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About the Poem

Not really a poem. More of a poetic story about how I met a wonderful girl who brought me out of my protective walls. She is my best friend, but now I've fallen in love with her. Sadly, she does not share the same feelings for me. And she may never be willing to. So I wait outside the walls of her heart hoping against hope that one day she will let me in.

I wrote this for her but I have not yet shown it to her. Maybe I never will.

My City

I once lived in a city. It was a strong, safe city. It had high walls around it built in earlier times to fend off frequent attackers. The walls were strong ones and I maintained them in order to keep myself safe from hurtful things. I can't say I felt safe in my strong city but it was as close as I could get.

But I was alone in my city. My city had become a prison for me. The same walls which I had built to keep out pain had also kept out good things. The things that make life worth living. While I was relatively safe in my city, I was besieged in a prison of my own making. Yet I continued maintenance on my walls. I chose the safety of a prison rather than face the dangers that lay on the outside.

Even after there were no more attacks, no more attackers, I kept up my city's walls. Then one day I heard of another city. A traveler from another city had gained my trust and I gave her admittance to my city. It was the first real company I had had in a very long time. Time after time my traveler friend returned. I soon began to lose interest in my walls. It's amazing how fast they fell when I forgot about them. I don't know if my traveler friend thought it strange to find the walls around my city coming down. I myself did not notice. I enjoyed her company so much that my walls did not even cross my mind.

I wondered what sort of city it was that my traveler friend hailed from. It was then that I realized that my walls had come completely down. They were beyond repair and I did not wish to build them up again. So I left my once strong city and set out to find that other city from where my traveler friend had come. The place where I for some reason had begun to believe I could be safe and yet not alone.

It was not a long journey. I soon reached the city I was looking for. I don't know what I expected to see when I reached that city. But what a sinking feeling I had when I stood before the city and found it surrounded by high walls probably as strong and solid as mine had been. I could not get in.

I can not go back, for the old city cannot ever be home again. So I wander outside the other city. I still talk to my traveler friend and I try to glean from the things she says a picture of what the city must be like. But how I long to be in that city. To have the walls open their gates for me. To have a city to be at home in once more.

And hopefully to be better off than I was before. I know what I left behind and I do not miss it nor do I feel the least bit of longing to return. So I wait on the outside of this other city praying that some day I can win admittance.

I fear I may have to wait forever.
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© 1999 Buster Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

