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About the Poem

I had this friend who I had known my entire life. He and I were pretty close and we let lust come in the way of that. Now all I am left with is my memories and of course, tears. He read this and told me it was beautiful and I haven't spoke to him since.

Are We Still Friends?

I could have held you all night long,
I could have laid next to you forever,
But then I know tomorrow soon would come,
And still we couldn't be together . . .

I went against what my head was saying,
and followed my heart through,
And instead of quitting while I was ahead,
I started falling in love with you

We had so much fun together,
the memories we made so great,
all those nights laughing and smiling,
staying up so late.

As the snow falls on the sidewalks,
I know this too will pass,
for feelings are like the seasons changing,
and one season never lasts.

So, I know this must stop now,
and tomorrow soon will come,
as we walk away and never look back,
as our warm feelings become numb.
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© 1999 Christine Cawley Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

105 Visitor Comments

I thought this was AMAZING, if you're the writer and you're reading this. please email me! you were great!
This a good poem. Excellent!
oh wow. that poem. phenomenal. my feelings to a tee about a current situation. wow. a little too close to home actually. wow. Great job
Omg this pomen is beauftful
love it
This was very touching poem.
I really lovedthis poem, I used to be friends with this guy and then we became more and I thought it would last but I had a real rude awaking when he got sent off and he just forgot about me, I love him still and it hurts so bad when I think about what me and him used to have
I love it cause it remind me of a closed friend!
I think your poem is very beautiful in so many ways that words can not express. I was involve in a relationship a while ago and there are no better words to express my feelings than your beautiful poem. :)
this poem was great
this is a really good poem
Unbelievable in both its simplicity and yet, its complexity. Of description and feelings. I was completely moved and got goose bumps reading it having just had this experience. Could be one of my favorite poems of all times.
Very good. my friend sent me the first two stanzas as a love poem, so I decided to google it and see the rest. It was all good. It sounds like a song. Write more!
A fantastic poem and exactly what I have been feeling. I had a very close friend who once said he loved me and I wasn't ready for him for I was engaged. I realised I felt a bit more than friendship but I rejected him and also broke up with my fiance for I had all mixed up emotions. Six months later I was ready to go that step further with my friend and he said he had moved on and no longer felt the same way and just wanted to stay friends but by that stage I had fallen in love with him and now I am trying to get over him.
this is wondeful and so true its real
i luv the poem its soo realistic i wish i was as good at righting a fantastic poem luv your poem
This has described what I have felt for a person for a long period of time. Thanks for sharing this. Much Love.
i love this poem, it explains exactly how i feel, keep on writing!
This poem is the best I have so many feeling inside just like this poem. It really interacts with the real feelings of life and friends becoming lover. It just seems it never works out.
It expresses the lovliness and the sadness of falling in love with a friend. I am experiencing this very thing and am not sure of what the outcome will be, I am prepared for the outcome in this poem, but would rather that not come true. But if it does, I will read this poem to lift my spirits up and be thankful for the friendship we shared and will hopefully continue to share in the future.
this poem is so touching and valid for me right now
I think this is a wonderful poem that expresses many feeling that most can relate to. Good Work
i liked this poem because it makes me think about someone i really care about right now. n it is the truth not just a fantacy poem. good job
After what i had been through the past couple of months this poem really touched me. It kind of helps to know that love can be so strong not only for myself but others as well. Really nice poetry keep up the good work
The poem was really great so I am taking this time to vote for this very, very good poem I hope you get a lot of votes.
My girlfriend e-mailed me this after we split up. We both still really love each other, and there's going to be a lot of hurt on both sides. I think she picked this one because it's not only how we both feel, but it's also just like something I'd write myself; I've written things similarly raw and self-exposing after past relationships.
i'm so there with you it feels like i told you about my life and you just put it in a poem for me. i really liked your poem!
I loved this poem. There is a very thin line love and friends. Only cross it if you are prepare to lose a friend.
I fell inlove with my best friend about 4 years ago. These past few weeks have been so awful, my best friend of 10 years and love for 4 has changed into a person who I no longer know. He is leaving to Iraq, I will miss him but pain he has caused me and scars he has left I will not. I lost a friend and my first true love.
This is an excellent poem and really explains friends you find on the internet. I became extremely close to someone I thought was always telling me the truth, but found out not all was real. And when that happened so did our closeness. Nothing about me ever changed, but she did and now we never speak. My heart still feels the loss and I'm sure it always will.
this poem was great it come back memories of the guy i liked it touched me oh so softly
this poems it very good. i liked it a lot.
This Poem is soo very true! Keep up the good work!
I Love this poem! i wood give it all tha thumbs in the world! This reminds me of of guy soo special to me. Todd i even cried! I Love it!
