in me and i thought she should know how i really felt.
this poem describes a relationship i have with someone very special to me and i really enjoyed reading it.
Can relate well to the poem...I had a friend with whom I was very close the extent of having another girl pal of mine to ask me if we were a couple. I wanted to be more than just friends, but he do not allow us to go beyond friendship. Reason being, he still cannot get over his ex-girlfriend. And sometime later, we had a misunderstanding and we have not spoken to each other since. I cannot bring myself to call him up for a talk, for there is no way I can look at him in the eye and say "Let's just be friends."
This poem is great. It totally relates to my situation
Hey ... sometimes even guys weep at such perfect descriptions of their lives .... I know I did. Simply beautiful. Thank you so much!
I gave this poem to my friend and when he read he understood that maybe we did the right thing. It explained exactly how we felt and beyond his circumstances, he was able to express how he felt without having to put it in his own words
This poem is great!! One of my best friends is a guy (with blue eyes) and this poem describes our relationship perfectly!
I though this was a great poem and it really describes what I feel for my best friend!
This poem is all too real for me. Now if we can just figure out how to break down the walls.
I really love this poem because I am facing the same situation. I have had mixed feelings. Yet, after reading this poem I have the encouragement to be patient and perhaps one day soon, I and the one I love so much will be together once again.
this poems really explain about feeling that can really express how they feel. i kind of feel that way sometimes with a freind of mine. that we had to make sure that no one is around to hear what we talk about
I know exactly how you feel.. this sounds so much like myself and a friend of mine that I work it's hard
Great poem!, it is so true of someone who says they just want to be friends and there is more there than what they are willing to admit. Thanks.
Very nice. I feel you.
This is what I am experiencing right now. and indeed Di you did a very good and your poem touches many hearts that share similar situation. Keep it up.
wonderfull poem.exactly what i needed at the moment
This really hits home. How many of us have that secret desire, the we now we can't indulge in. Well written, as usual Di.
This truly touched me. It came across as so very true, and mixed friendship with love, confusion and caution.
I really think this peom is great, everything it says is true and I will be sending this poem to a friend to let her know how I feel. Thanks for the good poetry!
I can relate to this poem and I think it is true of many people.
This poem brought tears to my eyes, as it explains exactly how I feel toward my best friend.
This is a really great poem, it is so true!
Hey u'r describing exactly how i feel!!!
How some of these words feel so right when you describe a very special friendship, which are not allowed to be more.
i've felt the same way and i could't have put it in better words than you. Terriff!!
this poem I liked because it's telling my story and life between me and a really close friend.and it makes me realize alot of what you need to think about in these relationships
It was a very good poem touched a place in my heart that is going through the same thing at the moment very real and truthful!
I feel this poem is very real. It's a reminder that we try to force the fact that we all need someone away rather than face our need to have someone to depend on rather than our own self. We'd rather avoid the pain than play the game and live life. It's better to have a little than nothing at all, the fantaisy gives usa safe palce to go.
WOW! This was such a great poem. I have a friend that I always talk to everyday but we can't be more than friends because my ex is best friends with him and he doesn't want him to be hurt. So, I wish we could be together!:(
it's amazing how you are able to capture feelings and be able to put them into are a talented poet
awesome...juss the way i feel rite now
this poem touched my heart and ii have felt and done the samething i love poem keep up the good work
this is such an expressive poem and explain my situation with my guy best friend who i love so much! thanks. it's helpful knowing that i am not the only that has to go through this
this is one of many poems i have read that is really interesting
I just want to say that this poem touched my heart in a tender spot when I read it. It has done something that months of deliberating hasn't been able to do for me, it made me decide. Hoping all goes well, thank you.
I love this poem. It reminds me of me and my best guy friend right now.
Excellent Touching Poem!!
This poem is one that many people can relate to , its well written and brings to light many things people fear and believe
Perfectly comparable to those of us with those same feelings. Thanx
this poem really touched my heart! i have a good friend and it hurts so much that friends is all we could be. when i found this poem i had to copy it down and hang it on my refrigerator. THANK YOU!!!!!
This sounds familiar. I enjoyed this poem because it happens just to be the case of me. Need I say More?
My God. The first time I read this poem I cried my eyes out. It's SO perfect. My best friend IS a guy, with blue eyes, no less, and this poem describes our relationship better than anything else in the world.
This is me! It's like we share a kinder spiit.
wow!, this is just so me. Di, i think you've been through what i am going through, this is a fantastic poem, simple yet elegent, passionate and heartfelt. it's beutiful, from a guy's point of view, it's got substance if you know what i mean. keep it up.
i live your poem myself, isn't that what a truly great poem is?
Wish I had found this poem before I composed a letter expressing my feelings to "just a friend". This poem could've gone over better. No matter, I also sent this poem. Who knows if I ever will no how it was received. Oh well. Nothing ventured nothing gained. This poem sums up this "only friends" thing very well! Thanks
Words so true, relationships so common...
this poem is a reflection of my own life and i admit i cried when i read it. it was emotionally powerful. thank you
Wow! The best word I can think of to describe this poem. I think we have all been in simular situations, and this makes us relive it with clarity. Lik eit was written directly to the reader.
I am in this exact situation and when I read this, my heart skipped a beat. This is one of the most beautiful pieces of work I have ever read.
Wow. For 7 years now I've been trying to find the right words to tell my friend how I've felt for him. you have read my thoughts like an open book. Thanks.
This poem is to true. How do you tell someone how you really feel, when all they see in you is just a "friend".
Just to let all of you out there know in the same situation as me. This is very moving and very true on how I feel about a lad called Simon!
I think this poem is awesome. It describes the situation im in prfectly.
Out of all the friendship poems on here, this one hit the nail on the head.
I really liked your poem. It really hits home. I feel the same way about someone but i know that it is not possible

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