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About the Poem

This is my first attempt at writing in 7 years. A very special girl, Tiffany, gave me this gift back. She is a friend (or is she more) and it is the typical situation of crossing that line, and who is hurt in the process. No one has ever invoked such emotion in me before and I just had to release through writing.


Forbidden pleasures
Who makes the rules
Unfound treasures
And beautiful jewels

Can that line be crossed
What could we truly be
And at what cost
Do you see what I see
I know there is more there
Waiting to be found
Can you feel how much I care
I feel like I'm being drowned
If you knew the amount of desire
That I feel for you
My burning fire
That wants one to become two

Forbidden pleasures
Who makes the rules
Unfound treasures
And beautiful jewels

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© 1999 Todd Fulton Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

78 Visitor Comments

My brother Todd Fulton lost his life on 2/24/2007. This vote is in his memory.
I cried because it simply and beautifully details some of my deepest feelings! Very good!
This is such a beautiful poem.
Very wonderfully said. I am sure there are very many you were in that same situation. to be close in with someone in friendship. and wondering if you should cross the line.
This is very deep. Ifeel this way about a girl. But i dont want to ruin our friendship.
What a truly amazing poem, this is obviously written from the heart and you are a very talented writer. Just amazing! :)
This is awsome, it reflects something about me, my cuz has fallen in love with me, and i made the same mistake, so we both are in love with each other, so hard. but this poem showd alot
I really enjoy reading this over & over. I have fallen for a beutiful person, but for my luck that person is forbidden. Married and with 2 adorable children. :(
wow. this is ME! I randomly googled m name and this pops up 1st. Crazy. This was so incredibly long ago. I have so much more ive never submitted. Mayhaps I should.
I read this poem many times but I really only had toread it once because thats all I needed to feel the way I feel. I loved this poem because it reminds me of well, me.
what can I say. Beautiful, beautiful,beautiful. your words to me,I want to share,I want to say the same to him,but its impossible for me to tell him. {my friend} thank you for this beautiful poem!
What a beautiful poem!i love it!
Bonnie Kate
The poem really touched me, because at one point in my life I was in the same situation, and I am glad to know that I wasn't the only one. You're really talented!
i loved this peom because that is the way with me i love some one but is forbidden for me.
Todd,just wanted to let you know that your poem was really beautiful. keep up the good writing.
I love this poem it is similar to feelings that i have had and i have always looked for a peoim that describes them as i could never find the right words. Thank you
Loved your poem. It is exactly what I am going through right now. It made me feel not so alone with the whole thing. Great Poem
This Poem is great. It has my vote cuz thats exactly how I feel for some one
wow is all i can say . it was like he knew exactly how i felt, brought tears to my eyes. beautiful!
God you poem is so much like me. See I am a teenage lesbian. I love a friend and I never told her and it been eating me up inside. I do not get to see her now becouse of her family. I always wounder what could we have been. I do not know if bugs you but this teenage lesbian loved it.
Our love is a 'forbidden' love! With your poem I was able to express my love to him in words I could never put on paper. My deep felt thanks and keep up the good work.
i like this poem because it makes me think about my boyfriend.
I really love this poem. I had the saem experience once, and this poem beautifully expresses many of the emotions I have felt before.
This is a very sweet poem.
i really felt a connection it reminded me of what i am going through with my x boyfriend i really do want him but their i another side of me saying no i don't know but i do know that i like the poem
This Poem Rocks!*!
i am in love with this one guy. he is my everything and i dont noe wad id do wit out him and he does not seem to see that. he sees me as just a friend. my love for him is true, its no childs game. my love for him is an inferno. i noe that he is the one for me but maybe he doesnt see it that way. he noes my desire for him and he chooses to ignore them and it hurts like a knife striking you in the heart. i love your poem and i think that your beautiful writting will touch people around the world and theyll pour theyre heart out to you just like i did. i wanna become two and maybe so does he but not wit me it, hurts. but hey dats life!
This has got to be an all time classic! Tod is very creative, gifted and he narrowed the point dow to a tee!
beautiful beautiful poem. it touched my heart.
