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About the Poem

I am a 13 year old teen. I wrote this poem when I was upset after a fight with one of my best friends. I was confused and stayed in my room crying. I decided to put how I felt into words, so I did. This poem tells a story of how wanting a friendship back, helps you make a choice on what to do.

Seasons Of Changes

Why am I so different?
What did I ever do?
To deserve the kind of treatment
that I receive from you.

You were my friend
when times were blue.
You stood by my side,
through and through.

But now you have changed,
you are acting quite different,
I want your old self,
to come out from inside.

I want our friendship back
I want you to change.
Is it asking too much
for you to be my friend once again?
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71 Visitor Comments

8th grade grad
I loved this poem. This year my best freind and I got into fights, alot of them. We've become friends again but it still isn't the same as it used to be. I know exactly what it feels like to be hurt and I have also used poems to express my sadness. Thanx for your wonderful poem! I can really relate to it! :)
I like it, you sound desperate, but i REALLY LIE IT A WHOLE LOT!
this was a really great poem i really liked it because i reminds me alot of friendship like my own
I like this poem because im having the same problem with my best mate she as now started to stay with my sister and when i go down to my sisters to see them my best friend talk to me nasty and actsd differnt but my sister is turning just like her too so this poem made me feel as thou im not the only person who is having this problem and i totally understand what she's going through and i hope you and your friend sort it out because im going to try and get my old best friend out of her because i really miss my old best friend so much well take care x
This poem touched me deep inside, in more ways than one. i love my girlfriend so so so much. my little kimmy kat.
this is very good! keep up the good work! the reason is beacause i know how it can be for your friend to do that to you
well my friend and i are having like the biggest fight we've ever had and this is just perfect.
this peom is exactly how i feel about my friend crystal
i loved this poem im a teenager myself and i no how it feels to be betrayed and hurt by ur best friend. reading this poems makes me feel like im nt alone every teenager should express there self though poetry it rili helps no1 should keep it locked up. once again a gr8 poem xx
i liked this poem alot cuz it reminded me bout me nd this girl that has been my friend for 9 years going on ten! we used2 b da best off rieands nd we used 2 tell each other everything nd we still do but sometimes wat we say 2 each other ends up gettin us in trouble! also now this year in da highscool everything has changes b4 we barely ever fought now were fighting at least once a month nd mostly itz cuz we hear wat other ppl say! i hate it so uch i wish we lived in a perfect world sometimes but unfortunetly we dnt! well datz all ima say 4 noe ok buh bye ~kayla~
this poem was cool . i liked it
I wanna tell you something it is hard to become friends with someone that you got in a fight with because they are ot the same. I got into a fight with this girl and i told her EVERYTHING i mean EVERYTHING and then after i told her she told me we werent friends. I cant forget or forgive her for what she did and It is hard for them to change. I thought you would like to hear about this.
umm. i really like ur poem. its nice and just amazing. i amryt nw in thesame situation and with ur poem i got courage to be friends with that person again. i ung up ur poem in my room and i alwys red it over and over again. i hope u will write some other poems like this one too
I love this poem it touched me!
This is such a good poem. ur a VERY good poem writer. ive got some friends like this. keep it up.
This poem touched me as it is really reality. These types of things happen each and everyday to differnt people firndship.
the poem is just amazing its something when it happens hurts a lot i mean if your best friend breaks up with you its very hard to get over and if they have changed then its so sad
i really like this poem! it touched me in every way! im going thru exactly wat it says in the poem so its a poem that really touched me! i nearly cried reading this poem as it is so true as most friendships go through this! well done for making such a brilliant poem! i loved it
the only reason why this touched me was because I have a friend like that too whoo is acting the same way good luck with your friend
this poem is also good my friend and I once were like this but now we talk.
This is a very good poem and I can relate to it very well! Good Job!
this poem is really very good. i m also teen ager and i like this poem because whatever it contains had also happened to me. i m gonna send this to my that friend who is changed much. i m very thank ful to the writer of poem that he write a such poem which will ofcurse help me alot to convey heart felt message to my friend.
i loved it because it reminded me of my best friend.
very good poem
i really like it my friend and were separated and she has been really over the last months cauze i hang with this one girl and my guy friend and i just want our friendship back
gret poem and unfortunatly it is almost always true. When we get into high school we change we want to be "popular". No matter who it hurts.
I Think that this poem was truely inspiring. I give the author that wrote this advise to try to get into poetry for a living because it was written vwry well
I love this poem because its exactly how I felt after a big fight with my best friend.
this poem is really good
that poem was very touching this just happened between me and my friends and i am taking your advice and hope it work cause i dont want to loose my best friend sarah over a guy named zak if he ruins are friendship i dont know what i will do i though i liked zak to but then i found out he was a player so we are in a fight over this and im now going to go and take your wonderful advice that i am almost certain will work or help a little more! Thank You.
I really liked this poem because, this is how I feel right now. My best friend and I are in this really big fight because she has changed alot. This poem is the perfect poem, thanks for putting this poems in here.
Omg this made me cry because it was like the stuff im going threw right now. Its o hard to except that they are diffrent. Sometimes they never change
