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About the Poem

When you lose a loved one, your feelings are very volatile. You begin to tumble, crash and fall through ever minute and every second that she is gone. Like living in the shadow of yourself, you begin to fade in and out of life, unfinished incomplete, Broken hearted...

Confessions Of A Broken Heart

Pain... Tension... Fatigue...
Anger, Aggression, Frustration.
All these unwanted sensations -
Burning, hurting, tearing.
My heart alone, cold and fearing.
Why won't you let me sleep, let me rest,
Let me forget
To eradicate, eliminate, destroy all my regrets?
These memories inside, swirling, twirling,
unwilling to reside in the corner of my mind.
Repeating, resisting, insisting -
Refusing to be denied its recognition
Of its position in my
Frustration, Confusion, Delusion.
Ah, to close my eyes and let time fly by,
Because there's so much to gain
By forgetting these dreams driving me insane.
Unfocused, unclear, out of control,
My world spinning, spinning, spinning,
My sanity flying through the door.
My reason, my logic, oh, it's tragic,
Like fine sands running through my hands,
I'm losing my mind.
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© 1999 John Laset Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

83 Visitor Comments

I absolutely love this poem. its a perfect description of how i feel about my daughters father and our situation.
wat else i can say,it made me cry again
great words to use, thats a poem that most of us can relate to.
i loved this poem dearly its deep its power its just too good for words u are a very talented poet i loved your poem very inpressing
i was recently hurt very deeply by someone i loved and this poem speaks the words my heart feels. i love it.
I sat here and cried after reading this poem as it is exactly what I am feeling right now like I am going out of my mind over a person I loved so deeply.
jordan girl
this poem really touched me its soooooooooooo true and real your the best keep it up ! xxxxxxx to all hotties
What I really liked about this was that it is all so true. I just recently left a loved one, and even though He was in the wrong there is so much that is not clear. The poem kind of imitates the days that go by, a racing pace. I just in all loved the poem from start to finish.
This poem reminds me of my ex boyfriend. He was my first love and my only. he left me and moved to a different city. he broke my heart into peices. i cant sleep, eat, or work without him running through my mind.
Very Nice Poem. Its a awfll feeling when you lose some one. I am going throug the same right now. i am angry, sad. mad. I am losing my mind. over her.
I like the poem and i understand every thing that He's saying
catchy, smooth, clean , fresh , unwilling to escape my mind a beautiful poem that touched my heart with every click of the mouse
i loved this poem. this is how i feel right now. this is one of my favorite poems i have read off here.
I really like this poem! 'coz it fits me. this is really what i am going thru right now. thanks to the author! . it helps me feel better.
this poem is they same way I feel
i loved it ! its exactly wat im going through right now . plz keep them coming !
this poem is What i feel like right now and i know what your talking about im 13 years old and i dont think that im supose to feel that way but i get what ur saying and i love it so much i love to Write Poetry to and some day i would like mine to be as good as urs Raquel
i know how you felt i've felt the same way often but could never put it in any other words other than i wanted to crawl-up in a corner and hide from every thing in my mind, but the irony is that no one can hide no matter how much that person wishes to! well i guess i'm trying to say, it was awsome! love always, Dezarea
I like poems and ur a good singer! tiff
it's exactly how i feel, i've become best friends with who i thought i loved and helped her with breakups and through the tears, hellos, flowers, and movies and hugs, and then someone comes. someone who hasn't known her for years, who wasn't there for the tears, for the hugs, the flowers, the movies, the hellos, and yet they are now together after knowing each other for a short time. this someone is leaving in the military in anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks for a year, and yet she's pursuing a relationship with him knowing she'll get hurt when he leaves and that while he's gone she's told me that there's just abou no chance of there being an us so i shouldn't even try. When he leaves, i won't be there to pick up the pieces. she was my first and only love, the only person i've ever opened up to. now all i feel is hatred towards everything and everyone; i'll never make that mistake again, never. I love the poem, because it helps as a painful reminder of why i can only count on myself and no one else
I like this poem, it reminds me of a friend of mine whos going through a hard time right now.
I love this poem, My boyfriend broke up with me today and it is now 1:30 in the morning I just can't seem to sleep. I really related to it thanks.
its really how you feel when you lose someone you love
this was an amazing poem and it says everything that i have felt before
I love this poem because it describes exactly how im feeling
This poem was very touching. It explained everything i was goin through.
im speechless
To be able to express so many of the emotions that come with losing a love that was so much of your life is amazing. It shows how deep your emotions can go, and the hurt and pain that often comes with it.
This poem really touched me at a time when i really don't think i can hold on without the care and guidance of my Master. i think today i have been released. and i ache, i hurt, i feel the pain that never seems to end. i love Him with such intensity. i dont know how to work without Him.
This poem is describing the same thing I went through when I lost one of the most importmant people in my life. When I lost my brother Bernard I felt like everything in my life was over. This was the brother that I always looked up to. When I had problems he was the one I went to. I love this poem so much it just tells the story of what I went through. P. S. Lauren, one of Hurricane Katrina victims God bless everyone who lost someone in their life this should be number 1 of the top 100 favorite poems cause it is a favorite of mine
I am voting for this peom because I can relate personally to every single line. It's DEEP!
I just went through a break up and that is how i feel right now. It hurts so much to lose the one u loved
this poem is what happend to me the writer hit the nail right on it's head
I loved your poem it was awesome
This poem really caught a lot of the aspects of a regretful broken heart. In some respects the feelings of my own regretful heart. So I've been feeling a lot of these things for the past week. The regret, the confusion, repeative words screaming in the mind as the memories refuse to leave you alone even in your dreams on the nights you can sleep. That's why I like this poem. It caught so many of the aspects i've been feeling inside.
