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About the Poem

If you know what it's like to try and find the words deep inside, and tell someone that means the world to you how you feel, then you know what this poem is all about. If you know what its like to regret every day of your life about how you did not ever tell this person to their face how you feel towards them then this poem is all you need.

When you know what it's like so many months after not saying a word to who you've written a precious poem to, and having every feeling for them just as it was so many months before, then you know me.

This poem I've written for a guy that touched me in a way you or him would never understand, but because I kept my vows, and didn't leak a single word how I felt towards him I now am swamped in regrets of what I had, what I've lost, and how I would give anything to make everything right between us today.

My Second Chance

Long Ago
I knew you,
And every memory I shared with you

And how painful sometimes it is to remember
Every Word
Every Day
Every Time
I was with you

And how close I felt to something special
Something deep inside
You were a part of me
You had a part of
My Soul
My Heart
My Mind

And how every day I got up 'cause of you
And everyday I couldn't wait to see you

And how I regret those days I kept my silence
And how I wish I would have said something
said anything, to make you understand

And then we left
We stopped talking
It was my fault. It was.

And how I wish I could change that.

And how sometimes late at night, I can't fall asleep
cause I wish you were here
And how I wrap myself so closely with that blanket you used

Just to remember
Just to feel something
to feel a part of you

And how sometimes I lay lavishing myself in tears
Waiting, Longing, Yearning
to feel your touch

Just to be with you
Just to hold you
Just to kiss you.....once

And how some mornings I wake up reaching out for you
but you're not there
And sometimes I imagine that you care
And how once in a while I fantasize we'll talk
once again

And how I wish I could take my second chance
to be near you.
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© 1999 Emily Rheault Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

30 Visitor Comments

aawww. i totally love it. AWESOME POEM :]
Lately I've been thinkin', dreaming, and breathing the memories of my baby's father and this poem really hit home because I wish I could have that SECOND CHANCE! I ruined our relationship and it's been 2 years but i feel the same way the poem explains EVERY day. I'm Sorry :(
You poem touched me! i loved it. i am in the same situation at the moment and to read that wich is exacly how i feel was as if you read my mind! i love it and many others will, keep up the lovely poetry xx
I read this and I could feel my heart start to well up. This is an excellent poem and very much describes my situation. I waited too long to say somehting and now she is with someone else. It hurts to see her.
I wish for a second chance, but all I have is this I wear to remind me that it your fault and it was'nt his, it too late!
I can't really explain what I felt,when I just read your poem !I went through the same almost 15(!) years ago. Since then there is not one month gone by,where I didn't regret,that I didn't tell the man I loved my true feelings. So take your chance while it's there-YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET A SECOND ONE !
This poem tuched my heart. Me and my x-boyfriend broke up about 2 months ago and even though I have done some crazy things sence then all I want know is to get him back. This poem says it all ~Christine~
erm the poem second chance really touched me i think because i can relate to it and it made me cry because the experience i had was just like it and i really wish that i had said something (if only i had read this poem a few months earlier) owell everything happens for a reason! thankyou and keep the great work :) love francesca x x
this poem really just said everyting that i feel and yea this poem explains my feelings so i think this is a really good poem and i might add some of mine so yous can tell me wht you think of mine
hey i like your poem verry much. i'm a 13 year old who fell in love with this one kid i met on the school bus. he was verry cool, but then this yurr he hasn't really talked to me,and i just wish i could tell him i love him, but i was afraid that he would not like me back, and never ever talk to me again. so know i have to suffer just seeing him from affar and hope for the best.
Almost the same thing happened to me, I had liked this guy for almost the whole year, and kept every word of my feelings to myself, when the last day of school came, I had a million chances to tell him how I felt but instead I chose to once again, keep them to myself Now it is summer and i'm hoping against hope that when we go back to school, he'll still have feelings for me, because I know I will still have feelings for him. I only regret not telling him everything I felt for him. Great poem, It realy said absolutely everything I feel.
I've just written a very similar poem, expressing the same emotions and yearnings. My poem is good -- this one is much better. I cried when I read it. 'Nuff said.
I thought this poem was really good, it reminded me of the love of my life and how hard im trying to get him back.
i love this poem . while reading it . i was crying . cuz i remember how me en mai boii use to be.
I really enjoyed ur poem, i was searching for words to describe how I felt and u nailed it! Thanks for just making me feel it!
hey i think that is a great poem i loved it see cause i am haveing a problem. see i cheeted on my boyfriedns and i dont think that he gets how much i love him he gave me a secound chance but my friend screed it up and now she goes out wit him and that is wrong i no so i am going to show him this and see wat he says and mayb he will dump her
I thought it was great and touching!
OMG, I wish I had written that! it explains EXACTLY what I'm going through right now, and will be going through a long time. Thank you for posting that and, just so you know, you're not alone. Sometimes it might feel like it, but you're not.
I like this poem i lovet.
i can relate. u completely expressed wut im going thru now.
This poem made me cry, this poem hits you in the heart. i went through the exact same thing and i asked for a second chance it never happened. This poem is real and true about how a short time can change so much. this truly is a poem for broken hearts!
words fail me to explain how sensational this story is
nice piece of work, written from the heart and soul, expressing a feeling known to many
this poem is really good and i related to it.
Wow, i'm going through that right now, it really touched me.
It really touched me. It's great kepp it up
thats me man
I really like it! It is the story I lived 1 week ago...
this is so realistic, i felt as if its my story

All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please Vote for this poem.
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