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About the Poem

Well my cousin was killed by drunk driving kids last year when she was 19. After her funeral I came home and sat down and began to write this poem called "Who Would Know"

Who Would Know

Who would know these kids were drunk
driving in our town?
I was coming out of the parking lot,
they hit me, I spun around.

All of a sudden my short life flashed
before my hurting eyes.
I started thinking about all the fun
I had with mom, dad, and the guys.
Then I hear the siren guy say there is no chance -
She will die, I also felt my spirit go up into the sky.

Why does my family have to suffer,
for something they didn't do?
I just pulled out of a parking lot and now my life is through.

I am only 19 years old now,
my family's life is going to shatter,
and the civil case will not matter.
The expense of my funeral will bring them down,
me lying in a casket,
my family and friends all on the ground.

Just because those kids thought they were cool,
drinking and driving in my town.
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© 1999 Melissa Hensle Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

68 Visitor Comments

this was sad
my little sis was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver 6 tears ago everyday it seems harder to bear we knew the person in the other car. i wish more people would think about others
I liked this poem because at my High School we did and "Every 15 minutes" thing and it was about drunk driving and they took out kids in a class every 15 minutes telling you that's how many people would keep dying from drunk driving. So I guess this reminded me of tose two long days.
i think this is a very touching poem but it couldn't need any work! And yes i ment to put couldn't!
omg i'm sooo sry wat happend . i no wat it feels like having to go through that kind of thing. but i hope it gets better wth u guys. but i ges i'll go maybe we can talk later or somthin! later. ~*lil'pate*~
Really BEAUTIFUL poem i loved it sad but good words in it and its the honest truth that the good person always dies and the bad person lives there life. Good writing,take care ~Michelle~
Well this poem has touched me i am sorry you had to go threw that i can only feel your pain while writing that.
This poem is a really touching one for me because my cousin was hit by a drunk driver with her 3 year old daughter in the back seat. The baby survived without a scratch but her momma died instantly and she was onl 23.
Hey this is a pretty intense poem i like your style of writing it really made my emotions jump and that is what writing is all about. Keep up the great work
I really loved ur poem!
This is a very heart felt poem and I almost cried when I read it. Having the experence to write this peom has made really good.
i realy liked this story
Wow! I thought that this poem was great It was so sad it even brought tears to my eyes !
omg this poem is soo beautiul i started to bawl!
This poem really touches out on the problem of drink drivers. I feel sympathy to the auther.
I like it cause this is so ture about drinking you never know what is going to happen in real life and there are a lot or people out there that just don't care at all and i think that they should.
this is a great poem it is very touching and it reminds me of my best friend that was killed by a drunk driver. im sorry this happened to you too. makayla
This poem really touched me. I am 20 now, and 2 weeks before my birthday my parents, sister, and brothers were hit in a head on collision by a drunk driver. I never really understood why this happened. I mean I thought that the people that got killed in the drunk driving accidents were the drunk drivers, not the innocent people. I felt that it was all my fault, because if it hadn't been close to my birthday, then they wouldn't have gone out. (they were on there way back from going shopping for me) Your poem has brought me back to the night that the police came to my house, and helped me realise that this would have happened to someone else if not my family. And I would rather be the one to deal with this than have someone else go through this.
This poem tells you why you shouldn't drink an drive. You can seriously injur or kill somebody. I think kids need to read this poem, and then they will decide if they want to drink and drive.
*sorry to hear about your friend* the poem was great realy good well done good on you
That peom was excellent, it made me really sad, and i'm doing a book report on it at school.
This poem touched me deep dowwn. It almost made me cry. It brought back deep memories of my loving sister Hannah. She also died of some careless drunk driver. I hope your poem will help people relize that drinking and driving is a painful crime, which they shouldn't do.
Hey thats a really great poem and if its true im very terribley sorry.
what an amazing writter you are!This poem reflects the true image of a life lost to impaired driving. Too many innocent people are killed to this crime.
that poem is so true. so many people have that happen to them. that really touched me deeply and truly, i just had 3 people die in my school becuase of a drunk driverso i can relate to the poem really well
i thought that this poem was very toutching cause me and my family were in a drunk driveing accident and my mom and my sister almost died and i lost mt best friend to a drunk driveng accident and so i am gald to know that i am not the only one going threw this pain and i am sry about ur aunt by breanne
This poem was very touching. I also recently lost a young family member which involved alcohol. I hope and pray that others will make smarter choices about drinking and driving.
this ppoem hit me in the right spot i really liked this one. i justed wanted to say how good this poem was
i thought your poem was really good and people should think before they drink and drive.
i really liked this poem because when my auntie bonnie was 16 she was killed by a drunk driver. so ya poems about drinking just kinda have a special meaning to me
My dad and my step mom was in town one day and all of a sudden they was hit by a drunk driver. He was 19 years old. My dad has really bad seaziers and my step mom has back problem all because of a drunk driver