115 Visitor Comments

it touched me
Great Poem! It Hit home!
It is amazing how you captured the emotion everyone goes through at least once in there lives so perfectly. I was in the same boat and also wrote a poem to my best friend. We are now madly in love, and have been for a year now. Show the person you love this poem, take a chance mate. I always thought I'd rather keep a friend forever than gain a lover for a brief period, but now my mind is changed.
This is very moving. I've actually come back to this website multiple times JUST to read this poem/story. It's beautifully written and very heart-felt.
I enjoyed reading your story. It had a good point, and I liked the journey it took me through. I hope you share this with the girl you love. She should know how you feel. I'm sure she'll be touched and keep you as a friend.
Your words so eliquently told of your transformation and your longing. Bravo!
beautiful in every sense
Beautiful. I know exactly what this is like, and what it's like to see that city gate open, but for someone else. Someday, she'll realize that I wait for her.
Exactly what I'm going through right now!
This poem speaks to my heart because it describes exactly how I felt after ending a three year relationship with someone who I really loved and still love. It's so hard to let your walls down and let others in after you have had and have lost love.
Hi . I suffer from combat PTSD and a dear friend helped me pull out of it . it (the poem describes PTSD in so many ways ) it was only when I left the "walls" of my "city" did I realise she had an identical city ,but built for other reasons . Perfect use of words . thank you . Peter
waaoooow, but hey, lets not fear of waiting forever, n just wait
It may not be in rhymes. but it's probably one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read.
i just have to say that this is one of the most heartfelt poectic stories i have ever heard. And i do hope that this lady friend of yours opens her eyes soon.
Very well put. Have been trying to get that out and you did it for me :)
keep the grest wiork up
Julie Ann
You got my #1 vote. you just told my current situation in a poem
Beautiful. Flamin beautiful
awww soo sweet, i like da way he wrote da poem he wrote it az a story an da story iz true an im sad dat he will neva show da poem to hiz love i think he should. bye much luv
Buster has put into words things many ppl cant say, i 2 am feeling that i was brought though by the one person i know i could love always but it will never be
Awesome! My favorite by far!
I found this poem to be very true to how I feel/felt. It is good to know i am not alone. it beautifully written
I Can Relate 2 This Story And It Reminds Me Of Someone. And I Enjoyed The Way The Story Was Told In A Poetic Way.
its wonderful. i realy liked it . continue this work and never leave it behind. you will go so far.
I feel like this was written about me and my current life. My walls finally have come down and I'm standing staring at the highest ones I've ever seen. Reading this, I see that others are in the same situation. Unattainable love is a hard thing to cope with.
This poem has touched my heart and soul. It has totally told my story. thank you. This poem gets my #1 vote!
This poem is perhaps the only poem I have ever truly liked. The same thing is happening to me and I know where your coming from. You just gotta Keep on Keepin on.
Your words are all too true and familiar. Thanks for saying what I can't.
What a fantastic poem! It really reflects how I feel right now. Thankyou for putting in words what my heart could not. I love your work, keep it up!
This poem hits so close to my heart because It hits so close to my feeling towards my friend.
WOW! Does anyone have a brick I may borrow? I do not want to rebuild my wall, but steps to get inside the new walls found.
Very intuitive and touching. Hopefully this man will will leave some love at this city and continue on his path to find a city with walls that are ready to come down. :-)
This poem forced me to see my relationship with a close friend was more than I would admit to myself. She was a light that showed me the way. i sent this to her hoping that in some small way it would show her how much she had done for me, and how i longed to be near her. Buster has put into words feelings i refused to accept. Thank You. excellent job.
Your a really good writer. You put your heart and soul into it. Keep it up.
I thought this was a great poem. It has lot of meaning. For i, myself have put walls up around me,tired of being hurt. this poem reminded me of myself. It really touched me. Keep up the good work. Your very talented. sincerly,Theresa
This poem hit me hard , because im going through this same thing. My head tells me to walk away but my heart wont let me walk away from this woman.
I enjoyed reading this.
I thought this poem was absolutely lovely. I was captured by the story, and almost felt as if I was the narrorator. Great writing, keep it up!
Amazing how it moved me. I seems so much like my story, my life. Your poem is and will for always be remembered by me as a memory for what could happen to me if I lock people out. ( Im not good ins social situations ) Thanks!
how strange. i only fought i felt like that, you're a few steps . infact alot of steps ahead. i havent found my traveler friend yet.
