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About the Poem

There are times in life when your big mouth can get you into a lot of trouble. This poem was written after one of those times. I made a smart comment in front of a group of friends and one gave me a really bad guilt trip so I started feeling low and asked for them to forgive me.


Adrift in a sea of sadness
lost in my thoughts
Jokes can be taken so harsh
when meant to be taken lightly

A slip of the tongue is all it takes
and suddenly you're alone
boxed in a world of fears
a world of tears

Cruelty is it's game
life it's name
ever changing, rapidly sweeping you along
like a roller coaster you can't stop
and as you spin wildly spin
out of control
scenes from earlier on this ride of life
flash through your mind

The walls are closing in
The room begins to spin
you fall to your knees and
beg for it to stop
you beg and plead for
forgiveness knowing
that you were wrong

You've been to bossy,
said too much,
you say it will never happen
again and you know
that you'll do anything
in your power to keep it
from happening again
you love these people
and can't fight
like this with them
so you plead for forgiveness.
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© 1999 Ashley Dickerson Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

53 Visitor Comments

what i like in this poem is that it touched the heart, & i feel as if it's me who were talking, & m sure everybody who will read it will feel the same, coz we r humans, we passed the same experiences of begging forgiveness. thx ashley
Carissa and Eryka
Man I really hope you guys are right because we made two people mad and we want them to forgive us.
fantastic i can relate to it well u've done great i love it! keep it up
BOMB. This poem's a total BOMB. Great job! It's sooooo wonderful and it guides my thinking.
omg i found this poem and it really connected with me as my friend will not talk to me or one of my other friends and wont even give either of us an explination as to why she refuses to talk to us forgiveness is our key to a better world
This is exactly how I feel. I hurt a friend of mine, one who means the world to me. I have apologised, and I truly am sorry, but he's not ready to forgive me and I'm afraid things will never be the same again. Thanks for the poem. Its beautiful.
to ashley dickerson ur poem touched me in all different ways one is that it is me n the other is its happening to me, i tihink that ur poem has helped em see that i have to chagned, i want to changed :) thank u sooooooooooo much, i hope u write sum more poems to help me n people like me! thx u again, n also I LOVE UR first NAME!
You're poem really touched me because the words fall so close to home. This poem is beautiful. thank you for touching my heart and putting the words together so well.
great job!
wow! very good! im suprised i like alot of these but this is one of my top tens! maybe even top fives. well send me a messege sometime. ~nikki~
My boyfriend got himself into a similar situation a few days ago. He said something that he shouldn't have and unfortunately, it was overheard and repeated. As a result, many of his friends are now angry with him. I searched for a poem about forgiveness because I would really like for his friends to be able to forgive him. I came across this poem and I loved it!
I'm in NJROTC in fl high schools and i really am looking forward to fight for my freedom and everybody else and try to give them the peace that they need to protect them,their families,childern,and their friends as well. this poem is a great example for my goal that i can reach in life so that i can be able to become a solider and, u did an awsome job.
good work
i think this poem is excellent it has real meaning and has touched my mind. It also made think about what i say as a person
AWESOME! your totally right!
I really loved your poem because I relate to it in so many aspects. I might have said some hurtful words to my best friend and now I regret them. I love him alot and I just wan thim to forgive me.
that was i really good quote i give it a 10 i feel exactly like that!
This poem is so nice. it relates to me soo well!
This poem is lovely and realy nice. , thanx to the writer.
i can relate to this poem
i love you
Who ever did this poem has a big heart it was great!
this was a real life poem, the same thing happened to me and my best friend, i sent her the poem, she loved it, we arent as good as friends as we were, but we are talking. thanks
I just love this poem. It really touched me. I was looking for a poem to send via email to my best friend and her brother, my boyfriend. I needed a perfect poem for the most perfect people in my life. This one just fit! Thank you so much for writing/posting this poem! I really hope they can forgive me. I think this poem will do the trick! Thanks again! ~Taylor
great poem. i enjoyed it.
Hi Ashley this was a perfect poem for my camp speech. Thanks for writing it
this touched my heart. i came looking for a poem for a assignment and instead i found a light somthing that people around the world need to hear. thankyou
IT souned great and thisd has happened to me meny times over.
Hi Ashley my boyfriend and I broke up and those were the perfect words . Thanks.
Hi thanxs a lot Ashley! i sadi something to my friends and they were amased of how much they mean to me. I really hope that this and you could go a long way!
nice poem:)
I am feeling the poem, two thumbs up and keep up the good work
I absolutely loved this poem. My wife and I are having some problems and it summed up my feelings perfectly. OUTSTANDING!
your poem was so beautiful it brang a tear to my eye. i can easily relate to your poem. Congratulations on your well deserved efforts
OMG! this is exactly wat is happenin 2 me right now! i am so glad i am not the only 1 it happens to! thanks Ashley!
This is a great poem, i can relate to it so well especially since i'm going through a tough time with my group of friends. Things were said that shouldn't have been said and now all i want is forgiveness. i think everyone at one time or another can most definately relate to this. It's tough being in fights with close friends.
This poem almost made me cry. It is the exact thing that has happened to my bessie mate twice. She keeps repeating that I am her only friend. Tomorrow is the last day of school, and I know that it will have all have blown over by then. Being a poet myself, I found this poem extremely close to the truth, and very heartfelt.
Hey, This poem is a great poem and I bet every single person could relate to it. I said some things to my best friend that I shouldn't of and I never have talking to her for a year since I switched school. This really makes me want to talk to her and say I'm sorry. Thanks for making me realizing it.
This poem.almost exactly explains what I've been going through with one of my friends.
this relates to me and my friend. when we had a fight and she wanted me to forgive her.
This poem is great! I sent it to my friends, because it touched me and it is how i feel whenever i mess things up with my friends... its a powerful poem that everyone should send to their friends..
I thought that this was a really good poem because I have felt like that once in my life.
this poem really means alot to me becuase just recently i let my best friend down and this sounds like a poem i should give her maybe she'll forgive me
I loved it.that is how you really feel when you are fighting with a friend
wow........just wow i love your writtin!!!!!!!!!
I loved this poem because i could relate to it. It described the situation I was in with my 3 other bf's and most of as overcame it ecept for one.
I know exactly what this poem means I once hurt my friends feelings by saying something that I thought was a joke and she didn't take as a joke she got so mad at me I tryed to explain to her I ment it as a joke but she didn't understand finally I sat down with her promised I would never do it again and that I ment it as a joke she looked me stright in the eye and said if you ever do that again our friendship is over that was 5 years ago I havn't done anything yet and we are best frends now
Forgiveness is a wonderful thing to write about.
this poem i thought was really good
i really liked this poem, it was so honest, keep writing, don't ever stop! ~lauren
Hey, I really like this poem. It reminds me of what I've been going through for the past month and a half. Its helped me out a lot. Thank you for writing it, and for your time to read this.
This poem was very moving and it says everything that I have been trying to say to my best friend but didnt know how!
This poem reflects on me to me . . . I've been concieted and harsh.And I just realized how much I've hurt peopl's feelings and I want forgiveness.This a poem I'll definetely never forget.

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