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About the Poem

I wrote this poem about a friend who was killed in a car crash. She was only 17 and had a great future ahead of her. Nobody understands why a person with such dreams that she could accomplish could be taken away from the world.

Jesica was a friend of mine and many others and I can't really understand why she was taken away. She was the sweetest girl and she didn't deserve to die at such a young age as 17. I would like this poem about her to be published on this site so that the whole world can know what a great person she was and how much of a great friend she was too.

Death Of Jesica

She lived a life full of honest dreams.
Dreams that only she could accomplish.
On November 22nd 1998 all her dreams were ripped away.
The car hit an embankment, then a pole, then it just rolled and rolled.
We don't know why and never will I'm sure.
Nobody knows why dreams are ripped apart,
or why God takes anyone away.
But everyone knows why she took our hearts right along with her.
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© 1999 Kelly Hawke Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

40 Visitor Comments

i know how it feels to lose someone in a car crash. i was in a cra crash with my friend i survived but she didnt. i miss her every single day. she was taken so young only 23 she had aso many dreams to live people to meet. im only 13 but we shared a dream and i will live that dream for her. i will live thew life she lost. she was my best friend and i cry every day for her. it was only six months ago.
This was a real great poem.
very sad
this really touched me i was in the same stuff and have never been the same since.
I really liked your poem, it touched me. I lost a close friend in a car accident about 2 months ago. Her name was also Jessica. She was a great person, so kind and funny. Your poem was great.
This poem really touched me i also lost my best friend Laura Denise Silva 1 yr. ago on Aug. 13 2005 in a car accident. she was coming home really late and ran off tha road straight into a tree. We will also never know what made her run off tha road. Im really sorry about your friend i know how much it hurts to lose someone so close to you.
Hay gul, this poem is AWESOME i had a friend that was 16. he was the best friend anyone could have. Wel i thought that he was the best person in the world. Wel one niight we were all at a party and were all drunk. When Cj decided he wanted to go and see if his mom was really doin the stuff everyone was telling us! Well I offered to drive i even took his keys but that was no good he had a spare! I have only had 1 beer at this time and promise him i loved him and i would take him. Well Cj didnt want that and said he rather go by himself. Bens to say I went. Wrong thing to do but i told him if he was going to take a chance of killin himself then i would be a friend and put my life in danger also. So we left. we had a wreck about 10 miles up the road. As i set here in this chair tellin all yall young ppl this im cryin like crazy but, Cj was my best friend and im sure he'd want me to share this with YALL!
i feel so sorry for you! this poem was really beautiful and I hope that you can recover from your loss
i'm sorry even though your friend has been gone a long time. i really did like you poem and sorry again.
Lora Beth
hey i kno how hard it is to lose some you love and i think it is really sweet for you to wrtie a poem bout this cuz i kno it means alot to her
This poem touched me! I have tears running down my face now! My best friend died this past fathers day in a roll over accident on her way to el paso. I didnt get to say good bye. This just touched me and I cannot stop balling
i had an older friend, he was 17, he came to our classroom and helped out for credit for school, for about a month. Near the end of school we had heard that he got in a car accident. Everyone expected that such a young person wouldnt be taken, but he was, and today marks the one year anniversary of his death. and i understand how you feel. and im sorry for what happened to you, and me, and everyone like us. and thank you for your poem
On Memorial Day weekend of this year, My friend her husband and brother-n-law were all killed in a car wreck. Someone dropped a couch off the back of there pickup. And the tried to miss the couch swerved and rolled there S. U. V there three children were in the truck the made it out ok. She was the best mother a child could ever ask for. We all love her and miss her very much. We love you Ana. Sincerly Alopez
The sweetest message I have never heard.
This poem has really touched me i dont no what i would do if i lost my best friend kirsty it must be the hardest thing ever i wouldn't be able to cope
I just lost a cousin three weeks ago. She wasnt only my cousin she was my best friend. She was involved in a one car accidnet and was only 16. She had lots going for her too. and none of us understand why it had to be her when so many others in this world do so much wrong! I loved your poem. it really related to my situation these days. keep up the great work!
This poem was beautiful
your poem touched me because in 2001 my mum was almost killed from a really rare illnesse that gave me the shock of a lifetime. it's really wierd how you don't really know what you have till it's gone, and it made me realise how much i loved my mum and if i ever lost her i wold die. but i loved your poem and i am really sorry about your friend.
In the poem, you wondered why God would take away such a good person. perhaps He wanted her to not have to suffer on this earth. If you're like me, you believe that God has much more instore for us after we die and I think that's the reason people good people sometimes die. so they don't have to waste on this earth. Hopefully this will be a comforting thought for you. it was for me when someone I knew died.
It was touching
This poem is very insightful. I like how you took the libertty to talk about what you feel.
Hey this poem was probably the best one and saddest poem, i feel very sry about your friend Kelly and what had happened If i was there i wish i could of helped, and i wish i had known her because she seems like a very great person that we all would've loved very much, I hope you feel better after reading my comment, I right poems too but only my family reads them because i'm tryin to put them on the internet but i don't know how, anywayz i hope you get to read my comment! Bubeyez* I'm 14yrs old*
I to lost my best friend in 1998 2 a drunk driver and 4 all who read if u want 2 get from point A to point B do it but don't do it & drink at the same time. And this poem made me have second thoughts and they were all the good ones I thank U 4 giving me the strengh 2 do so.
i loved ur poem b-cuz just yesterday my best friend had died from untreatable lukeima and internal bleeding in the brain it was pretty sad for me and her b. f and other people! so it is going to be hard for awhile her funeral is tomorrow! and the really sad thing is that she was only 13 and only in the 8th grade!
this poem means a lot to me cause the same thing happen to me! i love it
Thats a really good poem and it is really hard to deal with the death or a friend or loved one and i should know because i just found out today that my friend who was only 16 died in a car accident and i never got to say good bye :'(
I am so sorry for your loss. I can relate to what you are going through. My best friend died in June of 98 from a car accident. Just know your friend will always be with you and the memories will never die.
Its sad to know that people are taken away from us. . . its sad to realize that it is meant to be.
this was the best i lost a friend to the same thing
hey i loved this poem so much. i almost started crying well i hope you wright more poems because your really good
Kelly, I know how you feel, I lost A great friend my freshman year. I'm going to be a senior next year, and all I can think about is her. She should be here me. Its not fair. She was only 14
I love this poem. It reminds me of my friend Troy who died May 19, 2000. He died 12 days before his 19th birthday. His death was not in a car accident though.he was electrocuted. Anyways, great poem.
we really loved this poem it explains the same way our friend clifton died and how we loved as a friend.we really hope that she wins because it's a poem from the heart and a poem thats special to alot of people
That was the same day that my grandpa died two years ago.
this poem is very sad but is also vey sweet and it shows that a true friend will always be there for you no matter what even if your not there anymore you'll still be in their heart and that's what counts and this poem is a good example of a pure and true friendship that's what I call a good and unique friend.I love it
i know what u are going throw i did to i last a very good and close friend in a house fire and till this day i say it was always my falt why she died i miss her so much and thats why i love this poem it make me feel better and good in side that i am not the only one at lost a very good friend i love your peom and thanxs for writing it for me to read
This is a really good poem. That's all I can say.
i like your poem and it really got to me. My name is also Jessica. It was a really nice poem.
I think that this poem is a nice thing to right to a friend that is going threw a hard time with a death and that it can also make someone appreciate life also!

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