I wish to say that I feel the same about a friend of mine that has come to mean more than that to me. Problem being he wont let me in behind such strong and tall walls that he has built. Somehow he got behind mine. Maybe I didn't seal the walls tight enough. We may never know, but thank you. This poem touched me also.
Awesome poem. Wonderful insight. Keep them coming.
the poem is simply beautiful. only problem is i simply can't let my walls down, as much as i want to. the poem makes me long to simple let the walls come crushing down
This is exactly what I am going through right now, except with an ex boyfriend. This is so true, and you are an excellent writer!
This poem has so much meaning and describes how I have been feeling for the past two years.
I LOVE THIS POEM! man you really told it well I am like that too I have a city with really big strong wall around it I'm still waiting for someone to come and help me demolish them. Obviously you found that someone, but she doesn't see it yet maybe you should tell her the story see if she gets it.
I was speechless reading this as it gave a picture so clearly and touch ones heart.
This poetic prose describes perfectly the complexity of relationships. My walls are so high . and I long to be with another whose walls are also high. We may both have to wait forever. Beautiful writing . deeply inspirational .
This is sooo true to me. I love this poem. Good job
A delicate and magnaficient piece of writing.
I understand this completely
This poem describes absolutely everthing that I am going through.
This story/poem is great. I love the ongoing metaphore, very well integrated. It has a nice flow.
Great story or poem. I was in a real prison and have meet a woman whos hardened heart has walls built around her. Your story really hit home with me.
For a moment I thought you were writing about myself. for 4 years I had locked myself away from the world. from the excitement of the world. then a visitor from usa turned up unexpected. and , having come all that way to see me, I couldn't keep my door closed. I let him in. and now I am reborn again. he has re-opened my eyes and I can return to the real world again after 4 years in my self-imposed prison. Thank you so much Robert. This poem says it all for me Thank you Buster
I had to print this poem sorry poetic story because i thought it was interesting and you could tell alot of thought had been put into it. So to the writer i think its truely great x
i have never read something so true to heart, if u would only show her this, hers will be sure to come down!
i loved your story so much. im in a similar situation and it went straight to my heart.i think the author is very talented.
broke my heart with ur lovely poem.hope ur lady melts and breaks the walls shes built around her when she reads this
This poem was awesome. I can relate to it in so many ways. keep it up.
beautiful, and a perfect description of my current situation:(
This has got to be one of the most moving poems I have read in a while. It is exactly what I am going through and it brought me to tears. A masterpiece.
My all time favourite poem! I read this poem over and over and over.. I love it!
your writing is so honest, so true. it is beautiful. i was touched deeply by your words. thank you.
This is a poem that i can relate very much to.It was great to read but also made me feel sad
This is a really touching story.
FANTASTIC,this poem really hit home .i enjoyed it very much,one of the best .good luck to you.
well,i have my walls but i dont know how long can it stand when i am slowly being drifted in the blackhole of love.Love you tin! dis is a very nice poem.
This was so great ~ have been there & done the wall thing myself & this really hit home. Hang in there as one day someone will come along & the walls will fall & stay down.
Many people are experience this type of feeling in todays society. I love this poem
This poem is a work of art !
i had been in this city, with high walls built all around. one day, just so suddenly, he appeared and slowly.. somehow.. someway.he brought me out of this horrid city i had been in. all was fine, i had never been so happy.till the day that i realize.i've been locked out of HIS city. now i feel miserable.why?
What you wrote touched my heart. I could relate. We only live once, you need to let those feelings out. You should defenately show her what you wrote. No woman could resist such a thing :)
I immediately printed this poem to show my boyfriend. I've lived this life, I know what you're going through, Buster. Luckily for me, mine did have those feelings for me. He's waited so patiently outside the walls of my heart for them to come down. I'm so glad he did! Thank you for such a beautiful poem.
This describes my situation exactly, thanks for the words to explain it.
This poem has been written from the heart and discribes most of our feelings through and through. Very well done! Bravo
I understand completely what you are feeling right now. I too have been through that same situation. I had walls built around me from past relationships and so did he. He lives in another state now but, we still talk at least once a month. Like you I would wait forever on that one person. It's been almost a year and a half since he lefted but, i saw him about a month ago. It was as if he never left. I try to tell him how i feel but, he never responses. I guess I just wanted to tell you to never give up on that person. You will only find one person in your lifetime that will make you feel like you are not complete with out them. I have found that one and I am going to wait intil the day he says that he loves and wants me too. Don't give up the time that you talk to her, it only builds a better friendship and the best lovers come from friendships. She will sooner or later realize that you are the one. I hope that she does anyways. Good luck! And don't g! ive up. If you do you'll be giving up a life time of happiness.