this poem touch me so much it remined me of me end my boyfriend we see eachother like to times a week when we see eachother we wish the day won't never end
I loved this poem it like something I have never read. It really touched me.
I really enjoyed reading this poem. I have a similar situation going on in my life right now, and I sent him this poem, and I really felt better when I read it. This author summed up what was going on better than I ever could. Great piece of writing!
Awesome Job, This poem truly expresses your emotions. I know exactly how you feel. You put what I was feeling into a simple beautiful way. thank you.
The best written material to read are the ones that are related to and I can relate to this.
the poem is nice. you are a good writter.
I'm going through something with a person I've been friends with just as long as I've been with my fiance'(yrs). Last year we took it to far. We're BOTH in long distance relationships and getting married soon to people who will be moving to the city where we will BOTH be living and working in the same profession. We recently decided to say goodbye to that part of our relationship, and this poem hit way too close to home.
i loved ur poem. and i must say that i don't know what to do about my lie and more,why? because i lost the love of my life i justlet him go it was almost 6months but i still and always will love him
to sum it all up. i believe this poem is really good.
This poem is so true and awesome. It is exactly about what im going through right now and really touches my heart. such an awesome poem. absolutely awesome.
i loved ur poem. it's great! you just summarized everything i felt for someone who was very special to me. unfortunately things don't always turn out to be the way you want them to. sometimes you just have to let go.
what a brilliant poem reminds me of my ex girlfriend we split up lots of times due to me feeling like a underdog because she was from a wealthy family almost one and a half years later i think about her almost every day and miss her terrible
That poem was so good! It made me want to cry. You're a terrific writer.
omg i love this poem sososos much it remembers me so much of this girll i used to love be we are now gone our sepertae ways what to go.
i think it was good because i'm thought something like that right now.
I related to this poem exactly the way that the writer meant for someone to react to it. I truly enjoyed this poem.
this poem reminds me of me and my fiancee'. right now things are at a rough spot and friends would probably be the best but i am trying to just take time and give it a chance. i love him but maybe friends is best i don't know. this is a great poem and it should go big.
I enjoyed your poem I think a lot of people can relate to what it is you were saying
Okay. wow! This was one of the best poems I've ever read. I'm going through something similar right now, and it helps to know I'm not alone. Thank you!
This has definitelty made me think of my best friend. We've studied together at TAFE for a year and in the short time we've become very close to the point of taking that intimate step. It started out as a casual thing, only I've let myself fall really hard for him against my efforts not too, but he's made it very clear that he doesn't feel the same for me, that I'd always be just a friend to him, almost like a sister. So how do we stop what we've started and how do I fall out of love.
I am amazed at this poem. You have truly created a masterpeice. I just told my friend how I feel for him about an hour before I read this and I want you to know that your poem has truly touched me. Thank you.
This poem is very nice. It remindid me of my life
This poem really expressed the way I felt and the feelings that I still have for the person I dated a few months ago. I hope that he never forgets what we had and that the memory will last forever. I know it will for me
Hey. I read your poem, and immediatly, my heart went out to you. My best friend and I liked each other for some time. and we finally hooked up around Christmas time. Well. things got crazy, and I lost him. To myself. I no longer have that friendship, and I want, more than anything, to have that back. However, I understand that sometimes, you gotta just roll with the punches, and take what God gives you. Thanks so much for posting your beautiful work of art. I give it 2 thumbs up, along w/ a smile. :)
This poem is very touching. It reminds me of a friend i lost to love.
This poem is a work of art! A magnificent poem brought to life once again as I use it on one of my situations. A 4 star masterpiece!
wow! this poem is very beautiful i had a friend named miguel and i fell in love with him but now his married and i can't do anything so where ever he is or if in case he reads this poem, im truelly dedicate this poem to him with all my heart!
This is one of the best poems i have ever read in my life!
I met a Canadian lady on the web in February 2001. We fell in love and met secretly in my capital city and stayed together for several days. We're apart now because she learned that I'm married. This poem expresses all that I have, thus far, been unable to do in my own words.
my heart pounded so hard when I read this poem! and belive me I'm crying becasue you are so right no matter what after crossing that line with a friend, especially your best friens nothing is the same. I did that and now he doesn't tlak to me anymore and we've known since 3rd grade and know we are seniors. Our realtionship lasted 4 months. So I really understand you in every way. I relate to you 100%
I really liked that poem it related to me in a situation that i am in and it really helped me out it was awesome
i've juz broke off with my bf & one thing i quite happy is that we are still friends who still show concern for each other & will still go out together.
omigod this is too close to what i feel i came on here looking for a way to express myself to him and i think i found it!
