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About the Poem

My poem was written about how I feel that I am stuck in a relationship without love and how bad I want to feel that love for him and to receive it from him.


to be held,
to be loved,
to feel warmth,
to feel your beating heart.
Wanting to be sheltered from the cold,
heartless winds.
Falling into invisible arms;
into an abyss of love.
that my desires will be filled;
my desires of loving warmth.
Wanting to be held,
Dreaming of passionate embraces,
of tender kisses,
loving words,
romantic nights.
Waiting for undying love.
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© 1999 Dawn D. Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

52 Visitor Comments

This is a very touching poem. It all seems so familiar to me right now. Great Job.
i love it. keep up the good work
this iz a nice poem when u single and u really want somebody. also u can't live without them
i'm sory idont know how that fells becuz i'm in a loveing relasionship but i love how u describ ur emosions brovo!
Your poems is nice and touch my heart I like to write poems to It really makes people relax and calm down to
Thank you so very much. Your poem touched me very deeply. When I started looking for just the right poem to match the way I felt I read yours and knew that I'd found the right one. Thanks again.
I really like this poem and like evry1 else i can understand i used to wait but i no longer do. so all you waiters go and find another love and if u dont then ur love 4 him is real and shud be waited for, they will find their way back 2 u.
HEY I LOVED this one it is a good one. you should put more on this web site.
i luv this poem cuz i want to but i just give up i cant take it anymore
This poem is what alot of what girls' life is about. Sadly.
i've been through in this kind of love till now i do. the saddest part is to reach out for the love but it wont be happenend. At least this poem shows this kind of love do exist.
Hey. I relli like this pome it made my eyes fill up with tears. Its a really toching pome to me.
I love your poem, it was written for my relationship. keep Writing those wonderful.
so many hearts left to be broken to bad it has to happen to everyone some more painfull than others but every tear every lonely night makes you appreciate love even more when you find it
it says all that is in my heart. feelings and emotions i cannot put a name to about a man i am so unconditionally in love with and yet mos of the time, seemingly so unmoved by it. and so i suppose i must say thank you, for having given me a glimpse of what is going on inside of me.
This poem touched me b/c it's what I'm going through right now. The man I was going to marry is questioning his feelings and all I want is for him to hold me again like he did before. Thank you for writing this.
I think this poem was really good and I also think that alot of people can relate to the feelings your trying to portray. I cn really understand how you feel because I to was once in a relationship where I felt the same exaxt way but now I'm in a relationship where I feel that I am conditionally loved and I think that you will also find someone who will make you feel loved.
it moved me because this is how i feel about my boyfriend and i. he away for 5 months and already he is changing and were drifting apart. this poem explained how i am feeling
i know what you mean i was just married now feel the same way
I've been waiting for six months for my love to come back and guess what one day he did so now I dont have to wait,but three weeks later he left my love in he's hands. But I'm still waiting for him to come back
I realy didnt no what to expect when i read your poem, but i truley did enjoy it it reflects how i have felt the last four months. those things you wrote about was all ive wanted and now its too late. you made a very beautiful poem and it reflects on what most people need so keep up the good work
i am waiting for someone. and just dreaming and hoping that it will happen. im waiting still
i like this poem coz i can rel8 on it. im waiting 4 da one i truly love.
I'm wating too.
This poem really got to me, my gf just left for spain and i wont see her for a while and i kno exactly how you feel
I can totally relate to this poem. I was searching through these poems to find out how I can express how I feel. this hit the spot.
I like this a lot
i think this poem is the best i loved it
I love this poem. This what how i feel. Ive loved my X-girlfriend. But we are not together anymore. Well back to the poem. It touched me thank you thats how i feel.
I like your poem waiting because i was waiting my ex-boyfriend to get back from St. Paul cause he went up there with his sister and he never came back.
I can only hope you found that undying love we all spend our lives looking for, yet few are fortunate enough to find. Whether it be in the next room, or 2,000 miles away, never give up on your undying love.
I really liked this poem. it totally explain everything that i am feeling at this point in my life! I am very young but i do know what love is and it hurts! Your an awsome writer and i hope to see more of your poems this one really touched my heart grately!
that is how i felt short time ago, but now i have found my love, and it's beautiful. but when i read your poem that's when i trully realized how much my love means to me, and how much he has changed, and made my dreams come true, thanks for reminding me.
I have been searching for so many weeks to find the painful words to express what I am feeling in my current relationship. Writer, if you have felt an ounce of the disappointment I have felt and it has inspired this. YOU NEED A HUG! Thanks for the words that told me exactly how I am yearning.
I cannot express how good this poem is its so perfect. :)
Beautiful. It is how I feel when I think of the special someone, I can not have, in my life
I just felt that i could relate to her poem and i liked it
exactly how i feel about this girl that i dont know if she really likes me or not
Nothing can express better than this one.. the feelings of love.
I came looking for a poem to express these exact thoughts. I found it. Beautifully done. I am sending it to someone who needs it.
This touched my heart, for I am waiting also for my lover that cannot be mine at this time
Once again, beautifully written, the sentiments are deeply felt, and unfortunately empathized.
This poem touched my soul.
This poem was wonderful.Dawn you got mad skills.Keep writing more poems like this so I can keep reading them.I really felt this poem.It really touched my heart.
I too have allowed myself to feel this deep yearning and it's well described by Dawn D.
i really can relate to that poem it was very good, simple, but carries alot of meaning just in those short lines. well done
'Tis a piece with which I can totally relate. Very poignant.
i liked this poem it reminds me of me
wonderfully expressed, exactly how i feel. very moving
Nothing words could say a perfect 10
This poem touched upon the feelings I am going through right now. Thanks Dawn D. for writing it.

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