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Poems for the People   -  Poems by the People

About the Poem

I wrote this poem after a kid in my school died of cancer. His death made me realize how delicate life is. I know that my generation tends to have the mentality that we are invincible but I see now that we aren't.


God took you away.
It doesn't seem fair,
but in the back of my mind,
you will always be there.

You weren't a close friend,
but our paths did cross,
and your absence in this world,
is to me a great loss.

You were too young to die, and
too innocent to feel that pain.
Only heaven benefits,
because you it has now gained.

I may think of you a little less
with each passing day,
but your strength is something I won't forget,
you have changed me in a way.

I wish for you eternal peace;
that's what you deserve my friend.
I hope I lead my life well enough
to meet up with you in the end.
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© 1999 Penny Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you.

211 Visitor Comments

This poem is really touching because my grandma died several years back from cancer and she was my favorite relative. And I would give anything to have her back with me.
im sorry for your lost it makes me wanna cry ,but i now how it feels to have to say goodbye!
You are really good. I love your poem. Keep up the good work.
I just love this poem. Its that simple, but yet it reaches down to what you are really feeling. I write poems like this too and it such an inspiration to know that i'm not the only one that expresses my feelings on paper. Keep up the good work.
Penny, I was so touched by your poem. I felt the same way when my brother died. We were really close. You are a magnificent poet. :-)
Wat a very touching Poem. !
this poem has tuched me in ways a friend can't after a person so close to me that had died i thank you for writing it and will look for some more of your poems in the future
hi i am ashley and i am 15. On Feb. 18th my bf was shot in a drive by shooting and had died monday night around 9:00 pm i was totally sad. i picked this poem b/c god did take him because he was in so much pain that it was to hard on his body.
Our school also went through the death of a young girl who was only 16. She did in a car accident on the night of our homecomming. I didn't know her very well but when I saw her she always had a smile. I guess it showed me that you never know when you will take your last breathe.
I think that your poem was very touching and very sweet,i loved every word of it. It's amazing and i hope you keep expressing yourself in such a beautifl way!
I lost my son at the age of 19 to cancer, he was diagnosed at aged 15, he never got to go to highschool because he was so sick, I encourage everyone to become bone marrow donors and get on the unrelated bone marrow registry. Christopher had an urelated bone marrow transplant as a last ditch effort to save his life. It is so sweet of you to write a poem about another student that fought and lost the battle to this dreaded disease. keep writing.
This poem really touched me. It was very emotive and I could really empathise with it. My little brother died of cancer. The points that the poem makes, are for me, all true. Goodbye is a poem that speaks true about the affecton that you feel when someone is gone. It was a brilliant poem and well-deserving of any praise.
To me, this poem has so much meaning. My 16 month old brother was taken from me and I just want to thank you very much for writing this.
Very nice.
I love this poem so much the best i have ever read its amazing, you are very good writter keep it up.
This poem really hit home for me. When I was four a little boy I knew died in his sleep from medical complications. The only real memory I have of him is that when you sang, he would smile.
It's awesome! I'm 12 and write poems and I try to show what I feel. Thanks 4 inspiering me111
Just one word. Beautiful.
i relly liked your powem i was really nice
I liked this poem cuz I know how it feels to lose a friend. she was my BEST FRIEND! but, the poem described exactly how I felt when i lost her. it's good, keep up the good work! Destiny Shannnea
Oh my gosh . There was this girl who died yesterday and i helped her out because she was mental and all i didn't really no her but i could feel the pain by her friends and family. So i am writing a poem to read aloud at her funeral tomorrow and i was looking on here to see what poems there were so yeah greeatt poem i wish i would have wrote it . - jj
that poem i just read as awesome. at the moment in class i am writting a poem about death and i read yours and now i have got the idea of how to write a poem about death. thanks
this poems remind me of a friend i lost in a car accident i didnt really knoe him but i will never forget how strog he was untill that very last breath.
this poem is so sweet. i thought about my aunt and granny
This poem is really good it reminds me of my cousin and grandpa who are dead now.
This is a lovely poem, I lost my two friends a couple of years ago, they took there own lifes and i miss them so much, I could never find anything that brings a tear to my eyes but this one does,R. I. P. STACIE & KEVIN love you's miss you's
This poem touched me a LOT. my Aunt died a couple years ago because of cancer and since then its been hard I always think of her. She was one of the greatest person's I know. and I MISS her a lot!I would give anything to have her back!SO ur not the only one out there I know how it feels. and I bet u would give anything to get that person back to.
