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About the Poem

This poem is about my first and only true love. It took my 27 years to find it, and only 2 years to lose it.

I Will Miss You

I thought before I first saw you,
I knew what love was.
That, I later found, to be false.
You showed me the meaning of True love.

I loved you with all my heart,
I gave you everything I had to give.
I thought our loved would last a lifetime,
I was the only one, though,

You already knew it wouldn't be forever.
You tried to tell me.
I always chose not to listen.
I only heard what my heart was telling me.

If I could go back in time and change things,
I wouldn't. I always want the memories
of you and I together, the way we were -
Happy for the most part.

I love you still,
And I always will.
But today my life starts over,
Starts over without you.

This will be a tough journey for me,
But I know I will make it.

Life does go on.
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© 1999 Rena' Du Bois Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

28 Visitor Comments

I think that its very true and it hurts to read it, espacially when i have experienced the same, the author is very gifted!
Beautiful. We've all been in this place. It always hurts, you just learn how to deal with the hurt better as time goes on.
Thank you for writing this poem it touched me. On May 1st my true love broke up with me but reading this poem made me realize that i should keep going on with life even if it is without him. I still love him very much and i will always love him. But it is just as a friend. Thank you again for writing this it is a inspiritional poem and i will never forget it. It will make me keep going when things get really though for me. Which is a lot of times it boes get tough but i always pull through because of this peom. Thank you again for writing this and i hope you keep on writing. You have a gift bon't let it go to waste.
It really feels me in and very much touchy ,I really like it and i feel we both me and the author went throught the same situation but she got the words to expalin how she feels.
This poem made me cry and I loved it to. Thanks
I sent this poem to my ex 6 years ago when our divorce was finalized. I was just going through some files and found a copy that I saved. It is still as powerful and poignant today as it was then. Re-reading it brought back a flood of emotions. Great poem!
hiya i liked this poem it reminded me so much of mi ex boyfriend! x
this is so awsome it showsgoig though tough times but you will heal.
this poem really touched me. every word in there i related to and i couldn't have said it better.
This poem really touched me, twee weeks ago someone I really loved broke my heart we met over the phone so when we first met I've fallen in love with her, the second day se left me for nothing at all she said she hated me. But this poem really helped telling me there is someone just for me thakz.
This poem touched me in the deepest part of my soul. After losing the love of my life and having a world of trouble getting over her, I needed this. Thank You - it was absolutely beautiful!
I cried alot when i read this. it gives me memories from my ex. Sometimes I really miss him.
Thank you so much for this poem it had made me realize so much but then agian made me cry. for i have lost my love to one who is so noyt worth it and could never love him as much as I did, I love you bobby come home
I want to thank everyone for their comments and stories. This was the first and probably only poem I have or ever will write It means so much to me that it has touched so many people in so many ways. Again "THANK YOU ALL"
This is a great poem. I started bawling when i read it. I just lost my first love forever..
This poem describes best how I felt when she chose not to love me It hurts deeply not to have her around anymore. Life goes on.
This poem reminds me of a relationship that I was in for over 10 months. It was hard though on both of us cause my parents didn't approve of him...We tried sooo hard...and for soo long...then one day when we were able to call eachother and things...we did something stibed and now my parents want me to have no contact with him...We still talk as much as possible...but it's hard..I and his mom have grown closer and closer everyday and she's on our side...we just have to wait till the day comes when my parents give in...when I read this I wanted to reminds me so much of the one I love. This is a GREAT GREAT GREAT poem
I like this poem really really much
i thought that it was really sad in many ways but i liked it a lot
pretty toughy...i love it
This is an awsome poem! At this moment i am going through this so i ca relate to this.
i love this poem it means alot to me because i had a love who really touched my heart but i was strong and had to allow another person in to my heart his name is adam and i love him.very maningful i like this poem
i really like this poem - do you think that you could send me one everyday in my mail thanks
This poem is beautifully written
This poem is simple and yet so full of meaning. I like this poem because I can really relate to it.
the poem made me start to cry, because imade me think of a loved one that i have lost
I come to your poem and realize this is the one I must send to the person I loved with my entire being. Life does go on and if I am lucky, one day I will love again. Thank you for the words that may, in time, help me learn to heal and to love again

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