I just want to be one to say that this poem is truly a work of art. It has touched my heart very deeply and made me realize the forbidden love that I have for someone. Now I have enough encouragement and strength to let them know just how I feel. Thank you.
This poem evokes the beautiful feelings that are released when one cannot freely express ones true emotions.
Very interesting poem although it lacks why the situation is actually forbidden. Is either party married?If not,it is hard to fully grasp as such to why this is "forbidden" so to speak. I have been on a hunt for poems for actually a gf of mine and do enjoy this site but have a feeling,I won't be finding just your everyday "you are special because" types,lol.
A great poem it really touched me
I know how you feel i had the same thing happened to me! i like my best friend he was the 2 person i met and we've been friends since then and last year i had feelings for him and i ask him if he would go out with him he said no and it almost costed are friendship!
i like that poem i is so sweat. i would give it to some one i like its so sweat
Amazing! I wish the Todd A. Fulton that I knew so many years ago had written me a poem such as this. I loved him more than the heaven above and the earth beneath my feet. his love was like the air that I breathed. And he left me. And i still have that cross you gave me
Wonderful poem
This was an excellent poem! It said exactly what i needed to say! Thank you!
I love this poem ! it's exactly how I feel. scared!
i thought it was a realy meaningfull poem i enjoyed reading it again
WOW. Thank you to the writter. As critical as I am this poem touched me all over. WOW
This is awesome! It has a lot to do with what i feel right now towards a really good friend. Keep up the good work.
hey i enjoyed your poem it was sweet i understand how you felt when you knew you had crosssed that line because not long ago i crossed it myself
i loved this poem. this author is so talented. it really relates to a situation that i am in.
I thought it was an amazing, well writen poem. Keep up writing
todd you said it all for me thank's. sent it to a friend now maybe she will understand me a little better.hope to see more of your work in future.GOOD LUCK
You have put into words what most of us could only think. Great Job.*****stars
good work!it's a beautiful piece!i love it..
i thought the poem was really good it all just goes to together and it means alot
I can place both of my feet in your shoes, and walk a parallel road to yours. It is" Super kala fraga listic exp iala docious " !
Your words are absolutly luscious to the soul ! You are very good.
this poem was definetly what i was looking for to tell a friend in so many ways. Todd, this was really go!***** stars
'Hidden treasures' and 'beautiful jewels'--good choice of words! And who is it that makes the rules? Go and find that woman. Take a chance, but don't hold me to it. Good work.
this is a great poem.i love it..dont stop writing
This poem is awesome, I sent it to a friend and she loved it to.
Excellent poem about real life relationships
I think that it is wonderful that someone can have such a strong emotional contact with you that it makes you want to write again. I myself just started back writing after 10 years due to emotions that have came forth that I have not felt in a very long time. I hope that this person knows how special they are to you, for it would be a shame if they did not, since your poem was very beautiful.
This poem just gave me the biggest lump in my throat! I couldn't have said what I have felt better! Thank you for sharing this with me!
wow! im a picky poem reader.but this one really caught my eye. GREAT POEM..thats two thumbs up from me
A Very Good Poem.
Todd, thank you for the words that say so much. The rules that bind how we live are a reflection of our choices are they not? If we could only go back and change our minds
It was really good and the author should really keep it up
Beautiful poem. Poems like this one are the ones that give the courage to speak up.
that is a awsome poem! it's exactly the words i need. too send to someone. :)
This is beautiful.
I can relate to this. The poets feeling were pure, and well written. Nice piece.
it's just lovely poem
it was ok i heared better!!! love Crying Angel
deb this poem
Todd, This poem really touched me at heart....I have been writing for some time now and I am so happy that you've found your talent once again..if you need to write me a poem!
loved this one alot, deep and yet calm and simple like,love
I like the descriptive first four lines. The nexus of Forbidden pleasures and ...beautiful jewels spoke to me. That beginning awoke in me morories from the past.
This is a wonderful peom. I can relate to it, beacause I amm going through something like this for a person that is frobidden. It connectedr to me and made me realize that I am not the only person going through this.
this poem is truely beautiful

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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