I think this poem was very touching to me. It was like so real to me.
this was a real peice of work
Hi, I just want to say, you are a great poet! I love this poem :) Really I do. I write a lot of poetry and songs, and by reading this poem makes me want to write more :) In the poem, what happened to the person in real life? It's quite a sad poem. Very Good though! :) Cya! Lisamarie
I really did like this poem it remined me of one of my friends that died. It makes me what to sit down and cry!
I cried when I read this. It reminds me of my boyfriend that passed aways 3 months ago and it just reminds me of all his friends and what they tell me and stuff about how he made a difference in there life. Great poem!
hey i really likeed ur poem i cryed my bestfriend died in a car crash at the age 21 this year in septmrber and he was so nice so dont give up keep writening poem u have great skills byb
it touched me very deeply
a kid in my school died from cancer too. And although he was not my best friend he was still one of the greatset people i have ever meet.
Very good poem! I lost one of my friends last fall, he was my neighbour. that's why this poem really touched me. I would love to make a melody to it if that's okay with the author, penny. ehmm. If there's any spelling misstakes it's because I'm swedish, hehe.
I really liked this poem it really touched me, my cousin died about five months ago and this reminded me of her and kinda how i feel about it all.
Wow, this poem is like my thoughts exactly. A few months ago someone I knew but wasn't close to committed suicide and I looked up to them--so wow! This poem definetly gets my vote as the best!
this poem is just the best a girl that attended the same school as i do. had just past away on friday night along with her boyfriend. this poem brought a little closure to me even though we never reall y talked except in french class when we di d class work together
When i read this poem "GOOBEY" written by penny. It really touch my heart &my soul.
it was good 4 realz.
very very good
This poem is amazing I got chills when reading it.
i really like this poem i think u did a good job on wrighting this
I really, really love this poem. Two years ago, this girl that I used to sit with at lunch died in a car wreck. I didn't really know her that well, but this poem reminds me of her so much. I love it. Keep writing awesome poems.
This is such a beautiful poem.
This poem touched me very deep, I lost one of my best friends a couple months ago and it makes me realize how precious life is because it can be gone right before your eyes. R. I. P. Amber I will always love and miss you
dear author, I am very touched by your poem. And i want u to know that ur poem will help a lot of youngsters to cope with the loss of a close friend or relative. I have a forum and I would like to put up your poem in my forum.
this is an anwesom poem cus my best friend that ive known forever has cancer
hey, i really think this poem is brilliant, its so touching- i to am a poet i wouldnt class myself as a well known or brilliant poet but i like yto write when im at my most emoptionsl stages in life, this poem is truly heart touching and i hope that others wilol read and appreciate your work as much as i did! thanks luv hay x
hey i am 14 and my friend and her lil sis were killed in a car accident in august (2005) and i was looking for a poem to put in a message for a website made especially for them 2 beautiful girls and i came across this poem which really touched my heart and i used it so other people could read the message and poem added to it. this is the greatest poem i have ever come across in my lifetime
This poem really touched me. Last week, on Monday, a friend of mine, Mike passed away after a 3 year long battle with a brain tumor. He was 19 years old. He always had a positive attiute about everything, even when he was sick. He never let you feel sorry for him. And he taught us the way we should live life & to never take anything for granted. life is too short. And just yesterday, it marked the 2nd anniversery of my best friends death. He had battled leukemia for 7 months before he passed. Just telling you that you are doing a good job with the poems & keep up the good work! RIP Mike & Joey, I love you.
My best friends little cousin just passed away 10 months ago and everytime she thinks about him this is how she feels im sure if she read this poem she would cry but she would also take thought into what the words meant this is a beautiful poem!
i love ur poem it is insparational and you are a great poet. wishes
It was really touching! i can relate!
I love this poem, it made me cry. It was easy to read, but still beautiful. Wonderful job!
my friend died recently
i really do like this poem, just a couple of months ago, we had a very depressing week. there was a car crash, and 3 of the girls were sisters, and one of the girls was a friend. i knew 3 of the girls very well and 3 of the girls didn't make it. one of the sisters lived. so it was a very hard time for us.
i have recently lost my dad and i am only 14 and read this and it touched me and i pray for all the people in this world who have lost loved ones! godbless
awesome poem.
