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About the Poem

I knew this guy who was very special. He had a lot of family problems and he thought that they could be solved by drugs. Drugs drove him to taking his life. I want others to read and absorb these words and realize the true danger of drugs.

An Abrupt Stop

You started out with promise
You started out with hope
Until all your dreams were canceled
by a substance called dope

You dropped into a depression
you could not climb out
because you were under the assumption
dope would help you out

Now your life is over
it is the procession to cry
why should someone so young have to die?
That is a question I have no right to ask
but it seems as though things change oh so fast

So my friend if you hear me
please understand
there were people who loved you
you did not comprehend
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© 1999 Brandy Bryant Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

44 Visitor Comments

this poem touched me because last year i was like the person in the poem, and reading it has made me realise how lucky i am that my friends got me outta there. take everyday as it comes and never take life for granted.
I really liked this poen, it's been quit i few years ago but my moms cosin got hooked on drugs and one day he was in his room all screwed up on drugs and he yelled to his mom to come here and he shot himself in the hed when she walked in and he was only 17 years old. and i was hooked on drugs because i got in with the rong croud and i did alot of diffrent drugs and i was hooked i was on them everyday and then my so cald friends turned on me and jumped me and ever sence i have been clean it's only been a month now but everybody think's i'm doing really good becaus ei'm only 14 and i even dropped out of school for a few months and i went back 2 or 3 weeks ago but i just got suspended today but hopfully i'll get through the year and move on with my life . i think reading things like this really helps me with my problems i really liked your poem thanx for reminding me that i accually do have people that love me
hey i love reading drug poems i think its sad because people mess their lifes up realy mad i wish people whould just stop it they need to respect themselfs a lot better thanks for all your poems maby someone will listen one day.
i think that was beautiful i like it alot. good job
well who ever wrote it well i think it's one of the most touching poem and i think and really shows that the person really cared for there friend! i guess we still have goood! people in the world! roxana medrano
this poem really touched me because my friend who is only 16 is doing so many drugs and i have tried talking to him to get him to stop because it kills me more and more everyday! and i don't know what to do!
I liked it, because it made a lot of sense. I relly understand it. you can count on me for not taking drugs. i mean it.
I voted because I know what it feels like to have a lose. Also i feel bad that your friend didnt notice what he was doing to his life and i bet if he had another chance to relive his life he would want to be drug-free. I liked that you were also able to share something sad with anybody.
this poem really touched my heart. my youngest brother was hooked on dope and finally got himself clean but 6 months later was killed in a car crash and the driver survived but he died.
hi, this poem has touched me because my older brother recently has been hooked on methamphetamines. i dont beleive in self mutalation, drugs seem to be the most painless way of doing it and dealing with whats happening around them. im grateful that my family and i got him out of it before it was to late. however i have lost alot of friends in the last 8 months to suicides due to drug habbits. i feel your pain :]
This poem is so true. It almost brought tears to my eyes.
i thought this poem was deep and it was a really good poem.
i raelly like this poem theres allot of people who should read this because they know what this poem means and it means allot to me.
this poem touched me because i know a few ppl that do drugs and the reason that they got on them is because they think their problems would go away, but none of them have died even though they r getting pretty close.
This poems is soo deadly true for me. I just hope my friend doesnt fall soo deep she doent realize that many love her.
this poem realy touched me and i nearly started to cry
I like this poem cuz it most of my friends and I do them and we all thinnk that no one loves us but this poem just told me that my family loves me thanxfor puting this poem on the net love cherish clair of canada
I like this poem because it reminds me of someone special in my life.
wow thats realy awsem i have a friend who does that stuff and im going to give her this poem
this poeam is lovly i loved this its so toughin and amazing who ever takes drugs have to read this poeam {always will be in ur heart}
this poem means a lot to me becasue my brother was killed by drugs and this poem is really deap and sends a great message.
I liked this poem a lot. It really covers most of the feelings that comes with losing someone to drugs
This poem really hits home. My friend did the same thing. Got into dope then was depressed and then took a gun and you must know the rest. Its hard for me to even think about it. But this poem is ever so true and ever soo sad.
the poem was good, and it was so true good job, you are a good poet
I really liked this poem. Keep up the good work.
hey i just read the poem i think it was the most sadest thing i just cant see to find out why people think dope is so kool to smoke i just whish one day the people that somoke this horrible stuff that they will find out they will die and will whish they never smoke dope and think that they would still be alive if i dident smoke dope so people who smokes dope or their children smoke it please print this comment out and so they no what this boy/girl whent through please thankyou very much your sincerly best whishes deanne murdoch
I whant to vote for this poem because it realy tuch my hart. Because i feel bad for those people that are in drugs. however i dont know how it feels to be all stupid.
I think it understands me well. I'm going through alot of things right now and so are my friends. We just wanted to clear our heads and figured that dope would help. But as dope fadded away the pain was still there. And than realized that we can drug ourselves and avoid the problem but as we get sober the problem is there waiting.
that was a good poem for kids and teens that smoke that kind of stuff. It touched me deeply.
the simplicity is touching and the words carry a depth of meaning.
this poem touches me . i had a friend that commited suicide from crack n i miss her a lot . i wish that drug would dissaper but we all know thats not gunna happen .
gr8 poem it really helped me understand what it means if you lose some1 to drugs
This was a really good poem. It touch me because I use to do herion and I did not understand the people that loved me how bad I hurt them. I dint know I was love and everything people were doing was to save me. I want to thank my mother for not giving up on me because i would be dead right now. in the eyes of a 16 year old! Tina
i think this poem was really good. there are alot of people out there who die everyday because of drugs and i want you to know that i try in every way to help them stay away from them. so please keep putting poems like this one on your site and maybe just maybe you guys will help at least one person a day.
This poem was really touching. I liked it so much and I'm sorry for your friend.
I thought that was a really good poem. I can really relate to it. I'm just afraid that will happen to my sister. She is doing drugs she's only 17. She's kicked out of the house and I'm worried about her. I really hope she'll be alright.
This poem seemed like you knew me personally. Life always starts out with hope as you said, but then fades out as life goes on. You go into a slunder and the only way out seems to be the easiest escape but not the best. I just wanted to let you know that I did enjoy this poem.
thank you Brandy ur poem was so close to home its unbeleivable i lost a friend 2 yrs ago from stupid mistakes in his life one being drugs the other trusting people he didn't know which ended his life
I really did enjoy that poem. I am sorry about your friend I know what it is like to lose a loved one to drugs. Drugs are horrible things and I believe that your poem might help people see that.
I loved that poem. it was so sad, and yet so true. I write poems to. And what you wrote is very true. I have only 25 days clean of off crank. And i relly dont want to do it anymore. my life is messed up as well as my brain and i know ill never be normel agin. And im only 15. I hate being locked up i hate the fighting, i hate what i did to get the drug. i hate it all. I hate myself. If anyone reads this please please just do yourself a faver and dont start doing dope. any kind. crank, coke, none of it. you may think its fun. but beleve me. youll ether be insane, dead, or incarrsarated in the end.
Your poem gives hope and strength to those who feel judged on the basis of their addiction. It's heart warming to know that there are still caring, understanding, open-minded people out there.
This poem is so true and really touched me. There are so many teens who do drugs and don't realise it's not worth it. They don't realise they are so many better things in life rather than smoking drugs and being cool. Just DREAM!
This poems is so true on young teens these days because it seems as though all that is going on in this world is young kids doing drugs or selling it and i know because my daughter died from an over dose of herroin i really am impressed. Thank-you~ Great POEM~

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