I can understand what you are writing about. Can totally relate to it..That is the question I had in my mind..but I do not have the courage to ask..for fear of a negative answer. I was the one who failed his trust in me, as a friend, by falling for him..Do I still have the right to ask for a 2nd chance?-----Great poem.
This poem is beautifully written and fantastically expressive. I feel that it is molded to my own life. Thank you for sharing your feelings through your poetry.
This is by far the best peom on this website!! I was looking for a poem to give to a friend to put into words the way I TRULY feel and now I have it. Thanks!
This poem was a wake up call for me. I have been in a relationship for 9 months that I knew from the start would not be good. I wasn't sure what to say to him to end things untill I read your poem. Thank you
I feel the same about a guy named Jerred.
Ever read something and felt someone had just stolen your thoughts? I was really moved by your poem... It is a situation I am going through right now and feel so sad about it. Never give up. Thanks for your talent.
This Poem means a lot to me, U know how you have so much to say to the the person you are in love with, but you just don't know how to say it!... well that is how I feel. But your poem says what I am feeling. Well... I gave the poem to my ex-man who I love very much! and your poem was so deep that we both started crying )0: but it was tears of joy, we are not together but we are sill the best of friends! Thanks alot!
I loved this poem! I was looking for something to give an ex-boyfriend of mine. This made me cry because it fit my feelings perfectly. Thank-you.
A beautiful poem with lot of meaning . I loved it. I even tried singing it!
I love your poem. I can feel it.
very nice poem
I really liked this poem. It made me think a lot;on what love should and should not pursue.
All I can say is WOW! this poem left me speachless. It said all the things I have been wanting to say to my homey,lover,friend for the longest time. Thank you for writing something so beautiful
This poem is great.reminds me of my relationship with my son's father.
Your poem about love changing like seasons is so realistic among teens today. The way you expressed your feelings was very heartfelt. Keep writing!
I have teh same problem but when I turned him away we were not still FRIENDS. I wish we could be.
Christine, your poem moved me. You summed up exactly what I too am going through. After a failed marriage, I attempted once again to trust someone and feel love. Unfortunately, the feelings were mine alone. I sent him this poem hoping that he will at least understand how I feel. Thankyou for the words!
I can relate to this poem so much. Last October, one of my best friends was killed in a car accident. I met one of his friends a day later and from then on we have always been the best of friends. We were there for each other when we both lost a good friend. As we got to know each other, we soon crossed that line from friendship to lovers. I soon fell in love with him, but sadly he did not return the feelings. It has been 5 months since I told him I love him. My whole world shattered that day because I thought he was a little interested, but his feelings were just friendship. I still love him today and can't seem to let him go even though he is with someone else now. We are still good friends and I am thankful that I have at least that with him along with the sweet memories we made.
I luved your poem cause it reminded me about my life
Is there a time when lovers can go back to being good friends??? Sometimes I am not sure about that..each time I have tried it has ended in disaster
Excellent Poem. I have really felt how it hurts. I reccomend to anyone who is in love with their best friend, take it slow. It really does work. As hard as it may be it works. Let them know how you feel, make sure it is the right time though, the wrong time can be a mistake too.
A really great poem. It struck such a familliar chord, as if you were reading my very thoughts. Keep up the good work!
This poem was awsome!!! Keep up the great work!!!
Your words are exactly how I feel but could not express.
the whole poem itself. it reminds me of a situation with a friend i am involved with now. write a come back do you think friendship remains after sex.
I think this poem is so beautiful! It reminds me so much of me and my ex-boyfriends relationship. I think that I might just send this to him and some of my friends so they can send it to their ex's that they still want to be friends with!
This poem is beautiful it gives me chills
This poem is great i really enjoyed reading it. It made me feel special in some way and i just want to let you know to keep up the great work.
I have been through a relationship very much like this one and it's exactly how I felt then and still now. It's really a moving poem.
I could relate to this poem quite a bit. Not too long ago I broke up with my boyfriend after a year of trying to stay together. He feels that since I broke up with him it was a waste of time still wanting to be his friend after he feels as if he's still in love with me. I think that the friendship will work with his cooperation,of course. But he feels like we should just not have any contact with each other, so that it will be easier for him to deal with the overall breakup. What would you do, if you no longer had feelings for your "x" but he still has feelings for you?
I thought that this poem was great because I hope this guy can still be my friend still because we fight all the time.
excelent writing. sad enough ,I know exactly what you went through. There's is someone out there for you, and Mr. Right will be waiting... untill then,keep on writing.
I think you did a wonderful job.
liked it alot
I've read this poem just now.. and I have to admit the similarity in me. Somehow.. I am so touched. I think it's beautiful.
I love this poem.
I am in a situation right now like this. This poem hit the spot. I liked it very much.

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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