That was a very touching poem ,it remined me of my daughter that past away, I really liked it keep up the good work.
this was a really good poem. it reminded me of a guy i knew that was a couple of years older than me that i went to school with. we didnt talk like friends do, but every once in a while we would say something to eachother. this poem describes our friendship in so many ways. after he died in a car accident, i was so sad but didnt know why and this poem describes it. keep writing.
What you have written is so true. All I can say is it's amazing
This one really got to me. I lost one of my best friends to cancer when she was only 18. I can relate. Poetry helped me through her death as well.
This Poem Truly Touched Me My Friend Thomas "Ross" Key III died april 15,2004 and he was 14 so i really touched me
this is a very good poem . one off the best i`ve read.
Hi this was a terrific poem i loved it
I thought this was really touching. This week our teacher asked us to do any poem 10 line or above. I picked this because it was amazing!
I really really loved this poem. it really touched me . My friend Emily her cousin died and she was a friend almost like the poem.
I liked, it made me want to cry in a good way, it made me think of the people i've lost and made me remember them! it was great
awesome poem. very good. i loved it
it's good
omg. tht was a really touching poem. i wish i could write that good. im just now "getting into" poetry. and i really understand it better. lol. i enjoyed it very much.
it bought a tear to my eye good god i wish i could write like you xxxx
THis peom touched me knowing that me aunty and uncle passed awaywid cancer and it touched me knowing that i have also gained strength and am much stronger , not afraid of death. LuVZ SoRaYa
Good-bye made me remember to great people that I went to school with and they both died at the age of 17. One of heart Failer and the other in an accident on her birthday just minutes after school. This poem has really inspired me and I just want to say "HEY PENNY KEEP ON DO'N YOU'RE THING". you know what I mean.
you got great writing skills keep it up it brought tears to my eyes cause my best friend is on the verge of dieing and just what could happen is what ur feeling lov ya and thanx for your touching words lov ya lots
this poem was very,very,very good and you dont come across a poem like that everyday
this poem is amazing i remembered my dear friend who left,us his death shocked me n im thinking right now ne of us can die in any sec so know the value of a person b4 he leaves this world coz tomorrow can b too late
this is real touchig to me because it happened to me a boy died last year only to be around 13&14 but i only got to talk to him once and when i heard he died because of cancer it tore me apart i still cry when i think of him i made a poster for all the teens that went to sign then i gave it to his parents to keep at times i wish he was still hear he ha such a innocent smile that ill never forget
This was wonderful. It really touched me. I am 16 and last year my best friend Samantha died from diabetes. She was born May 31st 1989 and died May 1st 2004. She was greatly missed and everyone at school was so sad. We even got a memorial plaque to put in the butterfly garden at our high school. Thanks again! RIP SAMANTHA 1989-2004 WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU
This poem was cool. It reminded me of many friends I have lost in the past.
its sad but it really did touch me. it really sounds to be coming from bottom of your heart.
On April 17, 2004 a longtime friend of mine had lost her 3 year battle with cancer. She touches so many lives, and is the most courages girl I have ever met. I really liked how you put your feelings in to words.
kelly b
i love this poem because i can really relate to it. the same thing happened to me.
Carrie Ann
Yeah. umm a guy a cuple of grades ahed of me died of cancer. and he had a great personality, and then he just died. Then a kid in my grade died of either a virus overseas or hes appendix exploded . which is pretty upsetting. i mean i didnt know him either that well but once i gave hima teddy graham. ewll i know how u feel, thats all
i love this poem it really touched me cuz my firend didi and he was only 16 and now each day he is being missed R. I. P "TUFF" THE GOOD DIE YOUNG !
this peom reminded me off ma grandma, she was 99 years old and she died by falling down the stair case. we wheren't that close but i still have love for her. and this peom really touched me.
2 years ago a friend of mine died in a car accident. this really touched me and i appreciate you for sharing this. thank you
My grandmother died in March and i think that this is a very touching and emotional poem. I think is a very good website to go to, there's so many wonderful poems.
i am so glad that you wrote this poem, it fits exactly how im feeling today. i am a slide attendant at splashin safari and last night a fellow lifeguard died in a motorcyle accident. we weren't really friends, but i did work with him, and it was a really rough day for everyone. i think i was meant by god to see this poem, because everything in it explains exactly how i feel. thank you so much, you have touched my life. may god bless you
That was an awsome poem it had meaning and it kept my attion keep up the great work!
your poem was very emotioly sasitifying. it shows me as well as other people in the world that everone dose matter and everyone has a purpose no matter how low of a person u think they are.
