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About the Poem

This poem is about a guy I used to talk to and how he turned from me and chose her. We were supposed to be together on New Year's Eve but the way things turned out he broke my heart.

Her Over Me?

How could he choose her over me?
What does she have that I don't?
It's funny how he choose her, when we were supposed to Be.

But I guess I realized that we weren't meant to be on that New Year's Eve.
She took his heart, made it turn from me.
How could he choose her over me?
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© 1999 Kristin Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

28 Visitor Comments

this poem is so true that only some girl could have any guy they wont so hy think that they can jus take any guy they wont.
i had the same exact thing happen to me this new years it sucked big time.
I loooved it! u know why? bcuz this happened to me with my ex-boyfriend with a little twist: actually, on new year's eve we fell in love and after 3 months, he realized he loved his best girl-friend and i was crushed! everybody told me that i was way better than her. still, he chose her over me
That was a great poem. i really enjoyed it. that happened to me now she and him r engaged and there only 18 i think that is to young. but, maybe they were meant to be and maybe its meant to be this way!
well is short but thats what my ex did i loved him so much and till this day i still do.
I really like it!
this poem was very touching. it was short but you still made it sound how other people feel about that special guy they can never have. i can really relate to it because i felt the same way about a boy that i was talking to for a while and then another girl had to come in the picture and ruin everything i had with him. youre poem was saying the exact things i wanted to tell him but they never came out the way i wanted them to. this poem i will take to the heart.
thats wat happened to me. this guy and i were in love but this girl decided that i couldn't have him. i love how you wrote the poem. it's really amazing.
The reason that this poem touched me because it happened to me. I've been married for 2 years and he chose his mistress over me and his 2 kids.
I've been there and Im still going through it, it really hurts to see him chose her over me.
I really like this poem. That is exactly what happened to me not long ago.
i lowe this poem. it has soo much meaning in ma lyfe ryte now. he left me for ma best friend! on valentines day. =( it was sadd. im still not ova it yet. its onli been a week. *sigh*
great poem i took the to heart cuz thats how i feel about 2 people thankz~!~ love Linzi
this was a awsome poem i give tou a ten this happened to me plenty of times with my bestfriend well not no more she didi that to me 3 times took my boyfriends from me. and if the guy ever tries coming back dont let him. once a cheater always a cheater i had to find out the hard way!
i like that poem i had to go throgh that w/my ex
I love this poem cause I know how you fell. I have been there when he chose her over me.
this is the kind of poem i can relate to. my ex-boyfriend did the same thing to me but he told me he liked another girl on my birthday right after he gave me my present
my boy friend did that to me exept not on new years it was our anaversery! love the poem
this poem says it all. i totally went through this
thats a great poem. i have a guy thats about to do me the same way . he is going to choose my own sister over me.
Your poem was excellant it sounded do truthful.
Wonderful poem, I think every woman feels this once in their life, but it doesnt' get easier does it, if anything i keep wondering why, with each time passing by.
This poem relates to me very well in what i have been dealing with with a guy choosing another girl over me. guys suck.
sometimes is hard to face someone has taken your man's love away from you. But there is always someone better your way and if he really loved you he would have never fell her way.Just keep your head you'll see he wasn't 4 u.
i know how she feels i love this poem to death, the same thing happend to me.
That poem is so sad. But i really like it.
yuor poem was tihgt!
You must have been in a situation like me it's so hard to see the boy you love so much walk out on you and choose her. you should keep that writting going because that was good.

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