I have to print this poem out and read it every day. As I read it, it spoke directly to me. It told me exactly how I feel. Last week, I watched my wife give birth to my first child, the next day I found out that she had an affiar that lasted nearly half of our marriage. As I read the poem I felt like I was looking in a mirror that showed me how I felt inside. I couldn't have described it better myself. Thanks John Laset.
I am truly considering the fact that this poem was written after me.
lovely poem
This poem is wonderful. It really explains the confusion which is felt when a relationship is at an end. Awesome!
this poem makes me cry,. coz its really hurt,. i cried all the times when my boyfriend and i broke up,.
This is a good poem it is like you jumped inside my head and untwisted my words. I would like to read more of your work if its possible. forever a fan.
i liked this peom alot be cause , i had asked this gurl to a dance and i reeli loved her and she was the first gurl i had asked on a date, on the day of the dance she went with somone else and left me alone to sit on the side of the flooor alone.
Wow. That really stood out to me, I can definately relate to the emotions it evoked. By far one of my favorite poems!
nice work. keep it up
I had a child with the man I love and when I was pregnant he acted so excited to be a father but after my beautiful baby boy was born he changed (what a suprise). Everyone kept telling me that he was sleeping with another girl. He would call me when he wasnt around her and tell me about how he wanted to be with me and how he still loved me but when he was around her he was mean and said he didnt love me. This angered me so badley because I thought how could the man that I thought loved me and wanted to have a family be with another girl? Tonight he finally admitted to me that they were together, and the words in this poem descibe the way that I felt and that I feel. Though I feel all of these feelings I feel better now that I finally heard the truth out of his mouth.
This poet is talented and focuses on the real thing not some fairy tale. I thank him for that.
i can diffently relaate w/ this poem when my x brooke up with he made me hurt so bad it really brought a few tears to my eye
hey i just wanted to say once i read this poem i almost started to cry because it is so touching and i think anybody that really loved somebody and lost them should read this and then it will make u feel better knowing that there are other people out there that feel the same way you do i know i feel this poem very much.
I like this poem a lot, it was very powerful and moving
this is a great poem and i really understand it because my ex- boyfriend just dumped me on February 02, 2005. And we only went out for 2 months. And all of my girlfriends tell me to not think about him and forget him when he dumped me and that he is louser,and there is a weird feeling that i have in my heart because I still like a lot, but then I don't because he dumped me. So right now I am very confused. And I just can't stop thinking of him he won't let me sleep concentrate in school. But all I know is that if he dumped me it was for the best.
i really liked your poem i completely understand you i like it alot good job
I like this poem because I feel the exact same way right now.
I really like your poem because it reminds me of how my life is and I really think htat it is a great an fantastic way to write down your feelings and thaughts and i always write poems when i sad and depressed
This is a great poem. I would know I write my own poetry and I am having my heart broken as well. It makes me feel better to know people out there are like me as well. I hope to read more of your poetry.
I really liked this poem its truthful and its hurtung just like I fell all the time well keep up the good writing
this poem is a 10. very good. keep it more coming
this poem really touched me recently i had two miscarriages and i remember fealing this way sometimes even now! thank you
Want to say this is the best poem I have read because it describes to a T the way I am feeling. Good on you! for getting the words out in writing. I just thought I was nuts.
it was so true
This poem really tuched me, i love poems i love to right them myself, instend of stelling, i read them and get idead from them, and cuz of this poem, i have about 3 different ideas for poem. i love it, it makes me think, all together if i was to rate it 1-10 i would have to say about a 10. only for the way it made me think a bit.
Thats exactly how i feel, it really blew my mind! to whoever wrote it. It was beautifull.
This poem touched me deep inside cuz i lost a love one to and it realy touched me.
I like the poem because it reminds me of a guy who's goin out with my bf that i like alot but i no he will always l;ike her more than me!
It is always amazing how the words of another can express the very way you are feeling. Strong, deep, and definitely to the point.
i think this poem is great
That poem really touched me. I meant it! It literally moved me to tears. My boyfriend well. ex i guess of 3 years and i broke up a while back and recently decided to give it another shot. When it didn't work out, I was devastated and it helps to read other people's poems when your not in the mood to right. It helps knowing your not the only one going through all that pain. thanks.
Its just been a day but I've been through all of those emotions so many times. I cant sleep or eat. This poems is truly one of the best I've reed.
This hit home for me I loved it thank you for writing it.
this was such a touching poem. i feel that way right now and so i can relate and i just love poems that i can relate to. thanks john laset for writing this!
This poem describes perfectly what I am going thru right now. I am going to hang it on my wall so that maybe it makes me feel better every time I see it.
This is a beautiful poem - it perfectly describes how I'm feeling. Thank you
it's really nice!
The thing i like about this poems is that its in a sence real it really dose feel like that when u get ur heart broken. this is on of the best poems i have seen and it will touch every 1 that reads it it did touch me
This poem is so true! I have recently had my heart broken. It didn't feel too good either!
i love this poem it is the story of my life always hurting and wanting to be free of the pain .
This is a good poem. It reminded me of me when i broke up with my ex boyfriend.
This poem has so much intensity and emotion it brought a tear to my eye. I relate 100% with it, I love it. One of the best I have read.
so true it breaks my heart! I've never had someone put into words so well, but you've covered it all, everything we've all felt from a broken heart! you are truly gifted! keep writing, you'll go far!
it surely feels that! i have been thru it! it really hurtzz.
i can't relate to this poem coz i haven't been in love yet but i hope i don't have to feel what you felt once i fall in and out of love.
good poem.i can def relate to the feel all those feelings myself.its almost unbearable
This is a very very good poem. I can relate to these feelings

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