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About the Poem

In this day and age the pressure to take drugs is intense from peers. School is no longer a safe place in many aspects.

In the poem I have written for you, I describe today in the life of a teen - me.

Learning About Whispers And Love And Drugs

Every day passes
reminding me of things to be learned
I do not know about life as an adult sees it
I only know as a teenager and child
what life is meant to be

Today I learned of love
and the falsities it bears
I do not know its true meaning
or the reason I find it never true

I do not know how to tell a good friend from bad
we all talk behind each other's backs
I see not me in the mirror
but a teenager who is too fat or utterly ugly

Today I learned of drugs
and of all the feelings they bring
I experimented just a little
and now I wish for more

If everybody goes through the torment of teen pain
and they hear the much defeating snickers and comments
why are adults so cruel as to say
these are the best years of our lives?
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© 1999 Evalyn Rose Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

25 Visitor Comments

that was greeeeeeeeat
Great poem. it gets the message across about how difficult it is to grow up. If teenage years are to be the best of our lives then I am truely terrified to become an adult. In my opinion life cannot get much harder than it is right now. Thank you for writting this poem- (coming from a 15 year old)
i don't know why adults say teen years are best years cause when were teens we get into much triuble i been locked up 21 times now for bein utcontrol on drugs now im tryin to stop but when u have peers pursure from every one im only 16 and i have one on the way from my boy friend that abuse me i don't what to about every thing in my life
speechless! that was pretty much my life in a nutshell! wow, it really hits home with me, i really enjoyed this poem.
i really loved that poem!i know people that have been through that. it made me cry. you have a talent
That was a Beautiful peom. Iloved!
hi well i agre with this poem ! well bye im literaly unidentified
this was absolutly amazing to me! the whole best years of our lives is like a big wake up call because my parents do say that. I know exactly what your going through just hang in there! i hope that i can 2!
This poem is great! It does tell the truth about what our teenage years are all about. Its not a time of fun and games its a time of learning and growing are that rite there is scary. You said it like it is and thanks for that. Keep doing what your doing.
Your poem really touch me, cuz i am in high skool, a 9th grader,and I tried drugs and for weeks I would skip skool just to get high on a blunt. I did it, cuz of a guy that i like, he said that it was ok, so I did it. I have been clean for more than 2 months he got expelled i got more months add to my probation, so this poem really thouch me, cuz i have been down the road of pain, and because of the drugs, i lost all my friends.
Your poem expresses what so many young and even older teens are feeling. Growing up is hard, especially in our teenage years. I'm only 17, and I feel as if I've went through as much as I can handle. People say that this will be the best years of our lives. but they never told us about how hard it would be either. Life isn't easy, nobody ever said it would be. It's harder for some people then it is for others. You also have to remember that people also say, "Life is what you make it. " Forget about everyone else and do your own thing!
i love this poems and its so true and i vote this poems nuber 1
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH BONGO! except im 14 not 17
This poem is so true about being a teen. Adults tell us these are the best years of our life but really, we experience things that most adults never had to be faced with when they were our age. This poem just tells it exactly like it is!
You know how when you're reading these poems and you want to find one the describes you and how you feel? Well I found that poem when I read yours. It's a wonderful peice of art and I love it! (this coming from a 14 year old) Keep writing!
yeah man! :-D
Wow, that is a wonderful poem, I almost cryed it was so true adn powerful. Well done!
your poem has alot of heart to it, And try to stay away from the drug they're nothing but problems and trouble. Good luck and God Bless.
These are EXACTLY the messages that i was trying to express!Thank you for doing us a big favour-u made me realised about a thousand matters i would never have thought of.
it's great cause it's really telling the truth about what us teenagers go through
I agree with this poem. Why do parents say that this is the best years of our live when it feels like we're never going to get through them, and everything we do is wrong to them.
ur poem described what ive been feeling! put me in exactly the right mindstate!thanx 4 the prospective!
Your poem is the most accurate and moving piece i have ever read. (coming from a 17 year old) Keep up the poems you have a talent i wish i had
keep up doing this poems and one day you will be famuse.i wish i could do that.
it was an excellent poem almost all adults i talk to say that these are the best years of our lives but honestly i think that its the hardest because were stuck between child hood and adult hood and with this day and age everything seems twice as hard as it was 10 and 15 years ago from things that ive been told the poem tells the truth and thats what i love about some poems im a poet my self im 14 and i almost always try to tell the truth about how and what i reallly feel think and see

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