i've lived in that city and someone tried to get i hope he doesn't stop visiting....i love your poem i can relate to it..keep up the good work!
this story is marvelous i dont kNow you but i"m experiencing the same tHing right now can you please mail me a copy of this story tip carter 203 bradby ln. aiken s.c. 29801 pleaSE! YOU WILL BE RECONIZED THANKS TO YOU I HAVE FOUND MY SELF
This is a really great story. I think that just about everyone has had this feeling before, and to describe it in this sort or way really helps to inderstand it to the fullest and to understand yourself better.
All I can say is Wowzerz!!
Nothing could touch lifes if it's not from the heart! It's every heartbeat of your life that you feel about love 4 her. Life is short, treasure it with someone special..don't wait for hope 2 after it!
I can actually see her walls from where I sit, so still I wait amidst my ruins. thanks for the words.
I love this poem, I think that it was written as if my heart wrote it. Wow, incredible is all I have left to say. I sent it to a friend maybe he can see what he is dealing with
I know the feelin Buster I'm there to. Great poem.
I liked the way you have portrayed your feelings. This happens to be a story of an introvert person who discovers that he has fallen in love. It is sad that the wayside traveller can only show the way to the city of joy but not the way to get inside it.
I have done the same thing with my life except I will not allow the walls to come completely down
I think everyone, at one time in their life, can relate to this poem (story). I loved it and Buster Good Luck and don't get discouraged--there's someone out there for everyone. Keep writing.
This poem is very creative and emotional
this is a great poem and i am really looking forward to it being promoted to the top ten thank u
excelent hit home in my life.
Buster, I loved your was absolutely the best I read on this site...maybe because it wasn't really a poem yet had a perfect flow about it. Sent it to a friend of mine...the first part is about him, but the second is about me...because he became afraid and rebuilt the walls...and now I wait outside, hoping to be let back in. Show it to your friend.
Buster, I completely relate to this poem. It was like you wrote it just for me. I even had to read it to my friend over his voice mail to see if maybe he would finally understand. I have known him for three years and I have never fell in love and opened up to someone the way I have to him, unfortunely, he is still stuck in "his city", the city where I used to be. That was an excellent poem, thanks I could have said it better myself.
This poem was very moving. It reminds me when I first realized that my best friend was the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I feel for you buster and wish the best in life and love. Just keep being a friend and the walls will come down one day
I've never read a poem that made me cry! I love it!
A beautiful poetic piece that speaks to the very soul. Very moving.
Great poem..and the feeling is in all persons..some just do not know it..Thank you for the light you shared with me
I love it :) Thanks!
love this poem
Today when I read this poem, I have to admit I cried, it was close to home! I hope the author contiues to write additional ones!!
It's a poem I can relate too... Scary coinincedence
This poem I can very much relate to. I sent it to my girlfriend and she said she almost started to cry because it is exactly what we are going through. Thanks.
This poem touch a place in my heart.
This peom was excellently written and the smybolism is incredible. I was deeply moved.
what a beautiful made my heart both happy and sad. thank you.
One of the greatest poems. It spoke right to my heart
Buster, such a wonderful tale. Like so many others, I feel it was written for me. My best friend quickly and suddenly pulled me from behind my walls, let tehm crumble, and even showed me the beauty of her city before shutting the gateway. Now, after more than a year, your piece helped me share my feelings with her. If you get the chance, do the same, you may just get the surprise of your life.
It was a very touching poem. All too often in my lifetime have I felt this way,never to let them know my true feelings. It hit home,my friend. You're a very gifted writer.
This is an awesome poetic story. It describes my feelings and experience down to the T. I am in the exact situation and this story has touched me like no other. I can't begin to describe the oneness I feel with the author.
this a really great poem and it is really touching also...thanx for sharing this spectacular poem with the whole world...
i have lived in such a city and now wait outside another waiting to be welcomed.
What is so great about your poem is I had a wonderful oyfriend named Buster.My girls use to call him buzzy.He new how to but everything together.You are a wonderful person for writing this poem.Please share with your friend!

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