this is a sad poem. but it has a strong point and it is a great way to get the point acrossed to kids and adults alike. it has a strong unhesitent point wich makes this poem one of the best poems on drunk driving i have ever read. thank you auther for this great poem signed, Desiree
i thought that this poem is very toching and reality about the facts of life and all of the hurtfull things
I thought this poem was really good. You had a very good mind to make this.
this poem made me cry. my friend when i was litle got hit by a car and died a few weeks ago. im guna cry if i keep typing this
I loved this poem. It really got to me. It showed me what could happen. I feel really bad for you family and also yourself. I hope that i am never put in that situatuion and i hope that my friends and family arent in that situatuion either. It could really affect somebody's life.
I started to tear when I read your poem. Put in the simplest of words, you touched my heart in a deep way. Nearly three years ago now, I too was hit by a drunk driver, but thanks to God I survived. Everytime I read the statistics about drunk driving and the massacres that follow an accident, I keep thinking, that could have been me.
Well i thought this poem was very touching. Many people have lost thier lives threw drink driving and usally the person that coarses it gets away and the one that just so happened to be there at that time suffers all the pain. Wich is so unfare.
Your poem is very touching. I know the pain of losing someone to a drunk driver, I lost my boyfriend to one and not a day goes by that the pain is not there. I hope that someone never has to go through that pain but until everyone realizes what drinking and driving do, there will always be this knid of pain.
this poem was really good the girl who wrote this was really talented. i have had someone who was verry dear tp me die because of a drunk teenager. the poem is really a true statement. love always brittany
Thats a sad poem but that happen lots
I really liked your poem. I had two friends die in October of 2002 from riding with a drunk driver. I know the pain that bear within you everyday. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of Eric and Kevin. Please keep you head up and think of the good times you shared together. That is what I try to do. Your poem will save someone's life, even if it is just one person! Thank You!
this was a really touchin poem and i no wot you r goin through coz i was hit by a drunk driver to and am nw dead but have jst cum down to tell you hw kool ths peom is. i really wish io could meet you bt i cnt coz i ant here any mre sorry . well my m8 frm up above says hi 2 . k bibi luv ya
I thought it was a very good poem. I know how you feel. My close friend almost like a sister got killed by a drunk driver and she was only 14 at the time. This poem really touched me.
i love this poem. it makes you realize your life could end in an instant even if the cause is not your fault. it also makes you think twice about drinking and driving.
i real liked that poem. i would like to have more of those poems.
this is a very good poem, my friend died like that, so i just took that to heart. i love it, and im sorry for the family who died.
Melissa, this poem truley touched me. You expressed how much drinking and driving can really affect everyone. Even the people that aren't involved. I know the pain you feel because I too have losted a loved one in an inpered driving accident. I am pleased that you expressed your feelings in this way and have shown others what an effect drinking and driving has on society.
this is a very sad story. i like to tell you how it had helped in my life and in other's lives.
I really like the poem alot and I can relate to the hurt because my best friend didn't die but she broke her neck in a car accident cause by a drunk driver, now she has a pin in her neck and she had to spend months in the hospital for someone who want to drink and drive.
WOW! This is a very powerful poem, it cried!
I am truly sorry for the pain you have felt and are feeling! I guess all I can say is she's in heaven waiting for the day to meet up with you again.
i liked it
this is a very nice poem it clearly shows emotion and it made me show my emotions
Amber Gordon
That was sad it makes you think of family and friends. i thought it was a great poem. its true. and the truth hurts sometimes
awwww thats so sad. im sorry =*( ***thinks of the freinds that have passed**** :*(
I thought that this poem has to be the almost the saddest poem i've ever heard and also teaches people that it's not even a little cool to drink and drive. So here is my thanks for letting them know what could happen if they drink and drived.
I liked your poem it was very touching to me!
this is a wonderfull poem. The way it was written made me cry.
it is really good. well how do i enter a story. please tell me
This poem is a great poem
it was so good and you are right who are they to be driving in my town drunk. it is good that you are thinking about drink driving before it is you that has gone!!!!!
Melissa, hey i'm sorry for you and your family.Your poem touched me. If it is okay i would like to print out your poem and put it in my school's news paper. I cryed when i read your poem.and once again i'm sorry to the pain of you family
just wanted to say very touching poem and sorry for the loss!!! godbless!
your poem was great and made me realiseyour true pain and made it asif she was realy talking to me . sincerly richard j. tice
This is a very sad poem and I can't say that I know what you are going through but I can tell you that my mission as an 18yr old senior is to try and stop drunk drivers. Because of a drunk driver my aunt can no longer run around with her 5yr old son and because of my uncles mistake he no longer has a left arm. I hope you sarrow eases soon. This should have never happend.
This poem was great. I was really touched. It takes a lot more than just a poem to get me feeling this way, but this one was great. I'm sorry about what happened. I know you feel sad, but just remember that there are a lot more people that this happened to too.

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