When someone dies it dosent seem fair but God knows what he's doing up there! i know how it feels to lose someone that is so young and it srinks and makes your outlook on life so diffrent!
A friend of mine died a year ago from cancer, this poem was really touching. Amazing Poem!
i like the poem and when i read it it reminded me about my homeboy and wat happened to him. this is one of the most beatiful poem i ever read in my life. to be honest you should become a poet one of these days.
I just Loved it ! you touched my soul ! This is one Of the best poems ever
it was great!
I really like this poem because I loss a friend just like 5 months ago she died she very bad way and I know how it feels to loss someone Lvu: Jess
i love it its really good
I really liked this poem. I just recently lost a friend a couple of weeks ago and he is really missed by a lot of us. It said a lot of what I felt. it also said a whole lot of what everyone fells when they lose a friend!
i like this poem alot. it touched me.
a gairl in my year at school died this week, at the age of 17! this poem has touched me very much! And sums the relationship i had with her up , as we were not close friends
This is an amazing poem! It almost brought tears to my eyes. Two guys at my school died a couple years ago and thi poem expressed exactly how i feel and felt. Amazing!
I no how u feel. well just like to say amazing peom really touched me.
I really like this poem just because I felt the same way when my friend died. To the author KEEP ON WRITING!
THIs was a googd poem
I like yo poem and you used some very powerful word in it to express you thoughts and feeling. I gotta give you mad props cause its a very touching poem.
this poem is great! i look forward to seeing more of your work develop! good job and your headed in the right direction
i loved it penny i too had a freind die from aids it was really hard to speak but i did and i was gald luv ya tons !
dis was a good poem
This is a very touching poem. I like it. It caught my heart and drew out my tears.
I like your poems because I Had a friend that was taking from this world and it was a beautful poem
The poem not only reminded me my dear friends death but of how sweet life is and how we must cherish every moment of it weather the time is rough or smooth
ur poem is one that sadly relates to so many people. it is a great expression of your feelings. luv ya
your right you should never take life for granited because God promised no tommorow.
Awesome poem! Very touching! I too have lost a friend who was entirely too young to die, I can TOTALLY relate to this. Sorry to hear about your loss, stay strong, Great job!
This poem riminded me of my uncle that passed away, and that I could of known him better and i feel bad because I didn't get to know him as much as i could.
yes this poem has touched me dearly i am 15 and about 3 years ago my cousin died on a 4 wheeler wreck and almost everybody in haralson county knew him his name was kane we all miss him
Hey the poem was really good
This was a very touching poem. I lost a few friends during my senior year, one very close and another that was just an aquantance.
This reminds me of a boy who passed away last week after being hit by a car, he had jsut started his first year in high school. This reminds all of us of him!
This really touched me because a good friend of mine, Alisha Lee just died in an ATV accident 5 days ago and my friends and I are really devestated. we miss her a lot. She always had a smile on her face and she always was there for me. she didn't deserve to die. RIP Alisha Oct. 7, 1988-July 18, 2003
This poem really expresses how i feel. A girl I go to school with just died a few days ago, in an atv accident. I still can't believe she's gone. Anyway i just wanted to say thank you, thank you for putting what i feel into words, because I never could do that and have it make any sense.
hi i think ur poem is great a girl in my school committed sucide i knew her and would call her a friend and i read this poem and wrote it out and put it in a book that was going to her parents i hope they feel a little better after reading it knowing that she is safe with god now thanks miss you loads carrie rip love ya xxxx
I loved your poem so much.
i loved your poem it was really touching b-cuz yesterday my morning my friend died at one point we were close but then we stopped talkin for a while so i never got to say good bye! i really respect youre work and keep it up i will stay posted thnx very much! xox
i loved your poem and i can realy relate to it. i lost my cousin in a car crash a few weeks back and this poem helped me alot. thankyou
liked it
this is a really good poem im going through the same thing cause a friend of mine just died. keep up the good work.
Touching. It gave me chills. Keep on writing with your heart!
I don't even have to say anything. u know that this is a extraordinary poem!
this poem reminded me of a little girl i used to babysit. she was only 7 and died tradically. she was hit by a car march 4th 2003. i love her and miss her so much.
this poem truly touched my heart bcuz i lost one of my friends :-(
your poem touched my heart so much that you made a tear roll down my face it was really good keep up the awesome work love ya!
This poem is beautiful and very touching and meaningful.
