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About the Poem

This poem is the way I told a very special friend that my heart had been broken so deep I could not allow him to love me until I got rid of some of the old pain left by someone else.

I Need You As My Friend

I've been hurt so very deep
By the one who once made my life complete

He left his scars they do not show
Imprinted them within my soul

So forgive me friend if I get scared
but my emotions are temporarily under repair

I work on this heartbreak everyday
Slowly its damage is drifting away

IF you've ever been here
I know you'll understand

That what I need right now
is for you to stay my friend
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© 1999 Nina Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

39 Visitor Comments

wow this one got to me. thankyou
Very nice a lot of people could relate to it i'm sure
smart and true to the heart
This poem touched me as it reflected my thoughts of a friendship that turned to forbidden love and now back to friendship agian - very painfully.
heyy this is a really really nice poemm.
This poem is just what the girl i like feels now. Can anybody help me with what to do to speed up the healing process???
This is a great Poem! Im going trough this and finally someone understands me! thnx for makin this poem, now i cud talk to my buddy, about us :)! much love jenna
Your poem is so touching. Tears are not falling from the outside, but on my inside, my heart is crying because of your beautiful poem. I can relate to your poem in so many ways.
This is the best poem i have ever read! it really touched me because i'm going through alot right now and now i noe dat i have friends how want to help me. but untill i read this poem i didnt let any even try to help me! so nina i just want to tell u to keep up the good work beacuse u just might change more lives. cuz u defenetly change mine! thnak you so much!
It was as if the poem was writen for me. I really did enjoy reading it.
No words can I say but to tell you that I feel the exact same way! And I think I still need time to mend these wounds of mine and just need my friend to stay my friend for a while longer! Thanks!
Amazing, well stated.
I LOVE your poem it is short, simple, and sweet there are many powerful words that you have used you did a wonderful job!
very very nice!
i love this poem it is something that really touched me because i am going throw a rought time with my feonca' right now and some of the things he has said have scared me for life and i know they always will but my best friend shel knows how to help me out so this is to her.
I loved yourn poem. They're words of wisdom.
it's so sweet and sad at the same time
words of wisdom straight from the heart, I almost started crying when reading it, I know the feeling so well.BEAUTIFUL!
This poem was great! Serously this poem explains in detail how i feel right now. nina you are a great writer thanks for this poem in my life now! It was grade A
since last friday - i lost someone who close to my heart and i blame myself to fall inlove and broke up knowing that we are very close to each other but still i need him as my best of friends and missed him with all my heart.
I really like this poem because my best friend is going through depression right now and it really helps her if I'm there for her. This poem reminds me of what she is going through right now and I really hope her day is a lot brighter because I sent this to her.
this poem REALLY hit me! my friend has this kind of dilemma and it's what is happening between us right now.
i love this poem it fits my present life
I really love this poem it hits the heart i felt the same way before awesome poem
This poems is a woundreful poems my friend and I love this poems.we always need a friend doesn't matter if we are in love with them.friendship is the wounderful thigs that could ever happen to us.
this is a very beauiful poem and i enjoy this site very much thank-you
it shows how pressure a friend can be ,when the heart ans soul. Are hurts almost beyond repair. thax fore a great poem, it just make me a little bit more happy Lars , Denmark
I can really feel this poem. I have a friend that i am intimate with and before i was in a abusive relationship both physical and mentally. My friend now is really understanding about my situation and says that he just wants to be my friend,but im sure that i will sooner or later feel more than just friendship. Good poem,wonderful poem it really touched my heart.
I truly am touched by this poem because it allows us not to have to feel tough, not communicate real emotion and feelings locked away inside. It speaks very loud truthful, genuine and honest. Allowing us to be human, and sending the message It really is okay to need someone. Especially A treasured, wonderful friend whom we love with all our heart, soul and spirit. the one who knows you never judging, just loving, and is there when you really need them and feeling safe and a mutual understanding it's okay to feel, and share some of the parts about ourselves we see as awful when they find the beauty, and help you back to finding yourself again. In turn it sends the message 'and it is okay if you ever "need me." Thank you, I love this poem and did send it to a friend. Shyann
Have been reading a lot of poetry lately, this one is so true a great poem from the heart.
this poem is so real. I can relate to this poem. this poem is so beautiful and meaningful, the poem couldn't be any clearer. Nina keep up the good work.(:
Itdoesn't have a logical esplanetion. Even though we don't even know each other the feelings seems to be the same.
Very Nice Work.
This poem is the best.I have felt the same way...and that is why I love this poem so much.
This is poem would be so true to so many. I have lost my bestfriend and husband to suicide and after found out he had also betrayed me and my two young sons. I would have forgiven him had I known. Why could he not talk about it. Now, some years later I have met a wonderful man through the internet. He has pain as well. Together we are working on it. Thank you.
this poem is just what i have been tryingto say to a dear friend
this poem witholds the answer i've seeking..thanx!

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