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About the Poem

I wrote this upon hearing my 42 year-old nephew had died of aids complications. He began life a decent child, a bit feistier than his siblings, and by his teens had embarked on the road to his demise. I was more a sibling, too, than an aunt, as we were all so close in age. So, our lives were as a mesh. When I was told he had aids from drug use, I did not want him close to the little ones of the family, as he was still taking drugs and drinking heavily, which led to him getting sick in the presence of the family.

His siblings felt I should be more understanding and I just could not. I had lost 2 sisters to "standard" diseases for which there were no cures, and it angered me to think he had the opportunity to delay this one when two fine people could not.

Well, I adored the child that was my nephew, but could not come to grips with the man that was my nephew. I thank God He was in his faith in those last years.

A Letter For Michael

Our lives were shared
Until our teens
And later, too,
Our lives had been
Intertwined and crossed
The proper moves you taught
A gift of defense you gave
To save me from naivete'
Golden Gloves you once were
Made you full of spunk and sure
The boy you were, the man you became
We shared our lives then, but not the same
Know forever the love we shared
Did not die when from us you erred
The boy we knew and adored
Lost to sadness we abhorred
The choices of life open to all
The paths we take, to rise or fall
My heart is heavy for what is lost
The road you took has been the cost
For, the one I knew in memory
Is now forever gone from me
The life of the child is held within
I ache for the life that should have been
Now in your Mother's embrace once more
Unconditional love for you she bore
Her beloved child without the pain
She has taken you home to Heaven's lane.
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© 1999 Misty Rayne Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

31 Visitor Comments

i love this poem i right poems evry morning after noon and night i love to right poems. thank you
sorry about your lost. i give this pome a 1000000000000
This really hit home. I am 24 years old and lost my best friend due to suicide 2 years next month. He wasn't even 21 yet. He left behind his only son who was only 1. I had to hear the questions that his son asked his mother about why he doesn't have a father and where he is at. I myself fell into a deep depression and almost followed him down that path of no return. Life is full of choices and if you think your friend or family member may be feeling like that please give them at least a hug you just never know it may save their life.
this pome was the nicest pome i read and it mad me think about alot of things
Wow. It's a beautiful poem, my grandad died a few years ago, but I try not to think about it, but since reading that poem, it's as if I can 'talk' to him and to have hope. Sorry guys for rambling on, but that's just me!
Awesome poem
i voted because it ws heart warming mad me tear up and it is sad and i just loved it thanks for posting that sincerly' nati harley
Well i would like to say this peom is wrinten very well. And also i feel sorry for your loss mame. i myself im furtunate to not have lost some as close as a brother I cloudnt imagene to loss my sister. Keep on doing what your doing and i wish the best for you. Keep your nose up in the air and pin those shoulders back. Best Wishes Michael Gonzales
this was a very well writen poem and it was a heart touching one as well.
Wow this poem touched me because my ex boyfriend ment the same way to me and then left me. He was great and then messed up big time and i will never forget him.
omg, I have never felt this way after reading a poem. this is just too sad. it made me think about my uncle, because he did drugs too.
Very Beautifully written and expressed. Nice Job! And I'm sorry for your loss and his. God Bless
I just wanted to say that this poem touched me because my best friend was just recently killed in a car crash about a week ago and i really miss him his car flipped and he was ejected and his car rolled over him. for all of those who have lost a loved one i feel your pain. Love ya Jeremy
it made me cry. great job!
I have a brother that is 18 years old and one time he started doing meth and when he did it my mom said that he was looking kinda yellow like he was dieing so she was talking to him about it and he told her what he had did so she took him to the docter and got him some him some help. And that makes me feal alot better but somethimes i think he is still doing it and i don't want something bad to happen to him cuz if it did i would never beable to live and i took you'r poam and showed it to him so hopfully that gave him some thoughts to STOP! thanks alot for this poam i love it it is great.
This poem was very touching, thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to reading more of your work
It was very sad. I'm sorry for your loss.
I voted for this poem, because my mother has Aids, and it's not a fun thing to watch her suffer day in and day out, 24/7. It sucks because there's nothing you can do, but be supportive, and pray.
this was a touching poem I have a grandma who has breast cancer and an uncle who was a police driver and one night on duty derecting traffic he was hit by a drunk driver and was killed almost instanly i never new him very well because i was only a baby but if it wasnt for that night he would still be alive today and i wouldnt have to wonder about him. :-(
i really like that poem because they made a good point
This poem made me think becuase just 2 months ago, I lost four of my friends in a car crash. Matt, James, Trevor, and Candy, they were all 16, except for James who was 17.
Amazing. Just like my mother, severe alcoholic, but on my part, i want her to die. Ive had enough of all this pain. Amazing poem.
all i can say is i'm crying that was touching
Eva Montgomery
I really love this poem. It has touched me deeply. I have lost a brother recently, his name also being michael, from drugs. You have wrote everything i feel. Thank You very much for this poem.
this poem really touched me because it made me think of my basketball coach and teacher. we miss u mr. higa
this is a poem that hits home right in my home town lost a great guy at the young age of 17 and his year of departure is coming up soon (11/26/01) as i read this the tears dwel in my eyes, also remebering his greatness and loving ways he showed us lot of times we lose sight of the simple loving things in life, remember he is on to a greater place
that was a very good poem! This is for you uncle billy I Love You with all my heart!
I really loved this poem because in a way this relates to me. I had a distant cousin who died of Leukemia and he was only 2 yrs old. And I bearly knew him.
this poem really hit my hart because i lost my friend 4 months ago and i could never really put my feelings in to words and you have done that every well my friend was 14 yr old and he died from a car crash it hurt me more then the rest of my friends. your poem brought back a lot of memories good times and bad that we shared. your poem has brought out a lot of pain and it was really good so i had to vote on it your poem helped me remeber the good time that we had and i love your poem a lot i hope you keep on writing and i get to see more of your work it was a very very good! poem and i loved it lot keep on writing it was really a good poem WE LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH CHRIS :*( born 2/10/86 deid 1/6/2001
Thank you for putting some of my thoughts into words..though I'm not a poet, I love reading poetry. I can relate to this poem..for you see, I lost my daughter.
this poem hit the heart

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