WOW this poem is amazing. This poem really touched me. Here at my hight school we have lost 3 students in the past year. Each of their lives were taking away so suddenly and their lives were cut short. So to all of you people out there enjoy these times with your friends b/c you never know when God decides to take them back up to heaven with him. RIP shawn, tony & kate we miss and love you guys VERY MUCH
Beautiful peom. It's the same way I feel about loved ones that have passed away, but lacked the ability to verbalize it.
i love this pome when i read it i started to cry becuase i had a friend die not to long ago and it's been really hard for me and my friends to move on and seems almost impossable to but this poem tells the truth and just want to thank you for writing this poem
It brought many a tear to my eye. I feel youor pain. I have lost many friends and relatives as well and I know where you come from. Love your poem.
your poem opened my eyes. A friend of my brothers just died in the spring of 2002 and he was 15 yrs. old he died because of some friends messing around with cars in a parking lot and we all suff4er from that. What i felt with Jon is exactly how your poem explained it. Thanks
Really moving poem, I had cancer and luckly didn't die but it really does make you feel horible i love your peom
wow, this poem hits close to home. I think it is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with the world!
This poem i can really relate to! I like to read things that relate to myself I really can understand and feel the feelings that are meant to come out of it. It is very good I really enjoyed it
hi how r ya ??? i live your poem it touches my heart in so many differnet ways ! excellent keep up the good work !:)
Hi, I really like this poem. It made me think of my 9 year old adopted brother that had cancer and died last year on Nov. 4th. He was a very special, inspirational, and bright-hearted person.
I loved the poem. It made me remember how I felt when someone at my school died.
That poem was great. i lost my friend not to long ago he killed himself and i miss him so much thanx for writing this poem your really good at it. keep it up good job
An extremely moving poem that really sums up peoples feelings after a loved one has passed
I loved your poem. I'm doing a project for school and we're suppose to find a project that relates to us. I lost a friend in November. While he was out driving he got hit by a drunk driver and died a few days later. I didn't know him as well as others, but I knew him well enough to know what a great person he was. Your poem was perfect. Thank You.
omg. this poem has touched me so much. it reminded me of my best friend josh. rip. who died on august 19, 2000 at 5 35. he commited suicide while i was in his house.
I found this poem to relate to what i feel about a friend who died a couple of months ago.. i knew him but then again i didn't. I really like this poem.
I loved your poem. It is very true. Keep doing the good work. bye
i love this poem so much. one of my friends died dec 15th 2001 he got electricuted by climbing an eletrical tower and i miss him so much.. i wish you luck
I'm a song producer in the upper states and i saw this song and just had to contact you. I need to know if I can use this song in a concert I'm preforming.
I loved that poem there has been a lot of death in our little town 3 little kids at 3 different times it was hard and I love the poem!
i love this poem i am a 14 year old that lost her cousin from bulimia and i sent this poem to my aunt and it touched her as much as me
When i read this poem my eyes filled with tears becaus i have hunted and searched for a poem that describes a friend that died! Thispoem fits him like a glove!
Amazing work, I feel the work you put into this, im only 15 and you did a tremendous job !
I can not beleive how much this poem relates to me and everyone at Tj who's suffering through the same thing. My friend died a few months ago. he was young too, he was 12. I am 13. The kid killed himself. the author must have been reading all of our minds when she wrote this!
I think this peom is the most heart renching peom on the site!Did you make it up your self?I think it is truly brillent if you did!I thankyou for bringing such a lovly poem to me on such a series matter!
I think this poem is very nice. when you have lost a very good friend you search about the grund and when you donĀ“t find it
Penny, A very touching poem I love it. Keep writing poems like that
I really like the poem. I can relate to it because my friend died from cancer april of 2001. I was lookinf for a poem to put in my book to remind me of her for years to come, now I found it. Thanks alot my goal is accomplished keep up the great work
Its very touching, close to my heart and very true in everyone's life.
I actually had tears when i read that. A friend of mine who i grew apart from committed suicidein yr 10, and that shook me up a lot. Although i no longer knew him, i once did. And maybe not so directly related, this poem brought something out. Thank you
very sweet poem i loved it---it flowed together very nicely, great work
I loved this one. Really touching.
I really liked this poem and reminds me of this boy who died this year from my school. This was a very nice and caring poem.
i really liked your poem because i have had 2 deaths to my dogs just this year and our oldest one we have had all my life and i'm 12 (we had him for 15 years).Our other one we have had for 3 years.About 2 years ago my aunt was pregnent with her 1 baby and she is 46 years old i think and she can't have children and the baby died before it was born.Her pets are her children.This poem really relates to my life in many was.