i really lov all ur poems, they're great!
I like it very much it just maked me think about myself and how life is going thanks for the boost.
i love this poem! its exacly like what me and my "friend" have!
wonderful is all i gota say.
I love this poem. Me and my friend are in a fight right now. She acts like she doesnt care if we dont talk,or ever talk again. This poem is pretty accurate to what I'm feeling.
A very beautiful poem! I understand what you mean! I hope for you that the person you're talking about will be you're friend again. (that's what I hope with my friend, if I can call it still a friend. :( )
oh my god this poem touched me in a way no othah poem has. me and my friend are in this huge fite and i want to be friends wit them again so i put it in mym profile and hopefully they see it and we can make up. the poem was the best i loved it
omg i know exactly what your talking about. i dont wanna bore u with the details, but i just wanna say that this is amazingly true. you are an awesome poet
ive had fights with my friends and here lately they seem like they're diffent people. i can honestly say i know how u feel and its not always a good feeling. good luck with ur friends.
This poem is really nice and sweet, I love this poem, I wish I could write poems as good as you can. I have been in this situation before and my friend stabbed me in the back alot of times in my life. I keep on taking her back, I guess I think that she will straighten up! But I don't know if she ever will or not!
I really liked this poem because it is exactly what happened to me and my old friends. They changed and treated me badly adn i just wish i could of wrote it like that to.
i like this poem a lot it reminds me of something that happen to me long ago keep up with the work
This is such a great poem because it relates so much to my life rite now. It's great to know others have the same problems as I do.
This poem so realates to all teenagers girls mostly. my best friends have changed so much in the last year i almost feel closer to my boyfriend then them i really want my best friends back. But they are gone. but i realized i don't need them i have many other friends who are REAL friends
i juzz luv dis poem.
I have been there before, and this poem says it all.
this poem is SO CUTE its reaalllyy touching! and true its wats happenin between my best frend n me maybe this poem works!fingers crossed~ i wish i cud rite poems like u!:)
I like this poem, because i used to have a really good friend. We did everything together. As the new year came, she changed and now we arent friends that much anymore. I wish that she new how i felt. SHe was my best friend. and now that her friends that she aint as close to anymore are really upset. Kat we love you, please dont ever change.
i luv this poem i wish i could write that good!
It's as if you're writing the poem about my life! The exact same thing has happened with my so-called best friend. You just don't know what happened or how to change it. I know how you feel.
This is just the way things are with my 'best friend' and me right now. It's utterly insane and aggravating and she drives me nuts.
I totally love this poem cause thats exactly what my friend did to me and every day I wish that she would be my friend again- I guess you could say that she still is- but she acts so much different around me than everyone else and we have been best friends for a long time
Wow! I mean that said so much in such little space that was just amazing yet so powerful Thanx
This poem have perfectly decribe my life with my bestfriend. We've known each other for three years.when we are still in the fourth grade she is so loving, generous and kind but as she meet another friend whom she trusted more our life and friendship had changed the most.
This poem describes exactly what I feel about my friend. We've know each other for 3 years, and all of a sudden, she's hanging out with another girl (which is okay, but the other girl is rude and snobbish like), and she's starting to act like her. I'm hoping that with something like this, she'll see how much she hurt me.
i think this is a very good peom and i can relate because i had a best friend and over the summer she really changed because she used to always be there for me but after the summer she wasn't anymore and it made me really sad. i hope you and your friends can work things out.
it has happen to me...
hey..i really like this poem...i feel the same way...i have this friend, we were so close...until we had this argument, then things weren't the same as it used to friend started to hang out with weird ppl, smokes, and act strange...we hardly talk anymore...sometimes, i think to my self, i was like, i dont care , but then i just cant let go of that friend...
this happened to me not too long ago. my two best guy friends startin hangin out wit this guy i don't get along with and we hardly ever hang out ne more. They don't even say hi or look at me when HE is around. i just wanted to let you know that i think you are a wonderful writter
i have a friend that was exactly the same thing. it's so sad... i love the poem
I really love your poem!!!!! I am 13 too and I totally don't trsut her anymore, and we aren;t friends anymore! This poem really describes it.
I think i can relat alot to this poem
this poem is a really nice poem 'cuz is this something that is happening to me
This poem is so the truth. Because when i read this it was like the computer was thinking for me Because this is just how i felt about one of my old best friends. Because one of my old best friends dumped me because there is a girl named Randi that is so pretty. Well my friend dumped me because i wasnt pretty and wasnt popular with the guys like Randi is..She even told me the only reason why she was my friend in the first place was because my sister..Because my sister is very pretty and popular...So i REALLY like this poem
all exactly so true. and it hurts
Hey I really liked this poem it is very realistic and really opened up my eyes. Who ever wrote it, must be very mature and I hope everything goes ok.
i really like this poem.And i can relate, it does hurt when that someone else changes, but everyone chnages right! some change for the better and others well you know what the others change for.I am just fortunate that He has realized what he did and we finally became friends after 6 months of no talking.EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, even if you don't want it to happen..

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