A perfect peom is descrining how I feel. I just lost one of my friends in a car accident. He was only 19 and like the poem descirbes he was too young to die. He was amazing and I truly believe that he was sent from God.I would like permission to dedicate this peom to him, so I can put on his grave tomorrow
This is a very sad poem. I lost alot of my family because of cancer!
it is a sweet and caring poem
That is so beautiful! my friend that had passed away was 17!! i cryed when i was reading that poem!!! its just so lovley! your a great poem writter!
This poem is great.. it touched me because a girl at my school who i was pretty close to died and this poem sums it up... i miss her and i hope she is "teachin the angels to play"
my bestfriend was killed not to long ago and this poem made me think of her, how she was to young to go
Awesome poem. . . sad . . but true!
This poem was very touching. I can relate to this situation as well. A boy that graduated a year ago just recently died from lukemia. Although I didn't know him, some of my friends were very close to him. It was very hard, and really does make you realize how important life is and how you shouldn't take it for granted.
I think that the poem that you have written says so much about life its great and its helped me
Your poem was beyond words! It was very well written. Two students from our school died of a horrendous car accident. I wasn't close to either of them, but we used to hang out. I'd like to say that your poem was inspiring and rather comforting. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to read it.
I love poems that have Christianity in it so please get some, please. Amen!
Very beautiful poem.I have lost many a friend and know how it feels.I could'nt have said it better myself..great poem Penny!
i love this poem love it
i simpley loved the peom. i've also felt that pain and to know i'm not the only one, makes me feel better! thanx! keep up the good work!!!!
I really enjoyed your poem. My school lost a freshman last year to cancer, and we all took it hard. Thank you, it really made me realize that I had to cope with my feelings.
That was the best poem I ahve ever read on this site! I ahve came to this site so many times, yet never voted but this poem is the best and desirves a vote!!
its beautiful!
I it a good poem and i have wrote some just like about losing people like when i lost my cousin.
This poem is very well written and it describes the way I feel for my friend that passed away in the summer of 1999.
I love it very much
I just found out today that a fellow student was raped and killed last night. I've been crying all day. I just can't imagine how it would be if that was one of my friends had died in her situation. I am using your poem to attach to the flowers I got to put at the flag pole. (where everyone is leaving personal notes, flowers, and balloons) I spent the day in the library with councilors b/c for some reason, it hit me REALLY hard. Its scary to think that it could have been ME in that situation. This poem has taken the words in my heart, and put them into something that makes more sense
This one is exactly how I feel about a guy named marcial. it made me think and almost cry! this poem is great
I love this poem because this poem relates to me in relation to my father's death. It has so much meaning to that when I read it tears came down. The poem is beautiful.
I think you're poem is very lovely This must come from a wonderful person
It is a very good peom for a young child that died from cancer.
I really like the poem. very nice
My father died last year and so I can relate to what she is saying. Really - a good poem- I enjoyed reading it
I love it, I can relate to it in so many ways.
That is a really great poem! I have a friend that died a couple of years ago. We wern't the greatest friends, but I miss him lots. He had a really great soul, and I miss that! This poem remindes me of him! Good poem!
I could really relate to this poem b/c a student at my school died in Octber of 99'(right after homecoming week at school) and although I didn't really know her I couldn't help but think about it everyday and I still do to this day. The poem was wonderful! Keep up the goog work!
This poem tells parents and teens about what other teens are going through. Penny, you have good talent. This poem expresses what teens feel and think. Especially what I feel and think. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! ;)
I found this poem very touching to the soul.
this has been the best poem i ever read b/c i had a friend died also and i didn't know him that good like as in this poem says.....
hi!ur poem reminds me of my friend who commit suicide and hes only 17. and idedicate this poem 2 him.
this poem almaost made me cry because one of acquantances died the day after my b-day and this is how i feel
this was a very very good poem! i really do like it. my friend died when she was only 16 yrs old she has a leukemia and i think it was not fair co'z she's too young, and we have lots of plans for her. she experienced a lot of pains in treatment. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK PENNY!
this is a really good reminded me of a girl that was in my class in 7th grade. She drounded and I really felt bad afterwards becuase she did not have to many friends becuase she was not right. I did talk to her but now I wish I would have talkd to her more.

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